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                                                      Executive Stream

A grim silence fills the room belonging to Diane as she and the other Executives on Wolf’s side all watch him move on to the next sponsorship item, which is a necklace for Sapphire. The first item given to Wolf’s soul-bound companion since she first hatched.

“I kind of forgot soul-bound companions could use items,” Alastaraic mutters in the silence, breaking it and immediately turning everyone’s attention towards him as they begin ignoring the screen. But their attention doesn’t stick to him long before they turn it to the frowning devourer in their midst.

“So he’s finally getting involved…” Talroth mutters with his eyes closed.

Each of the other Administrators within the room share glances amongst each other before a certain fairy breaks into the System again and enters the room through a portal, drawing their eyes to her. She then focuses solely on the screen, looking directly at Wolf’s chest, where the pendant is resting in an ethereal form.

Talroth turns to look at her, the corner of his lips twitching slightly at the sight of her before asking, “So is it true?”

Titania glances at the void creature with a faint look of disgust as she answers, “Yes. That’s from the Progenitor of Ice.”

A round of whispering fills the room from the Moderators subordinate to the Administrators, but they silence rather quickly at a single glance from the Radiance Progenitor. Then Arianais quickly asks the question on everyone’s mind, “What’s a progenitor?”

The ruler of the fae realm turns to look at the harbinger before answering, “Beings who are born along with their element, at the dawn of time.”

This information sends a wave of shock throughout every person in the room, with the exception of Talroth who was already in the know thanks to The Reaper. Then the room bursts with questions back to back by the various occupants.

“If there’re are really beings as old as that in existence, then why haven’t we ever heard of them before?” “How much control over their element do they have?” “How strong are they?” “Does this have anything to do with the harbingers?”

Titania raises an eyebrow at Arianais, who was the one who brought up the question about harbingers, before she answers his, “Yes, shark-kin harbinger of water. A harbinger is a creature blessed by a progenitor, granting them control over a variant element and adapting their body to the element of the harbinger itself.”

Some of the Moderators begin trying to ask questions again until Talroth spreads his aura through the room, shocking each of the people in it with his ability to do something aggressive in a viewing room as he shouts, “Silence!”

Everyone turns to stare at him, but the Moderators immediately turn away out of fear. Meanwhile the Administrators watch with suspicion in their eyes.

“A fae cannot lie,” he states while glaring at the fae in question, reminding everyone of that little factor that many of the Moderators, and even a couple of the Administrators had forgotten. “She also isn’t telling the whole truth, now are you, Titania?”

Titania narrows her eyes at the devourer, but he ignores it as he continues.

“Or should I call you the Progenitor of Radiance?”

The sound of a glass dropping and shattering on the ground echoes through the room, followed immediately after by silence as everyone turns to stare at Titania.

After several seconds pass, Titania simply states, “I won’t deny it.” And another round of questions bursts out of the spectating Executives. But this one doesn’t last long as Titania raises a delicate hand and slowly clenches it into a fist, making the noise in the room lower down until it reaches complete silence. Despite the fact that all of the Executives are still moving their mouths as if trying to speak.

She then stares at Talroth and says, “Tell your master, the Progenitor of the Void, that our war will begin tomorrow.” The fairy then prepares to snap her fingers, only to pause for a second and smirk slightly, showing a rare emotion on her face as she adds, “Or should I call him The Reaper, as he so loves to call himself?”

Before Talroth can lunge at her, she snaps her fingers and disappears in a flash of radiant light.

A brief moment of silence fills the room, but right when everyone is about to begin bombarding the devourer for information, a snapping sound echoes from the screen, drawing everyone’s attention to it as the screen shows Wolf holding a strange orb in the palm of his hand. One that is crackling with a purplish black lightning.

After the Executives identify the orb, they each turn back to the devourer, not willing to give up on whatever information he may be able to give them about the Progenitors.

Talroth looks back and forth between them, only to shake his head and begin to leave the Executive Stream. But right when he tries, a pitch black energy fills up the walls, floor, and ceiling of the room.


The Reaper’s voice resonates through the room, startling each and every one of the Executives inside, Talroth most of all. It doesn’t take him long to recover though, as he quickly bows his head with his eyes closed while stating, “As you wish.” He then turns to the Executives, “As that glow bug already mentioned, the Progenitors came into existence at the dawn of time, along with their elements. None of them have any ‘real’ body, as you would put it. They each have a split body. One part of it is their realm itself, and the other is their physical form.”

Another round of whispering runs through the room from the Moderators before it’s shut down immediately by the Administrators, who all want to learn more about the Progenitors.

“Does this mean that the Void realm is The Reaper’s body?” Diane asks with a frown on her face. And once the devourer nods his head in confirmation, her frown only grows deeper.

“The Progenitors may not be immortal in the sense that they can’t die, but they are certainly the closest beings in existence to that point,” Talroth continues. “They are also the oldest beings in existence, and were never given a goal or direction with their lives. So after several millennia, they decided to leave the mortal realm and live solely in their own realms, not affecting the mortals who live there beyond their blessed harbingers.”

“Why?” Leo asks while crossing his arms next to Diane. “Why did they not just try to rule over the mortal realm instead of their own realms?”

Talroth turns to look at him, “I never said they didn’t. The Progenitors did rule over the mortal realm for the first several millennia of their lives, slowly watching as mortals came into existence throughout existence. But the Progenitor Wars brought that to an end, starting with a feud-”

The void energy that had left the room returns even greater this time, cutting off the devourer mid-sentence.

“That’s enough.”

Talroth quickly bows his head again and repeats, “As you wish,” before leaving the Executive Stream without another word, startling the others with his abruptness.

After several seconds, the void energy in the room begins to fade away, leaving it in silence again.


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