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I grit my teeth as I feel the wind pressure hit me from the giant box of bolts before the strike even gets near me, letting me have just a single instant to jump out of the way before it skims my leg, literally breaking it off of my body.

A pained scream makes its way through my throat at that I hear echoed in Sapphire’s own screech. The pain practically radiates throughout my body, making me want to just stop moving, but I continue to push myself forwards – likely thanks to the help of the pain resist-

System Notification

Congratulations! Your skill Pain Resistance has reached Tier 5 – Level 1!

The skill now grants resistance to pain from mental attacks!

Yeah, that.

After a lot of screaming, and even more hoping that the monster doesn’t attack again, I manage to reach my leg that fortunately wasn’t sent very far from where I landed before reattaching it to my leg. Although for some reason, I feel the strange white energy helping with the limb’s reattachment, but I decide to deal with this energy after the battle. Since it doesn’t seem to be doing any harm, and I clearly can’t get distracted if I want to stay alive.

I mentally connect to Sapphire through our bond before ordering her, ‘Dig your spikes into the ground and use them as distractions for the golem!’

Almost immediately, I feel a sense of relief and happiness coming from my bond with her, followed by a sense of determination and hatred – with the hatred obviously being directed towards a certain golem.

Just seconds later, I hear Sapphire doing just what I asked, so I begin focusing on the blizzard and expediting it at a rapid pace. But for some reason, the more I use my eternal ice element, the more I feel the white energy trying to merge with it during creation.

Trying and failing that is.

“YOU DARE BLIND THE GREAT HIIARXLAH WITH MERE SNOW?!I hear a certain golem’s voice echoing through the blizzard, but despite his complaints, he doesn’t seem to be able to do much about it. That I know of at least. From my senses, I can tell that he’s just wandering around aimlessly on partially frozen hinges while occasionally smashing the ground where Sapphire’s spikes come out from. Which doesn’t really make a very pleasant sound, but whatever. Better than him crushing me like an insect. “YOU WILL KNOW PAIN ONCE I’M DONE WITH YOU!”

Really? You think so?

If I remember correctly, you used enough force in that punch earlier to probably turn me into a pancake if it didn’t only barely skim my leg, which would’ve been pretty painless, despite the unpleasant outcome it would’ve resulted in.

Also, speaking of that pain, I should probably buy an upgrade for the pain resistance skill in the auction at some point.

Maybe a higher Tier will let me turn my pain off entirely during moments like earlier, where it almost grew to be too much?

After finishing making sure that the snow is thick enough that nothing but me and Sapphire – and likely the nosy viewers who are watching me try not to die – can see through it, I quickly activate the Kraken’s Scales skill I got from the event boss to improve my defense before sliding my way towards the boss in an attempt to reduce the sound it makes.

Probably should’ve activated that skill earlier though. Might have saved me the pain of losing my leg.

Good thing my leg was only skimmed though, otherwise it might have turned into a paste. And I’m not sure if I’d be able to regenerate a limb from scratch. I also don’t want to test that.

It doesn’t take me long before I find myself getting closer to the boss, so I quickly begin to focus on the storm around him and compress the snow in parts of the storm into spears of ice that I send flying into him from all directions. Or at least I’m assuming it’s a him, considering his voice.

I grimace as I find the spears only barely even leaving tiny scratches on his body before shattering themselves from the force of him moving into them.

Shit. If only there were monsters nearby that I could use to level up, then he wouldn’t be able to do that.

I narrow my eyes as I get closer and closer to him; close enough that I can see him smashing another ice spike of Sapphire’s the moment it breaks out of the frozen ground.

Without hesitating any longer, I pull out half a dozen stamina potions before chugging them all to bring myself back to top form, only to barely stop myself from vomiting it all back up as I spread my arms out with a grimace and begin mass generating as much ice element as I can since Cocytus is on cooldown.

The massive amounts of eternal ice element passing through my body and leaving it leaves my body feeling odd, especially with the white energy still trying to merge with it upon creation. It isn’t until the blizzard has grown so large and thick that the Centurion Boss – judging by his slowing movements and his having stopped smashing the ground – can’t even seem to hear or feel Sapphire’s distractions anymore that I begin to feel weird.

I notice a blue light beginning to shine brighter and brighter from my eyes while at the same time, I feel the skin all over my body begin to… I’m not really sure how to describe it to be honest. It’s kind of like I can’t feel it anymore, but I can at the same time. As if my skin isn’t skin anymo-

Oh. Yeah, that would explain it.

The feeling quickly spreads throughout the rest of my body as every part of my turns into snow and joins with the blizzard, massively increasing the size of what I feel as my body. And the feeling has me wanting to vomit, only to have my mind practically flipped upside down by the realization that I physically can’t vomit right now.

Rather quickly though, I begin to calm down and think. Probably a little too quickly if I’m being honest.

I rapidly find the white energy still trying to merge with my eternal ice elem- err, I guess it’s my body now? Anyways, it’s still trying to merge with it. And oddly enough, it seems to be succeeding? Sort of?

My thoughts are suddenly cut off by an incredibly loud screech coming from the Centurion Boss that doesn’t actually hurt my ears.

Oh. Right. I’d need ears for it to hurt.

Anyways, I think my thoughts are a little scrambled right now-

The Centurion Boss suddenly turns purple and begins spraying that gross purple liquid everywhere, making me feel pain despite not having a physical form right now.

And if that weren’t enough, a notification appears on the surface of my thoughts that I just somehow know is there amidst the pain.

One that I recognize and didn’t think I’d see again for a long time.


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