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                                            Year 2849 | Month 10 | Day 24

My nap ends up taking much longer than I was expecting, and by the time I wake up, I find my new terminal telling me that it’s already been an entire day since I fell asleep. But I guess it doesn’t really matter all that much how much time I waste. Not anymore.

The doctor knows that I’m gonna end up under his thumb again if he manages to catch me. But he should also know that I won’t behave if he makes things hard on my parents. And that would just cause him a lot of problems.

Not to mention that psychopaths generally aren’t all that obsessed with revenge. The doctor in particular seems to be the type of person who’d just shrug it under the rug and deal with it when it comes. Meaning he’d probably rip me to shreds a few times the next time I see him without doing anything permanent, like hurting or killing my parents.

I let out a sigh before walking over to the barrier, narrowing my eyes, and then turning to the wall next to it.

Time to start digging.


As it turns out, it doesn’t actually end up taking me very long to dig through the wall. Especially with the help of a couple of my sword, using the gem on it to coat it in flames. Thanks to that I was able to dig through the stone as if it were butter.

After leaving the tunnel behind the barrier, I proceed to walk all the way back to the underground village, killing a couple of the plant monsters that I had missed the first time in the process. And once I do reach the village, I find it just as empty as it was the first time I was here. So I head over to the biggest home in the village and begin cleaning it up.

If I’m gonna live here, I should at least make it clean. The house I’ll be living in that is. Not the others.

No reason to if I’m not living there.

It doesn’t end up taking long to clean the house despite its size, mostly because there wasn’t much dirty in the first place. So after cleaning, I move on to going back to the largest open room in the building and placing the star diagram in it.

I look around for a few seconds, then I step onto the star diagram and immediately feel it begin to drain my mana before working, only to not actually do anything thanks to my mana arcs still developing from their last split.

Good. It still works.

And it looks like its new power source is me. Which will limit how much I’ll be able to train with the device, but in the end it’s still very much worth it.

I put the device back into my spatial storage before leaving the house and heading back towards the entrance to the cave.

To set up a decent base, I’ll have to design a few new spells. Particularly some to create an entry barrier, kind of like the poison one later on in the caves. A barrier that will let only me and anyone else I give permission into the caves.

But from what I’ve read, making an updatable spell will require a higher Tier spell than what I’ve been able to do. So I’ll just leave it as only allowing myself through for now.

Overall, doing the spell as non-updatable shouldn’t be very difficult to make. Maybe a few days’ worth of time. But I doubt I’d even be able to activate an updatable version of it until I get more arcs of mana.

I look around the area at the cave entrance before going ahead and covering it up a bit better. Then I leave the cave while marking it on a map that was left on the terminal I took from the laboratory in there. An outdated map at that, considering that there isn’t a miasma forest on it.

Looks like it’s a map from before the kingdom’s fall. Which might actually answer part of my question as to how long ago those trials took place.

After marking my map, I take a brief glance around the direct area around this cave, since I doubt it’s changed too much since the map’s creation. Then I begin to make my way towards the river in search of fish.

Time to stock up a little bit on food. Because I really don’t like the idea of starving all the time like I was in the dead tree.


Unfortunately for me, as soon as I reach the river and catch a fish with my bare hands, I feel my bloodlust acting up, making me immediately dig into it with my new sharpened canines. It isn’t until I finish the fish down to the bone do I realize what I’d just done.

Did I really just eat the fish raw?

I stare at the bones in my hand for a few seconds before dropping them and lying down on the ground.

Considering that drinking a human’s blood didn’t make me feel sick, even in the time it would’ve taken before my immortality took care of the issue, I doubt eating a raw fish would do that. But it doesn’t make me feel all that better.

Even if the idea of not having to cook my food makes me feel relieved. Because I can’t cook.

Would’ve been nicer to have mint ice cream though.

Maybe one of the villages nearby might have some?

I perk up a little at that though before using that as motivation to get back up and catch more fish. Which I immediately eat again.

Okay, seriously. This is getting annoying.

After catching half a dozen fish and eating them all right away, I realize that it makes great practice at controlling my blood lust. So I continue fishing. And continue. And continue. And keep on fishing until I finally manage to fight my instincts completely.

It isn’t until I reach that point that I realize just how much I’ve eaten. And how I’m not feeling full in the slightest.

How much am I able to eat now?! Did something happen to my stomach? Or maybe…

I close my eyes and focus my magic senses inwards, just to find a wave of death mana inside of my stomach. But before I can even think about it, I see the death mana feeding a tiny amount of miasma into my muscles and organs.

“The heck?” I mutter while opening my eyes and looking at my stomach.


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