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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.



Oh. Wow. Two legendary skills, and two epics as well.

Wait, it is just two right?

I focus on the ellipses.

Yep. Two epics.

Although I can’t help but feel a tad disappointed about the lack of any mythical skill…

“I’ll eat my tail if you ever got a mythical skill,” Tar says with a scoff, making me glance at him. “There are only about ten or so people in all of existence who have them. And those are the strongest humans and demons, such as the Demon Lords and the Demon King, and the five Knights of the human world.”

My mouth drops open in shock.

They’re that rare?!

Holy shit!

The five Knights… the five most powerful Guardians on Earth. Each named after a color corresponding to their magic. Black, White, Red, Blue, and Purple.

Actually, have you ever met one of the Knights?

“Yes, as a matter of fact,” Tar says, looking slightly smug for some reason. Which has me raising an eyebrow. “I met Blue a very long time ago.”

Blue? The Aqua Knight? Wasn’t that guy known for using some sort of shapeshifting magic that could turn him into a giant kraken from ancient Earth’s mythology?

I think the guy was also kind of messed up in the head compared to the other Knights.

Anyways, I kind of want to get a mythical skill now for no other reason than to make Tar eat his tail.

I give a firm nod of my head at that thought before focusing on the skills store again.

Ignoring the suspicious frown the tanuki is sending my way, I sit up on my bed and ask out loud, “Any suggestions for skills? I’m thinking that I should spend the SP to get Blood Regeneration and then save the rest to get Predator V.”

The tanuki continues staring at me for a few seconds before sighing and answering, “Sounds like a good plan. The thing you need the most right now is a better healing power, and a legendary healing skill – especially a natural regeneration one – would probably be the best fit for you.”

Thought so. But what does Achievement-Locked mean?

“You can treat those as inherent skills that you have to purchase first,” Tar says, finally taking his gaze away from me as he lands in my lap and curls up. “They are basically just inherent skills locked to a certain species that you have to have certain achievements to purchase and have as an inherent skill. So after you buy it, it’ll be just like any other inherent skill in that you can’t level it with SP.”

Oh. Interesting.

Wait, does that mean I’ll have to get hurt to level this skill?

“You get hurt more often than I’d like, so I doubt that’ll be a problem,” Tar says offhandedly, making me glare at him.

Not like that’s my fault… actually, never mind. Some of it might be.

Tar snorts at my thoughts.

Aaaanyyyways, I quickly purchase the Blood Regeneration skill. And as soon as I do, I feel a warm sensation passing through my body just like when I got predator. Which does confirm my thoughts on how it only happens when you get a passive skill.

Now I just need another ten Skill Points before I can afford Predator V.

Which also makes me wonder just what the requirements for getting Predator VI might be.

“Probably killing a being over two hundred and fifty levels above you,” Tar answers offhandedly, making me do a double take towards him. “Wouldn’t be surprised if there were other requirements too. So I doubt anyone will ever get that skill.”

I stare at the tanuki for several seconds.

That’s… a bit much.

Actually, something I was wondering. How does the System really determine the assistance of someone in a battle in regard to EXP and achievements?

Tar opens his eyes and glances at me before closing them again as he says, “That’s unknown. All we know is that the System just somehow knows and assigns EXP and achievements to those actually deserving of them. Meaning someone can’t just have someone else power leveling them through everything. Because the System is gonna penalize them rather heavily and won’t give them any achievements.”

Interesting. Guess the System really is fair in everything it does.

By the way, any idea who changed me?

Because the idea of someone else changing my clothes… just makes me feel uncomfortable.

“It was that woman you were terrified of,” Tar answers without opening his eyes.

Ugh. Although I guess if someone had to do it then I’d rather it be her.

The nightgown makes sense now too, considering how badly she’s tried over time to get me to dress more feminine. Which is ironic considering that she doesn’t exactly dress very feminine either.

I don’t think I’ve ever even seen her wear a skirt or a dress before. That’s more Belle’s line of fashion. And she isn’t much better about this than her mother. In fact, she’s worse since she sees me more often.

It’s rather annoying.

Also, I can’t help but shiver at the thought of Belle seeing my ears. Because I’m ninety percent certain that she is going to try touching them.

I get out of bed, letting the tanuki fall off my lap in the process before stretching a little and going over to get ready for the day. Then I can check out the cafeteria.

Because I’m hungry.


For those of you who can't view the image:

Skill Name:

Achievement requirements:



SP price:

Predator V

Unlocked through killing a demon at a higher level than you by at least one hundred levels and through killing a being at a higher Class than you.

Predator IV is required to purchase this.

It grants the user a 30% boost in stats when fighting a creature at a higher level than themselves.





Blood Regeneration

Unlocked through very nearly dying via the use of a skill that burns your own blood, through killing a being at least one hundred levels above you, by killing a being at a higher class than you, by being a blood lycan, and by having blood magic.

The second most powerful regeneration skill of the species known by many as the Alphas of Pride. This skill increases the natural regeneration of the user, both in terms of life energy and mana.





Blood Shadow

Unlocked through killing a demon wraith while below level twenty-five, through killing a demon at least fifty levels above you, and by having blood magic.

This skill can be used to create a clone made out of shadows and blood. It uses the user’s own blood and their shadow in the process of the skill’s use, and when the clone is destroyed, the user loses the blood and takes mental damage as backlash.




Blood Poisoning

Unlocked through killing a demon at least fifty levels above you, through killing a being at least one Class above you, through killing various demons whose levels far surpass your own with indirect means, and by having blood magic.

The user may corrupt a very small portion of their blood before separating it from their body and using it to infect other living beings.






TFTC! I'm actually glad that she didn't get a mythical skill since it's gonna be much cooler when she does get one ( or three ). Also, blood shadow is great as well because I bet it'll help get her a mental resistance skill which is always necessary 👍


Praise the lord and savoir wolfshine! Also glad she didn’t get a mythical, if I had to guess predator 6 is a mythical skill, possibly her first, tho maybe second, kinda hoping she gets a unique mythical skill somehow. Also, didn’t escape me that the five with mythical skills are named after colors…and well, despite red being taken, scarlet is technically a color as well…


So, anyone taking bets on how long until Scarlet gets a Mythic skill? I mean, they’re supposed to be incredibly rare so obviously she’s gonna get one soon.


Also, since White is probably her mother, that makes me even more curious how one of the top 5 most powerful humans ended up hooking up with a blood lycan.


Probably around lvl 60-75 if she's already getting legendary at this point, Tar better get ready to regen his tail


So i just started to support the patron after reading chapter 23 on RR and want to pick upp the story from ch24 and onwards, but i cant find it when i scroll down... can anny1 help me out?


https://www.patreon.com/posts/66746444 Go to this link. It's my table of contents. You can find links to all of the chapters there. My table of contents is also pinned to the top of my Patreon, so it should've been the first thing you saw.


Ty! 😁

Douglas Hoeflin

TFTC you know if there is another level for the predator skill or atheist for the last version of it it wold be neat if it was called apex predator or some other variant besides predator with a Roman numeral after it