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There will now be one chapter every other day for The Eternal Winter.


                                                                               The other side of the city

A dark silence fills the storage room as several soldiers lie in wait. Of the soldiers, two of them are standing nearly a meter away from the entrances constantly keeping watch on the walls, floor, and ceiling of the room. Meanwhile the rest of them all lie sleeping on the ground.

Neither of the two soldiers say anything for several minutes, merely keeping their swords drawn and at the ready. Not until a shard suddenly burst through the wall straight towards one of the sleeping soldiers and the captain sprints towards it before knocking it away with his sword, leaving a dent in both the shard and the sword in the process. The shard then proceeds to leave the room through the floor.

The captain glances at Michelle, who was the one sleeping next to him before walking back to where he was standing guard. But once he gets there, Cynthia – who is the other soldier standing guard – asks from the other side of the room, “Do you think the shards are becoming less frequent, sir?”

Andrew glances at her and nods as he answers, “Affirmative. Ever since the strange sun came out, I’ve noticed less and less shards.”

Cynthia purses her lips underneath her helmet at his answer before glancing at the door when the sound of a loud screeching noise echoes from far away. She then turns to look at the other sleeping soldiers and thinks, ‘Is the storm just running out of shards? Or did that sun somehow use them for something?”

Silence once again falls on the storage room with no answers coming for her. Eventually half an hour passes, and she and the captain swap out with Michael and Michelle for watch duty.

Time continues to pass, and the silence remains unbroken until Michelle is sure that the captain is asleep and says to her brother, “How do you think Alex is doing?”

Michael grimaces at that in his helmet before shaking his head and answering, “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

Michelle stares at her brother for a few seconds, only to nod her head and turn around with a muttered, “Right.”

Before she can get lost in her head though, a shard suddenly bursts out of the wall, and she rushes over, just barely redirecting it with her sword when it was about to hit Victoria. She then looks at her brother again to find him pausing mid step over to her and beginning to walk back to his place near the door.

Michelle lets out a sigh and walks back to her post as well.

And the silence continues.


                                                                                         Alexander North

I smile as I walk down the hallway of the company building I’m in. At some point I found out that it was actually a company belonging to CyberTech Industries, which is the foremost producer of cybernetic technology in the universe.

Of course, this is just a random branch office for the company. Nothing more.

It doesn’t hurt to take a look around though. Especially since my goal was kind of flubbed after running into that absolute monstrosity of an intelligent frozen one at the planet hall. And since I have no idea where the others are right now – seeing as we were planning on meeting back up at the planet hall – I don’t really have any goal anymore.

Only thing I can think of is to kill as many frozen ones as I can to grow strong enough to deal with that intelligent frozen one. Preferably before the others make it here, as I’d rather they not end up dying or getting captured by it.

Out of nowhere, a shard suddenly digs through the wall, into the hallway, and then into the other wall of the hallway. But I reach for and grab it before it can exit the hallway, absorbing the energy in the process with a satisfied grin.

I can’t help but look in the direction it was headed though. By the looks of it, it’s not the direction of planet hall. Which means there’s someone in that direction.

My lips purse in thought for a few seconds before I shrug, pull my arm back, and punch the wall sending it crashing down.

Good thing the metal in the walls here has been turned brittle from the ice. Otherwise I doubt I’d be able to destroy them even with my enhanced strength.

Although the fact that strength is still my lowest stat really doesn’t help.

I really should try finding some draugr to raise my strength. Because having an imbalance in my stats is kind of annoying.

Thoughts of that intelligent frozen one flash through my mind as I make my way through the floor of the building, continuing along in the direction that the shard seemed to be heading. Regardless of if there are doors in some cases where I end up in a storage room.

That creature was brutally overpowered compared to everything else I’ve seen so far. Even the spider queen and large rat didn’t have energy levels as high as it. Not even the infected captain or the giant worm as a matter of fact!

And that creature didn’t look like an infected symbiont host either. So just what was it?

It was ordering around the other frozen ones by the masses, and the way it looked at me… a shiver runs down my spine just at the thought. The creature looked at me as if I were nothing but an insect, albeit a strange one. Not as an intelligent being.

After a few minutes of venting my stressful situation out on the walls between me and my location, all while also wondering just how massive this freaking building is, I finally find what I’m looking for in the form of two heat signatures. One in the shape of a wolf, and the other in the shape of a small child.

Looks like I finally found Snow again.

She’d just up and ran away at some point, with no warning beforehand. So I wasn’t sure what to think.

Wait a second.

My eyes narrow right as I’m about to punch the wall to the room they’re in.

Why does Snow have a heat signature?


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