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                                                                        Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 13

“Is it just me,” Luis begins before grunting as he cleaves his sword straight through a Tier 2 spider after locking it in place, “or are there a lot more Tier 2s since the earthquake earlier?”

I send a bolt of Wrath lightning into another Tier 2 while Roxy answers his question.

“If what Scarlet said was true, then that was probably the first sign of a dungeon breakout. So the higher number of stronger monsters makes sense.”

So she came to the same conclusion as I did then? Not bad.

As if responding to the current topic of conversation, the tunnel walls suddenly begin to shake again rather violently, sending debris falling from the ceiling and squashing some of the few Tier 1 spiders in the area. The debris is too small to damage any of the Tier 2s here though, so we all just swat it away whereas the Tier 2 spiders completely ignore it.

“Yep,” I mutter, no longer using my aura to speak now that I’m Tier 3, “definitely a dungeon breakout.”


Dungeon Breakout Imminent

The hallucination used on the Crypt Arachnids is failing due to a long-lasting external influence and they will soon try to break out of the dungeon.

As a result, the dungeon will be closed in twenty-four hours so as to protect the System’s resources.

Additionally, your Dungeon Mission will be concluded regardless of the progress at that time.



After killing another Tier 2, I glance back towards the others and state, “We should hurry up if we want to finish the objective for the Tier 2 arachnids.”

They all nod with various faces of displeasure at the current state of the tunnel before upping their pace of attack. Some of them even begin using magic, which is a thing that I’ve never actually had. Because apparently Sin energy isn’t considered magic.

So my MP and WIS stats are useless.

Although I guess that’s not the worst thing that could’ve happened. After all, they’re two of my worst stats alongside INT.

Which in hindsight is probably why they’re so bad in the first place. Because my class doesn’t prioritize them at all.

We continue killing our way through the tunnels for several more hours until we run into the first Tier 3 since regrouping. But it’s only a single level above me, and with my Wrath skills combined with the others’ support, the creature is taken down without much trouble. After that, it just takes another hour or so before we get the System note that we’re looking for, telling us that we’ve defeated all of the Tier 2 spiders within the dungeon.

I glance at the dungeon breakout note again after closing out of the objection complete note to find the countdown now at around fifteen hours left before the breakout occurs.

“I think now would be a good time to leave the dungeon,” I tell the others, surprising them for a moment before they each seem to pull up a note – likely the Dungeon Mission note. “We won’t have the time to clear out the rest of the Tier 1s, and we probably won’t even be able to find the remaining five Tier 3s before the timer runs out.”

I don’t bother mentioning the unpleasant fact about the Tier 1 spiders in here.

Luis answers almost immediately, “But why don’t we just continue fighting until then? There are a lot more monsters in here that give a lot of EXP than outside of this place.”

His brother nods his head, seemingly in agreement. Too bad for them Roxy bursts their little EXP party by stating, “Have you already forgotten that the dungeon is out of Tier 2s now? Unless you want to keep hunting Tier 1s that give almost no EXP at all for our levels. Especially when the Tier 1s seem to be afraid of Scarlet.”

I wince at that last part along with both twins who seem to wince at the entire thing.

“And I doubt you want to be leaving the dungeon at the same time and place as the Tier 4,” I add to change the subject from that last detail, making the twins appear borderline frightened at the thought.

I can’t help but chuckle at their reactions before turning to look at Roxy and asking, “So? What’re we doing?”

It would be fine to stay for probably another six or so hours so that they can hunt down Tier 1s, but I’ve reached the point that I’m not even getting EXP anymore from them. Because apparently Tier 3s can’t get EXP from Tier 1s.

And while that makes perfect sense, it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

Roxy seems to contemplate for a short while before eventually looking directly at me and asking, “What are you planning on doing once we leave?”

I raise my eyebrows at her question, only to lower them again a second later as I answer, “I’m probably gonna be leaving the duchy.”

Luis immediately turns to me with shock on his face, meanwhile Roxy and Luke just look a little saddened by my announcement. And Jerold gives me a faint smile and a nod.

“Well, I’ve reached Tier 3 already, and the entire point of me joining up with you all was to be able to get past the border,” I explain my reasoning, mostly for Luis’s sake since the others seem to have been expecting this. “So there’s no point in my staying here any longer. Not now that I can get past the border.”

And I might even be able to take down the Tier 3 limited invader guarding it. Although if I can’t, then I’ll at least be able to make it past them without much issue.

Roxy just nods her head and says, “That’s what I thought,” before glancing at her note again and asking, “do you think there’s a way to have the mission complete only for you?”

My eyes widen slightly at that possibility.

Why didn’t I think of that?

I select the icon next to the dungeon mission note, making a red barrier appear in a spherical shape around me just like when I left the last dungeon.

Nice! Looks like I can leave without them!

Oh. Wait.

“Guess we’re cutting our goodbyes short then,” I hear Roxy state from the other side of the barrier with a frown.

I nod my head at that. However, after pursing my lips in thought for a moment, I come to a decision.

And take my mask and hood off, revealing my face and hair.

“My name is Cass if we ever meet again,” I tell them with a nod of my head and a smile before the dungeon completion note appears in my vision.

I quickly put my mask and hood back on while running my tongue over my retracted fangs, which currently look just like a regular human’s.

Good thing I at least figured that out, even if I couldn’t figure out the mist.


Dungeon Mission Complete!

Title: Clear the Pits!

You have decided to leave the dungeon during its closure. Therefore, your rewards will now be selected based off of the progress you have made in completing the mission objectives.


For completing at least 25% of Objective 1, you have been rewarded with 5,000 EXP.

For completing Objective 2, you have been rewarded with 40,000 EXP.

For completing Objective 3, you have been rewarded with 100,000 EXP and one Tier 4 [Random Item Draw].

For completing at least 50% of Objective 4, you have been rewarded with 50,000 EXP.

For completing Objective 8, you have been rewarded with 25,000 EXP.


My eyes widen in pleasant surprise at the large amounts of EXP given by this mission, only for a smile to grow on my face at the thought of another Tier 4 item like my under armor.

Let’s see what luck has in store for me today…


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Hopefully she’ll have at least a bit of time ahead of the general with that compass point towards her