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                                                                The Void

Silence fills the void as The Reaper sits atop his throne watching Wolf run away from a void creature that is currently regenerating through a screen. The screen is completely mute, so none of the sounds can be heard from the other side, and all of the void creatures directly subordinate to The Reaper have already been sent out on their own missions.

The Reaper simply watches for several minutes before a sudden explosion of ice and snow appears several meters in front of his throne. The ice and snow then turn into a blizzard that blows straight through the entire area, freezing everything for hundreds of miles except for an area three meters wide surrounding The Reaper’s throne, which is left untouched thanks to The Reaper’s own power.

“I was wondering how long it would take for you to make an appearance,” The Reaper says, his voice echoing in the void right after the area goes silent and a large, ten meter tall wolf with icy fur and pure blue eyes appears before him. “Fenrir.”

The wolf stares at The Reaper, taking in the creature’s humanoid, almost mannequin-like form who has no clothes nor any parts that would indicate one sex or the other outside of his voice, his wings made out of a pitch black energy that seem to absorb all of the light nearby, his eyes made out of that very same energy, and the many black veins running through his body.

“Void Progenitor,” Fenrir eventually says, his voice echoing throughout the entire void, sending shivers down the spines of every void animal and startling Wolf, who can still be seen on a screen in front of The Reaper. But Wolf continues running without pause, away from the void creature that is now looking off in the direction of The Reaper without paying much attention to Wolf. “You have gone too far.”

The Reaper smirks at the Ice Progenitor and says, “And what are you going to do about it? You should know that I wouldn’t kill my own descendant, so your precious blessed one is safe.”

Fenrir stares at him in silence for several seconds before creating a small slate of ice which quickly shows an image of Wolf running away from the void creature, with the creature still not chasing after him. The being then turns back to The Reaper and plainly states, “What do you want?”

The Reaper stands up from his throne and steps one step forward, down from the dais his throne is on, making the ice surrounding his throne back away slightly as if it weren’t there in the first place. His smirk then vanishes and he declares, “I officially declare a progenitor war against the Radiance Progenitor, Titania.”

His declaration doesn’t faze the Ice Progenitor, who simply continues staring at him for several seconds, only to eventually ask, “Is that all?”

“Yes, Fenrir. That is all,” The Reaper says, a hint of irritation showing up in his voice. “You know very well that the radiant fairy and I have been banished from the mortal plane. So how else was I going to bring one of you here outside of threatening one of your beloved harbingers?”

Fenrir lets out a light snarl at that but doesn’t say anything else.

“Why you bother blessing mortals in the first place is beyond me,” The Reaper says while swiping his arm and making hundreds of screens made up of void element appear around them showing hundreds of different worlds, each with a harbinger located on it. “All they do is waste their blessings.”

“You wouldn’t understand.” The massive wolf states without saying anything else before letting out a puff of cold mist escape his nose. “Play your games with the mortals all you want, Grim, but you must follow the rules set in place. Otherwise the rest of the Progenitors and I will take it upon ourselves to eliminate you for good.”

The Reaper narrows his eyes at Fenrir, giving him a dangerous look, only to swipe his hand again, closing out all of the screens and turning around to walk back to his throne as he says, “I won’t be directly interfering with the mortals any more beyond the dungeon. You have my word.”

Without even waiting for The Reaper to sit back down on his throne, the Progenitor of the ice element vanishes in a swirl of ice and snow. Then, just seconds later, The Reaper turns around while sitting back down with a faint grin.

‘But I didn’t specify which dungeon.’



“So, it was chasing us…” I mutter as I stare behind us at the empty void. “Right?”

Silence fills the void, but I sense Sapphire’s agreement with my words even if she doesn’t state it out loud. Or within my shadow.

Entire minutes pass in the silence and eventually I find myself sitting down on the floor just looking back. But nothing ever appears. Then, after the countdown in the corner of my interface reaches zero, I find us teleporting into what looks like a large ruined metropolis. One that looks like it has been through an apocalypse.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sapphire leaving my shadow and looking around in her bipedal form with a look of curiosity on her face.

“Is this a modern city? Like from your old world of Earth?” she mutters as I focus directly down the street from us.

I nod my head in agreement before answering, “A ruined one.”

Both my own and Sapphire’s focus turn to an alleyway as groaning sounds echo from it, following which several zombies begin to lumber out of it. Ones that look just like the zombies on the first floor theme, but with modern clothing instead of armor.

“Looks like this Centurion floor theme is some sort of apocalyptic city,” I mention out loud while swiping my hand to freeze the zombies solid. Then right after that, a notification appears in the center of my interface.

I raise an eyebrow at that before shrugging.

Guess the dungeon likes updating the other Competitors about the forerunners progress.

“Do you want to head out on your own?” I ask Sapphire with a glance, only to find her already sprinting off. So I chuckle and begin to walk off on my own.

I wonder just what monsters might be on this floor theme aside from the regular zombies.


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Administrator Dungeon Notification

This is a notification to every Competitor in the Administrator Dungeon.

The leading Competitor, ‘The Winter Wolf,’ has officially reached the one hundred and ninety-first floor!


Hayden Leech

Wait how is Tiamat banished from the mortal plane? She’s literally been kicking about aegis blowing up technocrats since she was introduced. … You meant Titania again didn’t you?