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                                       Year 2849 | Month 11 | Day 24

I nod my head in satisfaction as I cross my arms looking at the lovely barrier in front of me. It is made of compressed flames, meaning that the heat from the barrier won’t leave the barrier itself. Meanwhile the barrier will avoid me whenever I get close to it, opening up in the process to allow me inside. But anyone else who tries to pass through will likely end up becoming barbeque for some random undead who happens to pass by.

Unless they’re a magician with their own barrier spell up that is.

But considering the rarity of magicians around here, I doubt that’ll happen.

With one final nod at that though, I walk straight through the barrier into the tunnel before continuing on further into it. And as I walk, I open up my terminal to show the other spell I’ve barely managed to create during the past month.

Unlike the barrier spell, this one is a much simpler one. Hence how I was able to make it in just about a week and a half ish.

This one is an offensive spell. One that spews a vast amount of flames in an inputted direction, with an inputted radius set within a certain parameter of possible radius.

Or in other words, a flamethrower spell. Which is exactly what I’ve named it.

The idea to make this spell came from my time having to blast through the wall around the poison barrier. Because it took way too long without having a constant stream spell like a flamethrower, leaving me stuck with using fire blasts and blowing myself up over and over again.

Then again, I’ve mostly gotten to the point where I don’t care much about pain anymore. Just my work on the flamethrower spell is a testament to that, not to mention the barrier. After all, I had to test if it would let me through or not. And until it started working, it didn’t.

Safe to say I’m glad my armor is fireproof, even if it doesn’t necessarily protect what’s inside of the armor from the heat of the flames. My clothes weren’t though, so I had to loot the clothes left here by the old villagers who abandoned the cavern village.

I continue walking through the tunnel until I enter the village and zero in directly on my home. Or what’s been my home for about a month now.

After I enter the building, I making my way to my meditation room, which is basically just a really large and open room where I can place my Star Diagram on the ground.

I take a deep breath, standing at the forefront of the room, before letting it out. Then I repeat the process twice more and bring out the diagram from my spatial storage, placing it in the center of the room.

My mana arcs have increased again over the last month to be about forty now. Which is still progressing at an amazing pace, considering that I can’t always be using the diagram. Not when I’m the power source for it.

But at the same time, my understanding of spells is lagging behind. After all, most of the time people don’t advance this quickly. Seeing as they don’t have a Star Diagram to use in their mana arc training.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I reached the mana arc requirements to become a Class C magician before learning a single Tier III spell, which is one of the requirements to become a Class D magician…

It’s quite sad. But the main issue is that I don’t have much to go off of for the spells, since Tier III spells focus solely on internal manipulation of the body. Things like curses, healing spells, and other things like that.

And I don’t have a reliable test subject to use them on. I don’t even have a good way to learn how to use them, seeing as the only hints I had were in the doctor’s terminal which is gone.

I frown at the thought of the terminal.

Despite everything that terminal represented, it also gave me a path forward. Which makes it awkward now, because I’m gonna have to either hope that I somehow stumble on how to make internal manipulation spells with a fire element of all things, or go out to find a magician and get the information out of them.

Putting aside the thoughts on my spells for now, I focus solely on training my mana arcs for the next hour or so, stopping only when my mana runs dry. Then I get up, placing the diagram back into my spatial storage before walking over to the dining area to go back to my research on my body.

Which generally consists of me eating and watching the miasma move through my body. Or eating and testing the physical benefits it gives me depending on how much food I eat, and what types of food I eat.

Basically just me eating.

I have learned through this that certain foods give me more miasma than others. Such as meat. Especially living meat.

Of course, I learned that through swallowing tiny fish whole.

But there have also been other experiments that I’ve done, such as testing my regeneration. And the one I’ll be doing today.

I bring out my old terminal – the one I took from the lab down further in the tunnel system – before setting it to record.

“Day twenty five, experiment number seventy three,” I state while looking at the table with several different knives on them. Most of them being ones made rather poorly out of various different materials, and by my own hand. But some of them are of good quality – those being the ones I found in the houses within the caves. “Today’s experiment will involve testing the durability of my body and searching for weaknesses towards any particular material.”

This test is purely because of the weakness that I know vampires have towards silver. So I’ve been searching for various different materials to see if I can find one that my body is weak to.

But considering that I haven’t felt any uncomfortable sensations purely from touching any of these, I doubt they’ll be a problem.

Better to know than not to know though, and it’ll also test the durability of my skin during different amounts of nourishment from the miasma made by my food.

“I will first start the test without any food consumption,” I state into the terminal before reaching out and grabbing one of the knives.


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Danielle Warvel

Please don’t turn into Doctor 2.0. Don’t go past experimenting on yourself or willing participants.

good guy
