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                                                                         Arcadian Live

“And it’s fiiiinaalllyyy heeeerrreee!!!” Mikaela shouts, his voice cracking slightly from the extremely loud volume of his shout. But he’s not alone as the millions of viewers scattered across the many stadiums all scream out their excitement at the sight of Wolf facing off against the first Centurion Boss of the Administrator Run with Sapphire at his feet.

Unbeknownst to or uncaring of the millions of players watching, Wolf breaks into a sprint straight towards the monster, creating a small crater in the ground beneath him in the process. Not even a few seconds later, Wolf arrives at the monster before dodging a relatively sluggish punch that would’ve flattened him against the ground. He then spreads his arms out and releases an enormous wave of icy mist that is followed immediately after by a flood of ice that freezes everything around him for one hundred meters.

“Looks like The Winter Wolf is starting this fight out without holding back, using his strongest skill right away!” Mikaela announces with an odd look of pride on his face, as if he had something to do with Wolf’s current progress. “Cocytus!”

The viewpoint within the Viewing Room gains a gray tint to the coloring in the image, making the ice and mist turn transparent for the benefit of the viewers. This allows them to see Wolf immediately raise his arm towards the frozen statue of a golem before a very small orb of pale blue light giving off even more mist appears in front of it.

“And he’s following it up with a compressed elemental orb?!” Mikaela continues, only to drop his jaw at the sight of Wolf’s arm transforming into a cannon and showing sparks of light blue energy coming out of the end of the energy cannon right behind the orb that is still continuing to grow. “And it looks like he is going to use the LXv1 Hand Cannon skill he got from the beholder a while back to give the compressed orb a boost!!”

The crowd within the stadium grows louder and louder as the cannon continues charging and the orb grows larger and larger.

Once the orb finally stops growing, however, the cannon immediately fires, sending the orb shooting straight towards the Centurion Boss that is already starting to break free of the ice in certain locations.

In another stadium of the Viewing Room, Niklai mutters without taking his eyes off of the screen, “I honestly forgot he had those two skills with how little he uses them…” to the amusement of some of the players in the audience.

However, the various stadiums grow silent as the light blue laser from the arm cannon mixed with the compressed orb of ice element slam into the golem’s navel area, going straight through the ice and causing severe cracks in the creature’s body while reinforcing some of the other ice around it.

Cheers echo through the audience at this, but they cut off just as quickly as the golem’s arms and legs finally free themselves of the ice. And immediately following that, an ethereal purple energy radiates from those arms and legs. At the same time, an equally purple liquid begins to leak from the pores on the golem’s body.

“It’s counter attacking with its psycho element,” Mikaela explains for the audience’s benefit, “one of the rare few mental focused elements in existence. It allows the creature to directly attack the mind of an enemy and to use telekinetic powers.”

Wolf drops down to his knees while groaning and holding his head, but after several seconds he slowly climbs back to his feet with his teeth gritted together.

“But it looks like our Forerunner has it under control!!!” Mikaela returns to his previous excited attitude at the same time as the audience.

However, Mikaela blinks a second later and mutters, “Wait, where did Sapphire go?”



A massive wave of pain continues pounding through my head, but I can’t help but grin as I see another orb of compressed eternal ice element going straight towards the still-partially-frozen Centurion Boss from the direction I came from. Where Sapphire is still at.

The orb slams into the monster’s torso just a little higher than my own did, furthering the cracks on its body and interrupting whatever mental attack it was using on me as the ethereal purple light fades away a little bit.

I didn’t have enough time to prepare for a mental element user, mostly because they are so extremely rare, making defenses against them even rarer, but I did at least learn the bare bones of dealing with them without a defense.

Which is basically just to continue slamming them with attacks to keep them distracted and unable to focus.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted as a strange voice echoes throughout the area.


I can’t help but drop to my knees again at the sheer volume of the voice, but I quickly raise my head to find it staring at Sapphire a hundred or so meters away from us.

Shit, it can talk?!

Wait. Duel?

Since when was this a duel…?

I’m pretty sure it’s just trying to kill me and I’m returning the favor.


Well, anyways. I shift my arm back into my claws before jumping straight up to the creature while releasing a large amount of ice element around me. And right as it seems to be about to say something else, it pauses and focuses on me.

“Sorry pal, but I never agre-” before I can finish my statement, I feel an immense pressure strike my body, sending me flying straight towards Sapphire and landing on the ground with a grunt as I cough out a mouthful of what I now notice as pale blue blood.

The hell? How long has it been like that?

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t like that a couple of weeks ago…

I push the thought to the back of my head for the moment as I notice a strange sensation in my body, but I push that away as well to focus on healing myself. 

A change in my body is bad, but I need to assess the situation and heal first.

Once I finish healing, I climb back to my feet and turn to see Sapphire rushing over to me while letting out worried screeches.

“I should be fine, but that walking, talking box of gears packs a punch,” I grunt out while shifting my gaze back to the creature that clearly hears me if its narrowing eyes are anything to go by.

Ignoring its displeasure, I glance at the cracks on its lower torso before grimacing.

I was really hoping those attacks would do more, but those cracks don’t even spread through half of its lower torso…

This’ll be a major problem.

For now, though, I look inwards towards that strange sensation I noticed a moment ago.


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