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Diane and I talk for a little while with Sapphire hiding behind me the entire time so as to avoid her attention until we eventually decide that I’ve been out of the dungeon for long enough and we say our goodbyes.

The first thing I do after reentering the dungeon is to go directly to the Expanded System Store totem that is at the center of my living room. Or rather, the black totem that seems to be emitting void energy right next to it.

The Void Store, as The Reaper called it.

Not only do I want to see what’s in it, but I’m also a little curious as to whether or not I got any ‘FP’ from the previous floors on the Administrator Dungeon. Since that would be a bit of a waste if I didn’t.

I was a little bit nervous about the idea of using FP considering what SP apparently did, but since I’m not connected to the System, and I know that for a fact since the other Competitors have been shown to have the black scythe marks on their chests while I don’t have it, I should be fine even if FP did have the same effect.

Sapphire seems to ignore the totems surprisingly, simply walking over to the couch and lying down on it face first with a groan and a sigh somehow mixed into one.

Yeah, Diane really has taken a liking to her, hasn’t she?

Every time we visit, she’s always trying to hug Sapphire or pat her on the head. And Sapphire for some reason refuses to say anything in defiance of her despite her feelings of dislike for Diane being rather clear through our bond.

Not really sure why that is though.

I tried mentioning to Diane that Sapphire doesn’t like it once, but Diane simply asked Sapphire if she liked it or not and Sapphire didn’t respond.

So there’s not much I can do there. Especially considering that Diane is technically my adoptive mother now.

Putting her actions aside for the moment, I reach out and touch the black totem, making a pitch black notification appear.

Oh. That’s the same type of lettering that that alpha protocol thing used…

Wait. The Alpha Protocol! I forgot entirely about that thing!!

What was it? And why did it target the Ruler?

I think I remember reading about how the Ruler broke into the 200th floor and then was immediately taken away by a void creature, but what was that alpha protocol? Was it some sort of automatic defense set up for the dungeon?

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the appearance of another notification that appears floating next to the totem itself. Or rather, something that initially looks like a notification but isn’t actually one?

“What the…” I can’t help but mutter while looking at it.

I stare wide-eyed at the fancy looking Store menu before reading through each of the options for purchase. And every last one of them sounds really nice to have. Especially that Stamina Draw Knowledge Crystal. In fact, I’ll probably be getting that once I save up enough for it. Because stamina is probably my biggest drawback in combat.

Even if I have plenty of stamina potions, there is a limit to how many one can take before suffering potion sickness.

“Sapphire, come take a look at this,” I call out with a glance towards the girl. She lets out a groan before getting up and walking over, only for her eyes to widen in surprise at the sight of the store.

I chuckle at her response, only to notice her narrowing her eyes at the last currently shown option.

Hmm. Does she not like that or something?

Or maybe…

The memory of her eating a soul bound companion comes to mind.

“I’m not spending 100 FP on a soul bound companion for you to eat,” I reject her before she can even request it, seemingly surprising her in the process. And not even a second later, I find her pouting at me.

“Not happening,” I stand firm. “Besides. We can’t even get skills anymore anyways, so what would be the point?”

This time she frowns, crosses her arms, and says, “The point is that I’m not getting skills from the System but taking them from the companion!”

I lift my eyebrows in surprise at that.

That’s… okay, it might not be a bad idea to buy one. But only if there isn’t anything else that we might need.

Not gonna tell her that though. Don’t want to get her hopes up. Or, much worse, make her constantly bother me about it.

Ignoring the look she’s sending my way, I continue searching through the Void Store for anything else that may be interesting, but nothing particularly stands out. Almost as if something had calculated which ones I’d have the most interest in and put them closest to the top.

Not that I’m complaining.

Although I don’t see any sort of knowledge on converting other elements to stamina besides void. Which sucks.

I wonder if it’s because – if the descriptions are to be believed – these rewards are either for the Dungeon or gifted by The Reaper himself? And since he’s the void progenitor, he might not know how to convert other elements?

Certainly a possibility.

Either way though, I don’t have any FP right now. Which sucks.

I reach out and tap on the close icon, making the little screen box thing go away. Then I turn to Sapphire and say, “Let’s go get some FP.”


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For those of you who can't read the images:




Void   Store

Beta   Tester:

Wolf   Adler


0   FP




Stamina   Draw Knowledge Crystal

Grants   a knowledge crystal that gives the user the knowledge on how to convert void   energy drawn from the void through the user’s marks into usable stamina.

20   FP

Floor   Map

Completely   fills out the Dungeon maps for the floors chosen by the user.

2 FP / Floor

Safe   Zone Enhancement

Enhances   the user’s Portable System Store to have a Safe Zone effect for one hour   every day. This effect will keep all monsters outside of the PSS during that   time.

30   FP

Floor   Pass

Grants the   user the ability to skip one floor.

Note: This   does not include Centurion Boss floors.

50 FP

Soul   Bound Companion

Gives   the user a randomly selected Soul-Bound Companion egg from amongst The Reaper’s   collection.

100   FP



Jalil Hayes

Sapphire wanting all the skills lol

Hayden Leech

This beta thing is a interesting choice, I mean you brought the challenge to wolfs climb, but you pretty much removed Crystal and the others from wolf story. I really enjoyed the parts of the story that weren’t directly focused on wolf, I think it added depth.

Hayden Leech

I’m pretty curious to see how you keep the story interesting through another 800 floors of basically the same premise without totally focusing on the outside the dungeon part of the story.


Who says the beta won't pull others into it? Also, there's still the conjunction as well.

Hayden Leech

O okay, I totally thought it cut out everything not in the beta dungeon