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As it turns out, the first half of their ‘meeting’ is just them being silent over their lost companion. But after that, they begin to plan a way to get around the worm. And it’s actually a pretty good plan.

The instant the timer runs out for the room, each of the intruders rushes out of the portal and immediately runs through the tunnel in both directions, heading straight for the other portals. And by the time Wormy breaks into the tunnel again, almost all of them are hiding in a different outlet for the portals, with the exception of two of them. One of whom is still running to the portal on the opposite side of the tunnel, and the other is just standing in the middle of the tunnel acting as bait.

I watch Wormy as he finally breaks into the tunnel and chases after the last one going to the portal, only to barely miss him and end up continuing through the tunnel. This messes up their plan a bit, but they simply wait it out after failing to catch the opportunity to attack its weak spot. Then, the moment Wormy enters the tunnel again to chase after their bait, the intruder waiting at the closest outlet rushes in to attack its weak point.

After repeating this process over and over again, they manage to finish off Wormy. But even with their little plan, the other Orc still manages to get injured as he is now missing an arm.

“Looks like it’s done,” I tell Dawn with a hint of pride in my voice. The floor turned out pretty well. It wasn’t too strong, nor too weak. And the void aspects make it more interesting. “Which means I can go back to cultivating now.”

Dawn just bobs up and down as the intruders begin to make their way out of the dungeon with depressed looks on their faces.

But right as I’m about to begin cultivating, I’m interrupted by the sight of a Vampire suddenly appearing in my core room, startling me in the process.

‘Please stop doing that…’ I can’t help but mutter out loud, briefly surprising the Vampire before she quickly says, “Sir Fenrir, the God of Blood would like to meet with you.”

He what?

My core flashes with a hint of both fear and surprise.

A Tier 10 being wants to meet with me? Is… is that a good thing or a bad one?

“Dawn?” I ask, shaking Dawn out of the stupor she had entered upon hearing the Vampire’s words. “What do you think?”

Dawn doesn’t take her focus off of the Vampire as she answers, “Considering how much help the God of Blood has been giving you through the Vampires, I doubt they’ll do anything to harm you. But make sure to ask them how exactly he wants you to meet him.”

Good point. It’s not like I can leave my dungeon without an avatar.

“Don’t worry about that,” the Vampire answers Dawn’s question while staring at her despite her visibility, making Dawn tense up and the light shining from my core flare. “The exalted one has already arrived.”


As if waiting for the Vampire’s words, a massive pressure suddenly envelops everything. Both inside of my dungeon and, from what I can sense, even outside of it as well. Then a massive whirlpool of blood appears at the center of my core room before coalescing into a single man. The man has pitch black eyes with extremely small circles of red that has the appearance of blood in the center of them, with a vaguely elven body, and pitch black claws at the tips of his fingers. He has two sharp canines, along with two bat-like wings sticking out of his back, through the black metal and leather armor he has on.

The feeling I get from the man is one of absolute suppression. As if I were just a small insect looking at something capable of destroying a continent. And that feeling terrifies me.

To make matters worse, small torrents of blood are slowly revolving around him, with some of the torrents suddenly moving outwards and through the walls of the dungeon. I also begin to hear a commotion from the intruders both inside of the dungeon and at the entrance, likely due to his presence.

I watch on as the Vampire – a Tier 8 being – immediately kneels on the ground as the God of Blood slowly floats downwards. But despite his powerful subordinate being there, he doesn’t so much as give him a sideways glance. Instead he simply stares at my core before faintly smiling.

He then raises his hand, causing a strange crystal in the shape of a diamond to appear above it. I can practically feel the void energy radiating out of it as he lowers it to my core and physically pushes it in, making me absolutely terrified at what he’s doing to me. But just a few seconds later, I feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. One that only grows with surprise once a notification appears in my vision.

Avatar… summoning?

I stare at the notification for several seconds before it vanishes. Then Dawn exclaims in absolute shock, “How is this possible!? This shouldn’t be possible!!!”

A few seconds pass in silence until I notice the God of Blood smirking at Dawn and I as he says, “This was the pattern core of the God of the Void, Fenrir. I believe it belongs to you, who has been recognized as his heir. Therefore I am returning it to you.”

The man stands there for a few seconds, still smirking at our shock before he eventually vanishes in another whirlwind of blood. As if he hadn’t just turned out lives around and broken the laws of the System that we thought were absolute.

Just a few seconds later, the Vampire Emperor says his goodbyes as well and leaves us alone in our silence.


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Well shit. I hate that cliff hanger. hahaha Good Chapter.