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I am now moving the 20 most recent chapters of The Eternal Winter on my Patreon to Patron only.


                                                                                          Alexander North

“Are they stupid?” Cynthia mutters without taking her scowling gaze away from the opposing captains, catching the attention of all four captains in the process.

The four jump back, separating from each other as they and the opposing captains’ squads focus on us. Neither of the opposing captains look happy at what Cynthia had just said. And since her crest is too damaged to see, they can’t tell who she is to know that it would be a terrible idea to attack her.

But before they ask who she is, they all seem to notice me, and they’re immediately distracted.

“Terminal,” I mutter as quietly as I can so that they can’t hear me, “record the following events through my eyes and ears.”

A confirmation notice flashes across my eyes before the two captains both raise their blades in my direction before immediately rushing towards me, only for one of them – the woman – to be blocked by captain Andrew who was watching them the moment he saw me and Cynthia enter the hangar. But the other one flies straight past, towards me.

I raise my own sword to block her, letting our blades clash in mid air with a loud noise of metal on metal that seems to shock both the captain and all of his soldiers.

“You monster!” he shouts, the visor on his helmet going up to reveal his glaring face. “You and your kind are a threat to humanity as a whole, and I will not tolerate having a thing like you in the military!”

I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at that as I state rather plainly, “So if I’m hearing you correctly, you decided that your decision is more important than the Triad’s decision and your commanding officer’s decision?”

The man’s face tenses up, but I suddenly hear Andrew’s tense voice from his place where he’s still fighting the other captain, “And you also decided to abandon the ones you were supposed to protect, abandon your orders, and bring your squads with you to directly oppose those decisions?”

Just as expected, the idiot doesn’t back down and instead just grits his teeth and says, “The higher ups will understand.”

“I honestly can’t tell if you just have a grudge against Alex and are taking advantage of this to attack him, or if you really are an idiot,” Cynthia mutters from the side while drawing her sword and stepping closer to me and the man, only for several of the two captains’ squad members to begin rushing over here to block her.

“Shut up, you bitch!” the man finally explodes, putting even more strength into his sword arm and beginning to push me back a little. “I will not sit here and-” I cut him off by suddenly letting go of my sword and backing away, making him lose his balance and begin to fall forward with his excessive use of strength, sending my blade clattering to the ground in the process. While he’s falling, I sidestep out of the way and send my foot straight into the side of the man’s kneecap.

“Damnit!” he shouts as he falls to the ground. But as the trained soldier that he is, he doesn’t stay there long and immediately makes it back to his feet, albeit with a limp.

Yeah, looks like I was right. It’s a lot harder to fight a Tier 2 symbiont host than one of those frozen ones. Even the stronger frozen ones. But if the symbiont host is distracted by his own anger… then that makes things simpler.

I draw out both of my knives with a forwards grip before brandishing them in front of me and shouting at Cynthia, “Let me deal with the imbecile. You deal with anyone who tries to interrupt.”

Although that was also for whoever that other captain is. But whether she listens to me or not is another thing entirely, considering that she outranks me.

The captain in front of me whose name I still don’t know seals up the visor on his helmet again – likely due to it being too cold to have it open – before rushing over to me with his sword still in hand, leaving my own to lie on the ground beneath his feet. And this time, I redirect his sword with one of my knives, only for him to let go of the sword with one of his hands and reach out to grab my other knife hand with his own.

I grimace as he yanks on my knife hand, pulling me off balance and allowing his sword to strike me on my waist as I end up missing the sword with my free knife hand. But since he was only using one hand, the blade doesn’t manage to pierce my armor and just leaves me with some bruising that I sense healing up right away.

“Keep underestimating me and you’ll-” he begins, but I suddenly pull my head back and ram it into his own, sending him sprawling onto the ground and cutting his words off. I then raise my head, the wound on my forehead from ramming it into his own healing in an instant. And after a brief second, I move forward with my knives before slamming them both downwards into his hands, impaling them both to the ground as he lets out a shout of pain.

I stomp on his stomach now that he’s immobilized before looking up around us to see that everyone had stopped fighting to stare at us at some point.

Guess they weren’t expecting me to win.

My balance suddenly wobbles as the man lets out a shout and literally drags his hands through the knives, cutting straight through them in the process. He then raises both bleeding hands up to grab me and slam me into the ground to his side before then grabbing my own knives and stabbing them into my arms.

“Shit,” I curse, but the man’s hands begin to freeze over as my own blood covers them through the holes in his glove, making him scream loudly while backing off of me. A grin spreads on my face and I yank the knives out of my arms, letting the wounds heal as I toss one of the knives straight at his throat, ending his life.

Only for me to feel something hit me in the head right after, knocking me to the ground as a woman screams in rage. But it doesn’t knock me out and I even feel it begin healing as I turn my head to see the other captain absolutely livid and trying to brush past everyone to reach me.

The two captains on my side take advantage of this though and quickly rush in to capture her, pinning her to the ground in the process.

Meanwhile the squad members of both squads are frozen stiff.

Looks like this is over.


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These are incredible short


I write about four chapters a day spread across my stories. Cut me a break.


I'm not talking shit, just suprised by how short they are. In a few cases it looked like you could have merged a few chapters.