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                                          Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 22

“Look, Hephaestus, I understand that you all are having issues with this, but it’s not really my problem to solve, now is it?” I tell him while putting a hand on my hip and raising an eyebrow. “Of course, I will deal with him once I’m strong enough if he actually threatens me or Liathtria, but if not? Then leave him be.”

Now, the EXP would be a nice benefit from killing something that powerful. But to be strong enough to fight something that strong in the first place, I’d have to be beyond the bounds of the System myself.

“What if I were to tell you that your family and the other two royal families have been draining him of blood for centuries now, weakening him throughout all of this time?” Hephaestus says, making a shiver run down my spine at the implication that he clearly lays out in his next words. “And what do you think someone would do if someone else was draining them of blood for that long?”

I stare at him for several silent seconds, ignoring the noise coming from down below before I slowly close my eyes and let out a pent up breath of air.


They’d probably want to take revenge.

I open my eyes again to see him staring at me without any amusement on his face. Which is a little surprising considering the situation, but I guess it says something about his character.

“You said Fafnir was being weakened? How strong is he now?” I ask, allowing just the smallest amount of hope to shine through in my voice. But the man shuts that down rather quickly as he answers, “Somewhere between Tier 10 and 11.”

Well, shit.

“Considering that you’re expecting me to fight Fafnir, I’m guessing it won’t be sealed away forever?” I state with a frown and a growing headache. Which is weird, since I don’t think I’ve had any illnesses since the System started, amongst other things.

The Guardian nods his head and answers, “We don’t know how long it’ll last, but the System is losing its grip on all of the monsters. All we know is that Fafnir will be the last monster to break free.”

Okay, so we should at least have some time. Since, if I remember correctly, there are millions, even billions of monsters sealed away by the System. And it’s only letting out a few thousand or so at a time with each dungeon, and only when someone enters the dungeons in question. Otherwise it would still stay stable for a little while longer.

Of course, there’s also the matter of the random monsters released across the world. But those aren’t in as big a number at once. Plus they make for good EXP.

“I believe I’ve done my job now,” he states, drawing my attention back to him again after my attention was focused elsewhere, in my own thoughts. He then stretches his hand out and grabs mine, surprising me before kissing the back of my hand and looking up as he says, “It was a pleasure, Wrath. May we meet again soon.”

After my initial surprise, I nod back and reflexively answer from my political training growing up, “Likewise.”

Then he opens up a fiery portal next to us and steps through, leaving me to slowly float back down to the ground again.

As I fall, slightly surprised that whatever skill or power he’s using to make me levitate is still working despite him being gone, I ponder over everything he’d just told me.

The fact alone that I’m supposedly the only being able to deal with Fafnir is a little… annoying. But whatever. That shouldn’t be a problem for a while.

Also, I should go back to the Dark Forest at some point and fight with those Tier 3s back there for the World Tree’s Ichor. Which I guess is really just Fafnir’s blood?

It’ll definitely be a boon in regards to getting stronger. And while I could probably go to the dangerous spot in Aulta that likely has its own World Tree Ichor, I think I’ll stick with the place I am familiar with. Especially considering that I can’t drain undead of their stats with my fangs.

It just leaves the matter of helping my brothers and dad deal with the invaders on Liathtria. Which is supposedly going well, if the king here is to be believed.

Although I’m not really sure why the invaders believed they could deal with use while restricted by the System. Did they not know about the World Tree Sap? Or did they just disregard it?

Then again, they can probably-

My thoughts are interrupted as I feel my feet touching the ground, crunching the snow under my boots. I look around for a second after that to find a lot of people staring at me, including the king, his sons, and the ‘visitor’ leaders, along with quite the number of soldiers and hunters on both sides.

“Don’t mind me,” I tell them with a wave of my hand before walking up to the king again. “Continue speaking.”

The king simply turns his attention back to the leader of the ‘visitors’ – which is what I might as well start calling them, just to not hurt our relationship – seemingly ignoring my presence with ease. His sons take a few more seconds of gawking though before they turn their attention back.

It takes me narrowing my eyes at the visitor leader’s subordinates to make them turn their gaze away, though. Which is unfortunate but doesn’t really matter in the end.

I also get the feeling they’re afraid of me. Probably for good reason, ironic as it is considering that their true, unrestricted levels are quite a bit higher than my own.

A sudden thought flashes through my mind.

Hephaestus mentioned that monsters were made from Sin energy… does that mean I might be able to make my own monsters in the future? Ones made purely from Wrath energy?

Because that would be cool.


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Hell yeah I missed this story


“Because that would be cool.” *That’s* what you got out of that discussion? Heh, never change Cassandra, never change.