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Due to my schedule for this semester, there will be no Thursday chapters during the entire semester. Unless my classes on Thursday are just canceled or something else comes up. This is because I have over 6 hours worth of pure lecture on Thursdays, not even including the coursework I have on top of that.

That aside, The Rise of the Winter Wolf may be going back to daily chapters, or almost daily chapters again soon. So look forward to that, assuming nothing happens that stops that.


A few hours later

I let out a light grunt as I fall down, through the scorching air and past the flames before punching straight through the eyeball of the mini boss of the 179th floor. An enormous T-Rex with magma literally flowing out of what look like volcano peaks on its shoulders and back.

My fist continues through its body till I reach its brain and come to a stop once my fist hits its skull. And the creature dies quickly enough that it doesn’t even manage to let out a sound before I feel it falling to the ground.

I can’t help but grimace at the terrible smell entering my nose as I pull my fist back and repeatedly punch its skull in an attempt to smash through. Which I eventually manage to do, letting me escape back out of its body to find Sapphire smirking at me while standing in her spider form on its back.

For a single moment, I consider grabbing her and throwing her inside of its corpse to make her smell it, but the corpse in question vanishes just a moment later.

Then a large chest appears where its corpse was.

“Should we even bother, dad?” Sapphire says while rolling her eyes at the chest, obviously not expecting anything useful from it. And I can’t say I blame her, considering the garbage we’ve been getting recently.

It is a fire themed floor after all.

Despite our doubts, I walk over to the chest anyways and touch it. And surprisingly it actually gives me a crafting material that’ll apparently increase the fire resistance of whatever it’s used in.

I glance at Sapphire with a brow raised, but she just pointedly looks away from me. So I let out a chuckle and begin walking over to the exit.

Once I reach it, I glance at Sapphire, who gives me a nod before we both reach out and touch the door.

And the first thing we hear is the sound of a loud roar. One that I can hear echoing off of the nearby volcanos before the light of our teleportation even fades away.

After the light does fade away, I look up to find an enormous dragon flying through the sky making a beeline straight towards us.

_-| Fraugr – Fire Dragon – Level 2000 |-_

“Sapphire, get in my shadow,” I state without a hint of hesitation. And she immediately does so before I elemental shift into snow made out of voided eternal ice. I then split off into four different directions, shooting off into the distance as quickly as I can.


                                                        Arcadian Live

The audience within the many stadiums let out loud cheers of excitement as they watch Wolf immediately fly away from the ten-meter-long dragon in four different directions. But they begin to grow quieter when they see the dragon focusing on the location he appeared at and opening its mouth, with a large fireball appearing between its jaws.

“This might not end well,” Mikaela mutters with a hint of trepidation in his voice. “Fire dragons are born with the ability to directly create and manipulate the fire element.”

A crimson glow begins to shine from the dragon’s black scales as it stops in place. The crimson glow then turns into a burning flame that streaks straight towards the fireball growing in between its jaws. Meanwhile all of the fire element currently in the sky rush over to the fireball, joining it as well before the dragon pulls its head back and launches it forwards again, sending the fireball flying towards where Wolf was at when he first appeared on the floor.

The audience goes silent as the fireball slams into the ground and explodes outwards, sending a strong wave of flame in every direction around it. Panicked shouts then rise from several thousand corners of the stadiums at the sight of the wave of flame enveloping three of the four patches of snow, melting it completely. However, since the screen has been expanding outward as the four patches of snow spread further and further away from each other, none of the viewers manage to find the fourth patch of snow. And eventually the wave of flames lose their strength and exhaust themselves.

Absolute silence fills the viewing room as everyone wonders if the young reaper was killed. But eventually, murmurs of relief fill the audience when they realize that the screen hasn’t gone black. Then the screen focuses on the side of one of the volcanos, where Wolf can be seen hiding in a small crevasse with a red barrier falling apart around him.

After a second, Wolf takes out a cloak from his inventory and puts it on. And as soon as he does, the screen begins to zoom out, showing the dragon again along with the location Wolf is at.

“A cloak of shadows,” Mikaela explains for the audience watching, “it’s an item that obscures the wearer’s presence, making them more difficult to detect. It’s quite a useful piece of equipment for hiding.”

The dragon looks around with a hint of confusion for several seconds before flying down and landing on the ground.

After looking around for nearly three entire minutes, the dragon simply perches on some rocks and lets out a loud roar, opening its mouth unnaturally wide in the process and flaring the spikes running across its spine and neck. It then shoots up into the sky while still roaring until it flies away, leaving its roars to echo faintly off of the volcanoes.

Meanwhile Wolf can be seen with his eyes closed in the crevasse while slowly breathing and following the dragon with his gaze despite his eyes being closed.

“Looks like The Winter Wolf is watching the dragon leave with his life sense,” Mikaela comments with a faint smile.

The stadiums grow silent with the only sounds being that of the dragon’s fading roars and the whispered conversations of thousands of people in the viewing rooms. But the silence explodes into cheers once Wolf opens his eyes again and sighs.

“It really was terrible luck to run into the floor boss the moment he steps onto the floor,” Mikaela says with a frown as he watches Wolf continue sitting in place, not showing any indications of moving. “But I guess that’s par for the course with our little reaper.”


PS: The dragon is the boss of the floor if you couldn't tell by the dialogue. Stupid Patreon doesn't allow colored text :/

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Hayden Leech

Good picture. That’s a MEAN fucking dragon