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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.



{Level 152 Demon Wraith defeated. A massive EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature 100 levels or more above you. An EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in the kill}

{Fifty Skill Points are awarded for killing a demon one hundred or more levels above you. You continue to stretch beyond the bounds of what is known as possible. What is normal. And what is safe. Past mere risk and into the grounds of insanity. Will you continue to come back alive? Or will you fly too close to the sun and return as ashes?}

{Twenty-five Skill Points are awarded for killing a being of a higher Class than yourself.}

{Twenty-five Skill Points are awarded for killing a Demon Wraith while under level twenty-five.}

{Five Skill Points are awarded for killing your first Demon Wraith.}

{One Skill Point is awarded for killing a demon.}

[Skill ‘Blood Siphon’ has leveled up to level 5.]

[Skill ‘Life Drain’ has leveled up to level 5.]

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 24. Two Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 35. Two Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{You have earned the inherent skill, ‘Partial Shift’.}

My jaw drops open at the sheer volume of levels and SP that I got from this one fight. Not to mention the new inherent skill.

The System is very clearly warning me about risking my life, but how can it really do that when it’s giving out such a nice reward at the exact same time? It’s just hypocritical. Like someone slapping someone on the wrist for something then handing them a stack of cash with their other hand.

“Are you complaining?” Tar asks, tilting his head.

“Hell no,” I answer immediately before opening my status and slowly distributing my free points. First starting slowly with five points to my mental stat to bring it back up a bit.

My head begins to ache, but nowhere near as badly as my nerves hurt last time. Which I’m guessing is a combination of the fact that I put it in mental, and that I’m putting in less points this time.

Then after the pain fades away completely, I put in another five points to mental, leaving me with 14 points left.

The pain returns, making me go over to the bed and lie down again.

I repeat this process from the safety of my very comfortable bed over the course of the next several minutes, putting in four points to physical, four to magical, and the remaining six in mental. Then I focus on my status, looking at the massive difference between now and earlier.

Holy shit… that’s… a lot.

Wait a second.

I glance down at my fist before clenching and unclenching it. Then I turn to Tar who is currently floating around my room as I ask, “Why don’t I need to adjust much to the new strength I have from the System?”

“Because the System isn’t changing your body per se, it’s changing how your body is. What it is to reality. Meaning in your head, as long as you balance out your stats, nothing out of the ordinary has happened to your body,” he answers while stopping in the middle of my room.

Huh. That’s… okay, this reality altering stuff really is quite confusing. But I guess it doesn’t really matter in the end. As long as I’m growing stronger.

Well, anyways, I focus on the descriptions of Blood Siphon, Life drain, Partial Shift, and Blood Sacrifice, and the System tells me their descriptions back to back.

{Blood Siphon - Allows the user to drain the blood of nearby creatures and use it for various purposes, including transfusing the user’s or others blood or using the blood for the user’s skills to supplicate 50% of the required blood the user would have to personally use.}

{Life Drain - Allows the user to drain the life energy of nearby creatures into themselves and others, healing them in the process. Costs mana to use.}

{Partial Shift – Allows the user to shift a single hand or foot into that of a beast for a significant and one time price of mana each shift.}

{Blood Sacrifice - A sacrificial skill that allows the user to burn their own blood in order to get a temporary boost in their physical capabilities. The more blood burned, the stronger the boost will be.}

My grin just continues growing wider and wider with each description I read. Especially the new partial shift skill.

Looks like blood siphon can supplicate enemies blood into any of my skills now, hopefully including blood sacrifice. Life drain can use the life energy to heal others instead of only myself. If I remember the skill correctly from when I first looked at it, blood sacrifice – at level 5 – is able to burn more and more of my blood at a faster pace for a better boost. Like I was doing in the fight against the wraith.

And partial shift.

“That new inherent skill is your first blood lycan specific skill you’ve gotten,” Tar explains, making my grin widen even further. “But you shouldn’t worry. There are plenty of shapeshifting skills out there, so no one should be able to easily link it to a blood lycan. Unless you find a blood lycan or a noble demon, in which case you already have bigger problems to deal with.”

Yeah. A blood lycan should be able to tell what I am without much trouble, and a noble demon will be able to kill me with a flick of its finger.

Much bigger problems than it recognizing one of my skills.

Anyways, time to go check out the skills store. Since I’m sure it has some very nice skills for me to obtain.


For those of you who can't view the image:

Name: Scarlet Asger

Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood

Age: 19

Level: 35

SP: 110


Physical: 87

Mental: 86

Magical: 86

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 0

Mana: 3698/3698

Free Points/Level: 2

Active Skills:

Blood Claws

Skill Level: 5


Blood Siphon

Skill Level: 5


Life Drain

Skill Level: 5


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 5


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 5


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 5



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static


Passive Skills:

Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 5


Predator IV

Skill Level: Static




Yes! Thanks for the chap!


Tyvm foe the chappy still want more cause I'm a greedy bitch but hey I'm content <3


We thinking mythical skill?


At the minimum she’s getting the legendary version of the predator skill. Plus hopefully a new skill or two. Maybe a healing skill?


I'm hoping for a mythical stealth skill bc it was a wraith or a one v one move since the legendary she has is for group killing.


PRAISE! but alas, the cliff remains!

Joseph (T3mmie)

I feel like the chapters are a bit short, they feel a little like half chapters. I am enjoying the story but it feels like there could be mlre substance to the chapters in my opinion. Keep up the good work


Sorry, but this is how my chapters are and have been for nearly a year. I finish my chapters at a spot that feels right to me. If I tried extending it further it would just be weird.


Hey TFTC! Small not from myself I think the Mana Stat is wrong, shouldn't it be at 3698 insted of 1682.


Sorry to nag again, but in the second Status at the end of the chapter it still is wrong


why do I feel like partial shift is basically Bloodborne's viceral?


Your character does this animation where they pierce their hand into the enemy's chest and pull back seeming to grip something.


Uh, partial shifting is partial shifting. She turns her arm in to the arm of a werewolf.