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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.



I give a throaty growl in the form of a chuckle as I walk in the form of my avatar down the hall of the fourteenth floor, straight into my core room where I find Dawn floating around my core.

That City Lord is always fun to mess with nowadays. Especially since he started entering the dungeon a lot more frequently, apparently having finally gotten the time to do so.

The city’s also gotten larger, but I don’t spend much time above ground. Not even with my avatar, to be honest.

I glance behind me at the entrance before continuing my way towards the core, stopping right in front of it to sit down and open my status.


Name: Fenrir

Race: Dungeon Core

Element: Void

EXP Level: 16

EXP: 13/170

Cultivation Level: 14

Cultivation to next Level: 0%

Mana: 400/400

Secondary Tabs: Dungeon Status, Skills List, Talents List, Achievements List, Starter Environments, Avatar


Not bad. Not bad at all.

Just need one more cultivation level and I’ll be able to pick another environment. Although with my having an avatar, they aren’t really that necessary. Not when I can just go outside of my dungeon and check out the nearby environments.

They do make nice little cheat shortcuts though.

“Are you going to start working on the boss floor now?” Dawn asks, breaking me out of my thoughts as I turn my head to find her floating around my core. But after a few seconds of this, she moves over and plops herself down on my head, making me roll my eyes at her. “Because you should probably wait till nighttime to move Fang.”

“I know,” I tell her before closing my eyes and focusing solely on my consciousness in my core. My consciousnesses then switch, leaving the minor one in the avatar’s body to act as a watchdog of sorts and my main consciousness in the core itself. “Just gonna start working on the floor itself and its design now. Then I’ll move him tonight.”

I’m pretty sure Fang already has the levels necessary to move up. So that won’t be a problem.

What is a problem though…

“Do you still not have a design for the floor decided on?” Dawn asks as she continues just sitting on my avatar’s head.

“No…” I grumble, annoyed at my lack of ideas for the fifteenth floor.

The fourteenth floor wasn’t that difficult to design, and neither was the thirteenth floor. But a boss floor. Those are important. Those need special care.

But what care?

I turn my gaze to the inactive portal I have sitting behind my core before giving a mental sigh and turning my attention to the place the portal connects to, which is the very border of what the System considers my fourteenth floor. Then I begin to expand out my territory to make the start of the fifteenth floor, only to just stop and blankly stare at the floor for who knows how long after getting it a few meters in.

Let’s see… I did the random mystery floor for the fourteenth floor, got the worm catacombs thing for the thirteenth, a maze of riddles and quizzes for the twelfth, and a gauntlet of arenas for the eleventh floor. The actual environments are incredibly annoying to set up inside of the void thanks to the lack of any other element outside of the void element, so fancy environments are a major pain to make. I guess I could do something with the swamp environment that I never really used much, but it doesn’t really feel that right to use.

And since this is a boss floor, I feel as if it should have a strong presence of the void in it. So making it a swamp would take away from that.

I stare at the empty floor for who knows how long, only breaking out of my pondering when I hear Dawn ask, “Why don’t you try using those new things you just made for the floor?”

My attention turns to her for a second before I look at my lab, which still has one of those ‘things’ inside.

It was honestly something I created on a whim without any real planning towards it. Just a sort of enchanted crystal that emits a fog made straight out of void energy. One that makes it difficult for things to use other types of magic thanks to the devouring aspect of the void eating up any free mana it can find.


Why didn’t I think of that before now?

I quickly get to work building dozens more of them, which doesn’t actually take that long considering how easy it is to do. Just gotta enchant a crystal to take in and dissipate void energy from and into the atmosphere around it. Simple as that.

The idea itself came on a whim with no rhyme nor reason for it. Just saw mist one day outside of the dungeon and thought, ‘why not?’ so I decided to do it. Then the mist ended up getting the mana devouring effect, making it actually quite useful as a trap. Not that I’ve used it as one yet.

After spending nearly an hour just mass producing the things – using up nearly seventy-five mana in the process – I teleport them all down to the new fifteenth floor and begin working on designing the floor itself.

I can place these periodically throughout the floor in hidden spots, some of which the intruders can press a button or a lever or something to seal them off. It’ll make this floor completely covered in an eerie black mist. One that also inhibits the use of magic, causing a lot of issues for the magic users on the floor.

First I set up a nice entryway room, using all the decorating techniques I’ve learned from the intruders up above ground to make it look quite cool. Or at least what they would think to be cool. And Dawn too, considering the reaction she’s giving to seeing it as she’s watching me.

Which is amusing.

But focusing on the floor, I place about five of the crystals in the entry room, making the black mist spread throughout the room itself, making it difficult for a mortal to see.

And immediately after doing so, I realize that this’ll be a perfect floor for my monsters that can cloak themselves.

Now the ideas are flowing.


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