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                                                       The Thirteenth Floor of Fenrir’s Dungeon

Each of the six mercenaries share worried glances with each other before the leader mutters, “But wait… wasn’t the name of the Tier 10 void being supposed to be Fenrir? Does this mean the void doesn’t have a God Tier being anymore?”

Silence fills the dark church for several moments, only to be broken by the sound of grinding noises coming from the statue as it begins to scoot backwards on its own, revealing a staircase beneath. This snaps the party members out of their stupor and back into action.

“We can worry about this later,” the leader says while walking up to the stairs and beginning to climb down them. “For now, we need to clear this floor.”

The others quickly begin to follow him down the stairs while looking around at the small black specks of energy floating in the air around them, marking the place as within the void. But as they walk, many of the intruders can’t help but feel a shiver run down their spine at the sheer silence of the stairwell, with there being no noise at all outside of their own footsteps.

One of the intruders, on the other hand, can’t help but show a bright grin as they excitedly state, “Do you know just how much we’ll be rewarded for finally discovering what the dungeon’s element is?!” The intruder is the only Dwarf amongst the party, and he’s already rubbing his hands together in a show of his greed.

“I’d be more worried about what the significance of a void element dungeon core means for the world,” a Dark Elf amongst their party states. He has the same appearance as a regular elf but with much darker skin, raven black hair, and two black eyes. “The void element is too unknown to us. The only reason we even know about it is because of the void God opening a portal to Midgard and exposing us to it. But now there’s an entire dungeon full of void creatures, with a constantly active portal?”

Artorius raises his hand to call for silence right as a faint hissing sound begins to echo through the stairs. Then, not even five seconds later, the group finds the stairwell ending at a fancy-looking iron and obsidian door.

“Three. Two.” The leader begins before grabbing the doorknob and pulling the door open the moment he finishes. “One.”

The door opens to reveal a strange bit of black fog floating through the hall where a hissing sound originates from.

“Watch out!” an Elf woman shouts – the mage of this party going by the name of Elois Clontare – while raising her staff and using a skill to send a bolt of magma straight at the mist. But instead of getting hit, the mist suddenly moves out of the way, leaving the bolt to strike against the stone walls of the catacombs tunnel that the door revealed behind it. The mist then continues to move seemingly at random before jerking over to the party as the two tanks – one a great shield bearer and the other a shield and sword wielder – move to the front to take on the blows.

Despite their preparation though, the mist moves straight over their heads and then wraps around to go for the great shielder’s leg, leaving him to let out a cry of pain while falling to one knee. The mist then moves away before any of the party members can react and goes for the other defender’s arm, leaving two bite marks on both of the mercenaries.

The party’s healer immediately gets to work on healing the two while Artorius rushes forward right when the mist begins to streak away again, swinging his sword straight through the mist. But it doesn’t make contact with anything and just passes through, cutting off a portion of the mist and making it fade away in the process.

“Shit, whatever it is, it’s small!” he shouts to the others while stepping back and watching the mist fly around seemingly at random again at the ceiling of the tunnel. “Elois, erect a barrier!”

She nods her head while raising her staff and closing her eyes for a second, only to open them again as a flash of red light shines from the end of the staff. Two walls of magma then appear on both sides of the party, boxing them and the mist creature within and cutting off how much it can move.

And now that the creature’s movement is limited, Artorius jumps into the air and slashes at the mist again, making it jerk out of the way closer to the barrier. But this time, the tank with the sword and shield – an Orc known by the name of Zruk Hartfell – wildly swings his blade straight at it after it stops by the wall, bisecting the mist in two and making a loud screeching hiss sound out for a second before cutting off as two halves of a snake with pitch black scales and eyes fall to the ground.

“Good work,” Artorius says after landing on the ground again and sheathing his sword, only to narrow his eyes as Zruk falls to his knees with a grunt and the healer rushes over to him. “What’s wrong? Is it poison?”

The healer shakes his head and says, “Venom. Looks like it’s draining away at his mana at a rapid pace.” He then begins throwing light mana at the wound as he adds, “This type of mana is a bit tricky, but it’s also simple at the same time. It seems to just devour mana until the creature’s mana in the venom fades away. So there’s no way to actually stop it from doing its job, since even if you use healing magic on it then it’ll just begin devouring the mana in the healing magic.”

Artorius frowns at this before rubbing his trimmed beard and muttering, “Definitely an aspect of the void. How we didn’t notice this sooner was…”

“Don’t beat yourself up about it, sir,” the same Dark Elf as before says, “no one expected a void element dungeon core to even exist in the first place, much less be on Midgard.”

The party leader continues frowning for a few seconds, only to eventually nod and turn towards Elois to say, “Remove the barriers. We’ll be moving forward after Zruk’s wound is taken care of.”


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