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Hello all! First thing's first, I have decided to merge books 1 and 2 of The Calling of Wrath, purely because as it turns out, book 1 ended up shorter than I'd expected it was. So I'm merging the two. This won't change anything for you all though, outside of the fact that I'll be changing the chapter titles to be B1 for these chapters instead of B2 when the book releases on Amazon. Right now I don't care enough about the specifics of what chapter is in what book though. Not till it's on Amazon.

Second thing, I know you've seen the image in this chapter before. But this is where that image is from. So I put it in again. I hope you enjoy!


                                                              Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 18

I climb back to my feet before raising both of my front legs and stomping them on the ground, causing the ground to tremor beneath my feet while also sending a current of Wrath lightning through my own blood that’s flooding the ground, turning all of the remaining golems to ash and giving me a bit more EXP to work with. Not enough for much though, so I turn my attention to the frost lord who is just slowly floating through the air towards me with a condescending look on his face.

Mission Acquired!
Title: Eliminate or Drive Off the Guardian!
You have come across a Guardian of the plane of Niflheim!
Kill or drive off the Guardian!
Reward for killing the Guardian:
250000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]
Reward for driving off the Guardian:
150000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]

My eyes narrow on the rewards.

Guess that’s to be expected.

“Enough. You’re only purpose in life is to defeat Fafnir,” the man says, his eyes flashing slightly in the process as he raises one of his hands towards me rather lethargically and sends a bolt of pure blue ice straight at me. But I block it with a bolt of Wrath lightning, further surprising the man.

He narrows his eyes before raising his hand to the sky and muttering, “Spears of Ice.”

Dozens of icicles suddenly appear in the air far above us, making my eyes widen. I don’t stay stunned for long and swing my tail coated in Wrath lightning straight up at them right as they begin to fall straight at me.

My tail and the icicles collide, and my Wrath lightning manages to turn most of them into red ash. But some of them pierce straight into my scales, albeit not very far.

I let out a low growl at the pain before focusing my attention on the frost lord again, who seems to be watching me with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Damned bastard.

Suddenly, Wrath lightning begins to coat my entire body for some reason, and I feel my speed and strength increasing a little. This surprises me and wipes some of my anger away, which also seems to take away some of the speed and strength that I was just feeling.


Did that… what?

Wait. Embodiment of Wrath.

Are you kidding me?

A splitting grin – or what counts as one on a giant lizard at least – crosses my face, seemingly confusing the frost lord. But I ignore it as I begin to whip my tail back and forth while sending the extra Wrath lightning I had just generated to the tip of it in a ball somehow. I then start moving it in circles after it’s all gathered there.

The frost lord narrows his eyes and suddenly rushes over to me with his fist drawn. I grimace as his fist smashes straight into my chest, but I don’t stop spinning my tail despite that. Instead I feel a wave of anger rush through me. An anger that I’ve been holding back for years and completely smothering. Ever since the day mom died.

A cold rage. A cold Wrath.

My entire body suddenly begins sparkling with Wrath lightning, shocking the frost lord’s hand in the process and forcing him to back away in surprise before looking at his hand, which has had parts of his knuckles disintegrated into red ash. He then looks up at me with wide eyes as the Wrath lightning on my body continues to grow until I direct it all straight at my tail and then turn my body with my new enhanced speed to slam my tail straight into him while he’s still stunned.

He is knocked down to the ground but still manages to keep his feet with his hands holding my tail and my Wrath lightning racing across his body, turning parts of his armor and even his skin and clothing to red ash.

I stare at him without a single emotion in my eyes though. Just a cold, hollow look as I activate Call of Wrath, making a massive surge of Wrath energy rush straight to my mouth. It then coalesces into a large, rippling sphere before I silently send it flying straight at the frost lord, only raising my tail a split second prior to the impact. Leaving me only a mere moment to see the shocked fright shown on the frost lord’s face.

Then the ball – which is still in a spherical form unlike with my last use of this skill – slams into the frost lord and I find my body immediately shifting back to human form, along with a tremendous wave of pain along with it.

But I completely ignore the pain to continue staring at the explosion of black and red energy originating where the frost lord is standing. I just watch it without a single hint of emotion on my face.

“This won’t be the last time you see us, young Sin,” I hear a sinister voice suddenly echo throughout the area before the energy in the explosion suddenly pauses for a split second before continuing. Then I find a note appearing in my vision congratulating me on completing the mission.

On driving off the frost lord. Not for killing him.

I let the System roll for my Tier 4 item without showing any emotion on my face. Merely staring at the note before reading the description of the new item.

[Random Item Draw]
Now selecting a random Tier 4 item. Please wait.
o O o
Congratulations! You have obtained the item ‘Mask of the Frost Realm’
This mask will conceal the user’s identity from anyone Tier 3 or below while worn and it will be temporarily stored in your System Item Storage for a period of 72 hours!


This thought enters my mind as I take the mask out of my inventory. The thing is made out of some sort of dark gray or silver metal and doesn’t cover up much. But I put it on anyways, replacing the other mask I was wearing beforehand.

I then look up at the battlefield around me. Then I fall face first into the ground as everything goes dark.


Now you all should have a hint towards why Cass was chosen to be the Embodiment of Wrath by the Heart of Wrath :)

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