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                                             Outside of the Planet Hall

The atmosphere outside of the hall grows ever tenser as the intelligent frozen one alternates its gaze between the large gate of the hall and the direction that it had sent the elite wraith. But after nearly an hour passes with no sign of the creature’s return, the frozen one’s eyes flare with a light blue flame that glows eerily in the darkness of the storm.

“Disappointing,” it states, its voice echoing throughout the entire center of the capital, even going so far as to enter the planet hall itself to frighten the thousands of people hiding inside. It then focuses solely on the building before raising its right arm, which soon begins to glow even brighter than it was when Alex had last seen it, pointing it directly at the gate.

“Utterly,” it continues right as a powerful blast of cold flames explode out of its hand straight in the direction of the gate, freezing every last frozen one in between it and the gate solid in an instant before freezing the gate as well. “Disappointing.”

The creature then yanks its right arm back, making the frozen gate shatter outwards, in the direction facing away from the planet hall and towards the monster itself.

“There’s no reason to wait anymore,” it states, ignoring the looks being sent towards it by the two other nearby intelligent and yet much weaker frozen ones – one being a large feline, and the other a large hawk – who had been trying and failing to smash open the gate themselves. “We march.”

Almost every single frozen one within the capital city immediately begins rushing towards the planet hall with abandon, some of them even charging over each other in the process, and others completely ignoring humans they pass by. Thanks to this, the entire city is filled with the sounds of their march, whether it be their roars, screeches, thundering steps, or even the explosions coming from those frozen ones with no desire to find alternative routes when faced with a blocked path.

Meanwhile, the leading frozen one turns to look at the other two intelligent ones and states, “Find the core first, and then we will deal with the anomaly.”

The two frozen ones nod their monstrous heads in confirmation before rushing in alongside the other monsters.

Amidst the charging creatures, the leader stands in place, unmoving as it watches. But after ten seconds pass by with no signs of movement, it eventually states in a tone much more sinister than its previous words, “The will of his lordship, Cocytus. God of Winter and of this new reality.”


                                                       Alexander North

“What the fucking hell is going on!” I can’t help but shout as I slaughter giant infected rat after giant infected rat after giant infected cockroach, only to eventually realize that they’re all ignoring me. Which leaves me slowing down in my slaughter to eventually stop and stand in place, in the middle of a large flood of frozen ones that seem to be leaving the building.

Okay. Seriously. What’s happening?

I stare at the parade of frozen ones for several seconds before shaking my head, bending down to absorb the energy of the ones I’d already killed only to realize that the passing frozen ones have already done that, and then rushing off with a sour look on my face. But not even a few steps later, I pause.

This… is actually a pretty good opportunity for me, isn’t it?

I look down at the creatures again before shrugging and going back to ripping them all to shreds. But this time I make sure to target their energy cores to absorb their energy as I kill them.

None of them are very power full. Not even in the slightest. In fact, they’re all far weaker than a regular human being, which makes sense considering that they were rats and bugs before now. All pests.

But nonetheless, they all still have energy, and they’re a lot of them. Which helps bridge the gap quite a bit.

I continue slaughtering them for nearly half a minute before they eventually run out of numbers. And by then, I don’t think there’s a single part of my body not feeling the relieving feeling of energy filling me up. One that makes me not want to feel anything else.

Unfortunately – or fortunately, considering how my thoughts are turning – the feeling begins to fade away after several more seconds, leaving me collapsed on the ground with a wide grin on my face.

It doesn’t take long for that grin to turn into a frown though, as I quickly realize just how addicting that feeling can be.

Which is not a good thing.

I shake my head at the thought before climbing to my feet and asking my terminal to show me my body’s analysis.

/ Current Analysis of user Alexander North \

Strength: 2.38
Agility: 2.81
Reflexes: 2.65
Constitution: 2.47
Immunity: ???
Senses: 2.69
Energy: 3.31/3.60

Body Malfunctions: N/A
Error: Cannot determine Immunity of user’s current species without the user getting sick to collect data.
The average of a human being without a symbiont is a 1 across all stats except for Energy.
The Energy statistic is determined with a 1 being set as the user’s original starting statistic for Energy.
\End of Analysis/

My eyes widen in shock at the massive boost from the critters.

Wow. I knew all that would give me a nice boost, but that much is just… insane.

In fact, it’s so big that I wouldn’t be surprised if people around the world might start trying to mimic my circumstances before trying to create more frost infused like myself. If for no other reason than this massive boost in strength.

At the same time though, until they can figure out how to cancel the effects of the storm, that won’t be possible. Not considering that all technology outside of a human body doesn’t actually work. And that includes the currently stocked artificial hearts.

Meaning they don’t have any to use, and they can’t perform surgery without technology even if they did.

I can’t help but narrow my eyes at the sight of my strength stat though.

It’s still falling behind the others… but then again, I guess it would be weird to expect a bunch of bugs and rats to give a lot of strength.

I close out of my analysis with a mental command before rushing off again towards the stairs of the first floor in order to search for the girl and Snow.

Let’s just hope whatever did this didn’t affect either of them.


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