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                                                                          Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 12

The spider that I’m holding by the head continues letting out rather angry shrieks as the faint red mist still leaking from my body affects it and draws out the anger it’s already likely feeling due to, well, dying.

“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter before crushing the Tier 2 monster’s head like a grape. “I don’t like that mist any more than you do.”

Despite having days of nothing to do but kill spiders and wander through tunnels while trying to figure the thing out, I still haven’t managed to get any progress on it. Which will make it a rather large problem whenever I get back to the others.

Although I guess I can just explain that my advancement gave me a skill I can’t fully control yet. Considering how little we know about this System thing, I wouldn’t be surprised if that answer worked.

I wave a hand behind me as I sense – and hear – a spider entering the range of my aura before blasting it with a bolt of red and black lightning. However, just seconds later, I find myself spinning around to look at a wall as a loud crash echoes from it and the tunnel wall begins to collapse.

“-ou think this tunnel will have…” I hear a familiar voice before seeing the dust quickly beginning to clear from around the new entry to the tunnel, revealing the twins, Jerold, and Roxy all slowing to a stop after beginning to walk into the tunnel and noticing me. “It’s Scarlet!”

Good thing I kept my mask on this entire time. Although…

I glance at my hands which are currently not covered by any gloves so that I can use my claws against the monsters. And the others quickly notice the claws as well.

“Holy shit,” Luke mutters before they all stop about four or five meters in front of me. “You have claws.”

Way to state the obvious.

‘Do you want to just tell them, or should I help you cover it up somehow?’ I hear Roxy send me a telepathic message through her Telepathy Talent, but I just subtly shake my head.

I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.

I’m Tier 3 now, so I’ll likely be leaving the Duchy soon anyways. Not to mention that I think the strongest invaders right now are limited to around Tier 3 as well, and there should only be one at that strength in this Duchy. At least there was the last time we got any information about it.

Although I won’t tell them anything. After all, who reacts well to being told by someone ‘I’m an Embodiment of Wrath’? Especially when they have never seen said someone get angry even once.

“Just some changes that happened during the start of this whole thing,” I tell them honestly. Because it really did happen when the System appeared.

Roxy looks vaguely surprised – likely because she never actually asked about the physical changes to my body, once again proving herself to be a white faction member to a fault – whereas the others don’t seem to be able to take their eyes off of my claws for long enough to respond. Except for Jerold of course, who is acting like it wasn’t just revealed that I’m not a human.

I wait for a few seconds for them to calm down, only for Roxy’s eyes to widen in shock as she mutters, “Tier 3…?”

Oh. Right. There’s that too.

The others glance at her before seemingly identifying me, making their eyes go as round as a coin.

“Holy shit!” “She’s Tier 3 already?!”

Other than the twins’ rather loud reaction, Jerold simply stares at me with his mouth gaping open in silence. Which is probably the first strong reaction I’ve seen out of him since meeting him.

“Yeah,” I answer before glancing back to find a spider approaching us, just to quickly turn around and begin running away after seeing how many of us there are and feeling my aura, “I completed my Tier Breach Mission in the dungeon.”

I turn back to look at them again, only to find them stepping forwards again to the point of almost touching the Wrath mist. Which reminds me. Why aren’t they even so much as looking at it? Can they not see it or something?

The instant they make contact with the mist, I notice their demeaners change ever so slightly. It’s like each of them tenses up a little bit and the surprised emotions shown on their faces dull just a tad.

Huh. Guess it’s not as powerful as I was expecting.

So that’s a plus.

But still. I don’t know what prolonged exposure might do to them, so…

“You should step back,” I tell them, surprising them for a moment before they do what I suggested. “I got a new skill that I can’t really control right now, so it’d be better if you stayed away until I get it under control.”

They all look confused for a moment, but the twins quickly begin to bombard me with questions again, apparently so focused on my being Tier 3 that they don’t really care about my ‘skill’.

I chuckle at their questions before answering them one by one. Although most of the answers seem to disappoint them, but can I do? It’s not like much really changed between Tiers 2 and 3. Well, except for the annoying mist. And that my strength massively grew.

But I’m not going to mention the mist, so there isn’t anything that hasn’t already happened in the advancement from Tier 1 to 2.

Eventually, once the twins finally run out of questions – both in regard to my no longer being human and my being Tier 3 – I manage to mention, “So I see you guys dealt with a lot of Tier 1 spiders?”

Roxy answers while glancing at the twins – one of which is now going on and on about how he wants to reach Tier 3 as well while the other, Luke, is acting a lot more mature and treating his twin like a child he needs to play along with – “Yeah, and we were lucky enough to not run into any Tier 3s.” she then looks at me again with a raised brow from her spot five meters away and adds, “Unlike you.”

My mouth parts slightly before closing again.

Right. They can see my kills, too. So, they already know that I’ve killed three Tier 3s in the dungeon.

“That’s good,” I answer while glancing at the twins again, just to hear Luis ask his brother, “Do you think I’ll be able to grow claws too when I reach Tier 3?”

I blink in response before opening my mouth to say something, only to close it again when Luke answers, “It wasn’t reaching Tier 3 that changed her, so probably not.”

Does he really want claws that badly…?


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“It’s Crimson! was this a nickname for her i thought they new her as Scarlet

Mistress Araenidae

I'm more surprised that they aren't surprised by her speaking.