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The next day

‘So let me get this straight,’ I state plainly into Leon’s mind through telepathy as I watch him make his way through the eleventh floor of the dungeon with his team. ‘The commotion that went on yesterday was just so that you could tell the people that you’re some untitled prince from a different empire, and to sign onto some alliance with another nation. All of which you could have done without the ceremony?’

Leon makes a strange face as he strikes down another direwolf with a bolt of lightning before shrugging and saying, “Yeah, I guess.”

I stare at the man, ignoring the odd expressions that the other members of his group are having at his seemingly one sided conversation.

‘That sounds like a pointless waste of time,’ I tell him without holding back my opinion at all, ‘you could’ve just made a short announcement about your identity or just told someone, and you could have gotten that alliance contract signed in private.’

This time Leon just lets out a sigh while lowering his blades before checking on the other members of his group now that they’ve cleared out the last wave of the second arena for the floor.

“I don’t know what to tell you,” he says after finding the others relatively unharmed. “We on the surface just like doing things by tradition.”

So he means they like wasting time?

Wait, or is this something similar to how Dawn mentioned their love of aesthetics in the dungeons?


Either way, intruders are weird.

‘You do you then,’ I tell him before focusing my attention on Dawn, who is glowing some sort of yellowish pink. I focus on our bond and feel a large amount of amusement mixed in with some other emotion that I don’t recognize.

“Having fun there?” she asks while refocusing her attention on Fang, who is currently fighting a team of intruders within a different instance of the dungeon from Leon’s group.

“Not really,” I answer right as Fang lets out another breath attack that wipes out one of the intruders from existence, granting me some EXP as a reward. “I’m just still not sure why the intruders think the ways they do.”

Maybe I’ll understand them better once I eventually get my avatar and am able to leave the dungeon?

I stare at the intruders for several seconds with that thought in mind until Dawn says, “You’ll figure it out eventually, Fen Fen.”

My focus snaps to her as I quickly ask, “Fen Fen?”

She glows slightly pink while I feel embarrassment passing through our bond, but all she says despite that is, “Yep. Fen Fen.”

What the heck?

Where did that name come from, and why is she calling me it now all of a sudden?

“You done chatting with the dungeon?” I suddenly hear one of the intruders asking Leon from back in their instance, drawing my attention over there again.

“I’ve gotta say, it’s rather disorienting when you go having conversations with yourself like that,” Pallus says with a smirk as they walk over to the portal to the next arena of the floor.

Leon just grimaces at that and mutters, “Not my fault the dungeon only speaks to me and not you.”

He has a point there. After all, why would I bother talking to the others? The only reason I talk to him is because of his status as City Lord of the city above.


I glance at the girl named Katherine.

If I remember correctly, she’s also an untitled princess, which according to Dawn just means that she is the daughter of a King but without the actual power of a Tier 6 Princess.

So she might be worth talking to at some point as well just to make a connection with her father.

The others are just followers.

Anyways, I turn my attention back to Dawn again to find her watching Fang finish off the group of intruders at long last.

“How is your experiment going along?” Dawn suddenly asks me without taking her gaze away from Fang.

My core pulses a flash of light at that question before I glance at my lab, which is a bit of a mess from the last failed attempt.

“Not as well as I’d like it to, but also not as badly as it could be going,” I answer her with a very nondescript answer.

Dawn turns slightly yellow in confusion while turning her gaze towards my core and asking, “What do you mean?”

I think back to the last failed attempt at testing the new hybrid species I’ve been trying to make, only to answer, “Well, it didn’t die right away. So there’s that.”

A brief silence fills the room with the only noise left being that of Fang licking himself clean.

“Oh.” She mutters.

She then suddenly disappears from the room and reappears in the lab to see the splattered mess filling the walls that I haven’t cleaned yet. “Eww.”

“Yeah…” I mutter while taking a moment to clean the room, “the hybrid void serpent and wolf monster survived for five seconds before exploding into a rather disgusting mess of void element, guts, and – oddly enough – fur.”

Certainly wasn’t a pleasant sight to behold.

In fact, it was rather disgusting. But at least it survived longer than the first hundred or so attempts, which just straight up vanished in mid air after not even a second of existing.

“At least it didn’t vanish this time,” Dawn mutters as if reading my thoughts.

I didn’t realize creating a pure mana creature would be this difficult. Or rather, creating my own pure mana creature from existing patterns.

Actually, it took Dawn explaining to me the differences between a mana infused monster and a pure mana creature. Which really just comes down to the fact that the mana infused monster is a pure mana creature that was created by a dungeon infusing its mana into something to make it stronger and evolve it into a pure mana creature.

But there are naturally existing pure mana creatures in the world.

The Humans and Orcs outside for example. Or rather, any of the intruders.

They all each have an element they can use. But they’re also not technically pure mana creatures either. More like impure mana creatures, since while they can use their element, they don’t have specific abilities limited to their species that use it. And their bodies don’t actually require the element either.

Anyways, I glance at Dawn one last time before going back to work on the pattern.

I will get this done. No matter how long it takes me to do so.


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I wonder what his Avatar going to be. I think it probably be a similar to the original Fenrir, Or maybe a werewolf version. Ether be awesome.