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Nearly two weeks later, on the 149th floor

“Ready for another sponsorship floor?” I ask Sapphire with a smile, and she immediately nods her head while returning it as we both stand in the middle of a pitch black flatland, barren of anything but the corpses of the monsters nearby, the exit standing right in front of us, and my own ice.

I send one last glance through the area around us, which was the area for the mini boss – a rather annoying wraith who didn’t want to stop hiding – before reaching out and touching the exit. We then find ourselves standing in the middle of what looks like the exact same pitch black flatlands that we were already in. But I know it’s a different floor just by looking at the large, black slimes jumping up and down in the darkness a little ways ahead of us.

Once again, I thank my very good night vision for the help it’s given me during this floor. Then I use my icy flames to get rid of the slimes.

“Kind of surprised that there are slimes on a boss floor,” I mutter out loud, to which I see Sapphire nod her head in agreement to.

We begin walking through the floor as always, pausing only once when the notification about the auction beginning appears before continuing on again without even waiting for it to disappear.

Eventually though, we end up stopping as we find one of those pesky monster houses. These things – while the EXP the monsters in them give is nice – are rather annoying since every single time we end up in one I keep worrying that we’ll get a Pandora's Box. Seeing as we have no choice but to open the loot boxes that we’re given in order for the monster house to open back up again.

I spread my arms out and send a large burst of icy flames around me, making each and every one of the pitch black slimes that appear fade out of existence.

“At least the slimes are easy to… kill…” I trail off as a look of horror makes its way on my face at the sight of a Pandora’s Box appearing at the center of the pitch black room.

Sapphire and I stare at it for several seconds before Sapphire says, “Ya know, I have something I’ve gotta do. Have fun dad!” and jumps into my shadow, leaving me alone in the silence of the room.

More time passes until I eventually gather the courage to approach the box. And the instant I touch it, I use my painstakingly practiced elemental shifting skills to turn into snow and scatter throughout the room. Right before a loud roar shakes the entire room, followed by the room itself shattering and sending the snow making up my body flying away.

After flying for several seconds, I reform myself nearly half a kilometer away, just to find myself staring at some enormous creature. One I recognize rather easily from mythology back on Earth.

_-| Bob – Elemental Hydra – Level 1784 |-_

I can’t help but do a double take at the creature’s name. But I don’t have the time to question it as the creature, who stands on four legs and has nine heads, each with scales of a different color, raises its heads and breathes out a different element from each one.

Holy shit. This isn’t good.

After letting out another roar, the monster lowers its nine heads to look at me despite the distance between us. It then begins charging straight towards me, somehow damaging the ground its walking on despite me never having been able to do so. Likely due to the fact that it’s over one hundred and twenty levels above me.

“Nope,” I mutter before breaking off into a sprint in the opposite direction of the monster.

I may be overpowered for my level, but that’s not enough to kill that thing. So, no.

The creature continues chasing me for what feels like forever, never stopping and constantly roaring in its pursuit. And throughout the process, we both end up killing a massive number of monsters – mostly slimes – as we conduct our chase.

Why couldn’t I have put more work into elemental shifting!!!

I can only hold the damn shift for several seconds a day! If I could’ve just shifted for longer this wouldn’t be a problem!

Eventually I get teleported away by sponsorship, leaving me panting on the floor in exhaustion from running for who knows how long at my top speed. And it ends up taking me nearly an entire minute before I get back to my feet again and look at the notifications and the sponsorship rewards.

Which actually look rather nice, if I’m being honest.

I’m a little surprised that none of my enemies have bought any of the slots this time. But I guess that’s a good thing, so okay.

Unlike the last sponsorship, every last one of the sponsored things this time is an item. For obvious reasons, seeing as I can’t use skills anymore.

There are also quite the number of rings this time, which makes me wonder just how many rings I’ll have by the end of this dungeon run.

But there is also a pair of headphones, which looks rather cool, and a sword, which I haven’t used for who knows how long.

Going from left to right, Diane’s item is a ring, Leo’s is also a ring, Titania’s is a sword, Alastaraic’s is a ring, and Arianais’s is the set of headphones. Which makes me wonder just why Titania decided to give me a sword when I already have my claws. But who knows. She probably has her reasons.

Then again, the fae are rather questionable in their desire to help me. So I’m not too sure about that anymore.

Anyways, time to see if any of these items can help me with my current predicament.


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For those of you who can't view the image:

Sponsorship Announcement

All five of your   sponsorship slots have been purchased by the following individuals:

Administrator:   Diane Frost

Administrator: Leo   Decayend

Administrator: Titania

Administrator: Alastaraic   Heath

Administrator: Arianais


You will now be   transported to the System’s Grand Hall to be awarded your items and skills!


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