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                              Somewhere on a battlefield far away from Safe Zone 52

“Damn it, we’re on a battlefield! Can you please put the System Terminal away?!” Aidan shouts at Wolf’s sister, Katie Adler as he sends a fireball flying towards a man armed with some sort of high-tech armor and a gun, causing it to explode right in the man’s face before he can even take aim.

Katie ignores her boyfriend from within the safety of her sphere of vines, just letting the attacks stop almost immediately after hitting the vines as she continues to read through and laugh at the article opened up in front of her.

“What are you reading anyways?” Aidan finally asks after sending off another fireball at a different Technocrat.

His girlfriend raises her head from the terminal with a smirk and says, “My brother’s fangirls who are declaring their eternal love for him!”

Aidan stumbles slightly at that before barking out a laugh of his own and sending another fireball flying at a group of Technocrats this time.

“First it’s a cult built for him, and now he has fangirls?” Aidan says while chuckling, “He really is a celebrity now isn’t-”

He cuts off as Luke Adler – Wolf’s father – falls from the sky and lands on his feet on the ground near them while wrestling with a Technocrat wearing a different set of armor from the others. This one is an exoskeleton that drastically increases the wearer’s physical and mental capabilities and can grow through drinking the blood of powerful creatures.

“Stops joking around and get to work!” Luke shouts before letting out a grunt and finally managing to pin down the Technocrat, just to snap his neck and watch the armor dissolve into a puddle of blood that has the man grimacing. “Such a mess.”

Luke then glances over at his daughter and raises an eyebrow, to which she quickly takes as a sign to spread the vines around her outwards towards the various Technocrats gathered around them, making the vines begin strangling the weaker amongst them.

“I still envy you for that…” Aidan mutters as he watches her use her brand new manipulation power, given to her by a new effect of her Nature’s Touch ability. One to manipulate the plant element.

Katie just smirks and says, “Yeah, yeah, you’ve said that before. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you got a fire element manipulation somehow.”

The two continue talking as if they weren’t in the middle of a battlefield for a few minutes, leading Luke to just shake his head and sigh before locking his eyes on the next strongest Technocrat in the area. He then creates an enormous, glowing blade in front of him and jumps on it.

“Don’t die,” he shouts back while flying on the blade over to the Technocrat, leaving the two to stare at his departing back with jealousy in their eyes.


A few hours later

My face turns grim as I see the black sphere in the sky begin to show an image of myself within it. But what’s even worse is the notification in front of my eyes and the sight on my map just several kilometers away.




This is bad.

I stare at my map, where I can clearly see a Centurion Boss rushing towards me at speeds that are… actually not too fast.


Thought it would’ve been faster.

Well, I guess if it’s this slow then I won’t have to worry about it after all.

I nod my head to myself at that thought before breaking off at a sprint in the direction opposite of the monster.

Only to find myself smacking into an invisible wall and falling flat on my back with a startled Sapphire.

I quickly climb back to my feet before going back to what I now see as an invisible barrier and narrowing my eyes.

What. The. Fuck?

At the same time, a loud screeching roar echoes from the distance, signaling the Centurion Boss’s approach.

I quickly make my way along the wall, only to find that it seems to be in the shape of a large dome. One whose center is exactly where I saw the Centurion Boss’s temple…

Okay, now this is just unfair.

With that thought in mind, I quickly open my status.


Name: Wolf Adler

Class: Harbinger of Eternal Winter

Privileges: Competitor

Soul-bound Ability: Ice Reaper

Species: Harbinger Lycanthrope

Level: 1139

EXP: 45/113900

System Points: 1024.20

Viewing Room Profits: 8829

Skills List


System Communications

Administrator Dungeon

Administrator Dungeon Competitor

System Terminal

Player Auctions

System Map

System GUI


Okay, I’m still about four levels off what I would need for my ice’s eternal effect to work against the last centurion boss I ran into.

I turn to look at the distance, where I can just barely make out the enormous golem made out of a mixture of some sort of shiny, black metal and hundreds of thousands of tiny silver gears as it lumbers its way towards me at a speed much faster than its size would explain. But also much slower than its level would.

                             _-| Hiiarxlah – Scythian Centurion – Level 1200 |-_

And it’s still too high of a level, even if it’s still one level beneath the last one I saw…

“Sapphire,” I say without taking my eyes off of the creature.

I feel her turning to look at me from my shoulder.

“Looks like we might have a fight just as hard as the one against the kraken, so be ready,” I continue with a frown on my face.

This is going to be a pain. But at least there isn’t an ocean all around me this time.

That might just make this easier than the fight with the kraken, if I’m being honest with myself.

Just maybe.

I look back at the dome behind me, just to break off at a sprint towards the centurion.

Guess I’ll start things off with Cocytus once I get closer.


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