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Okay, this will come in handy.

I can’t help but smile as I stare at the description of the item Tiamat gifted me. Although the System Favor note at the bottom is slightly ominous.

Item | Chaotic Orb of Escape | Tier 9
Crushing this orb will teleport the user to a location one hundred kilometers away in a direction specified by the way the user is facing when crushing the orb.
System Favor: Beware of the warring Progenitors.

If I ever run into a similar situation as the one with the fire dragon, then this could be a life saver. But why Tiamat is gifting it to me in the first place is beyond me.

Not to mention that System Favor note. What does that even mean? What are Progenitors?

I know the term itself means the original ancestor or something like that, but the way she’s capitalizing it makes me think that they’re important. But I’ve never heard of a ‘Progenitor’ within the System.

Does she mean The Reaper?

But if that were the case, then why did she say Progenitors and not Progenitor?

I frown as the questions continue running through my head, only to eventually shake my head and give up. Deciding to just remember the warning, regardless of what it actually means.

I’ll likely figure it out in the future.

Plus I can try asking Diane about it. Maybe she’ll know.

With that thought in mind, I turn to look at Sapphire – who is already wearing her new necklace. One that looks to be made of icicles, with a beautiful gem as blue as a sapphire hanging down from the icicles.

My eyebrows rise at the sight of the pendant fading in and out of existence over and over again.

Kind of like the pendant I got, but with her being able to control it? Interesting.

Although her pendant simply lets her store any type of ice element inside and grants her a boost in the power of any ice element she controls, whereas my new pendant does who knows what.

The other two items weren’t as useful as the ones I’ve gotten in the past. Which makes sense, considering just how much these Administrators have spent on me so far in their sponsorships.

A few seconds pass in silence as Sapphire plays with her pendant before we find ourselves teleporting back into the dungeon again. Just for me to look up to see the sky once again wavering, which makes it a total of five times that’s happened now.

“Okay, I’m not imagining it,” I mutter, and surprisingly, Sapphire agrees, saying, “Yeah, I saw that one as well.”

I turn to look at her, slightly surprised that she wasn’t too focused on her pendant to notice. But she’s already focusing on the pendant again. So I return my attention to the sky.

Just what’s happening on this floor? Could it have something to do with whatever the Ruler is up to?

I frown at that thought.

If that’s the case, then just what is he trying to do? Manipulate the dungeon in some way? Change it?

Maybe even break into it?

After a few seconds, I cross out that last option. After all, I’m pretty sure The Reaper wouldn’t allow that.

I look down again, focusing on a group of monsters that I’ve come to calling belchers. Mostly because they’re like three meters tall and attack by vomiting.

Reminds me of some zombie monster from zombie survival video games, to be honest.

“Let’s head out,” I tell Sapphire and the wolves before raising my hand to send a wave of ice towards the belchers.


                                                    Several hours later

Another shattering sound echoes throughout the floor from the sky as I look up to see a shard of… something… falling from the sky before fading away halfway to the ground.

Maybe some sort of barrier protecting the dungeon floor?

Whatever it is, there doesn’t appear to be anything different behind it. Just more sky.

I frown at the sky.

This has to have something to do with the Ruler.

Out of nowhere, another shattering sound – akin to the sound of glass breaking – echoes throughout the floor. But this one is much louder than the others, and instead of only one shard falling, there’re dozens of them, all falling from different locations everywhere I look.

The wolves, Sapphire, and I all tense up at the sight of the change. Only for the shattering of the sky to slowly stop. At least, around me.

I watch it slowly stop seemingly in a wave heading towards a certain direction, with the sounds of shattering glass echoing from that direction. Then, after several more seconds pass by, a loud and yet familiar voice echoes across what must be the entire dungeon floor. One that seems to be quite proud of itself and full of fury.

“Little reaper, the time has finally arrived! Prepare for-”

Then the Ruler’s voice cuts off.

I blink in confusion before tilting my head slightly in the direction of the guy’s voice. Then I turn to Sapphire to find her looking back at me.

“Prepare for what?” I ask her, still with a confused look on my face.

She just shrugs.

As if answering my question, another strange sound resonates throughout the floor, along with the sight of thousands of the shards that had fallen from the sky suddenly reappearing and reattaching themselves to the sky. Then a strange notification made out of black flames with the borders seemingly messed up somehow appears in front of me.

Not in my interface, but actually floating in front of me. And with a rather eerie font used in its text.

Huh. Well, that’s not ominous at all.

To top things off, a loud roar echoes throughout the entire floor before cutting off just as abruptly as the Ruler’s words before. And then I somehow find myself in a completely black room that I’m pretty sure is located in the void, with my wolves unsummoned, and Sapphire seemingly locked in my shadow.



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For those of you who can't view the image:

The alpha protocol has been activated   on your current floor.

The target has been set as administrator   Wilhelm Aust.



Thanjs for the image text at the end becues the red on gray with very small leterts was near imposible to read.