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                                                       Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 8

Loud voices echo throughout the cloud-filled skies located far above the place known by the inhabitants of the plane, Earth, as the Bermuda Triangle, within an enormous, floating palace named by all as Heaven. The palace practically radiates golden light in every direction, but despite its luminous state, very few people are able to spot it from the ocean waters beneath.

Meanwhile, within the Bermuda Triangle itself, dangerous sea monsters roam, guarding Heaven from any who would do it harm.

Several long minutes pass as the individuals lining the halls of the palace continue to argue over dozens of different issues. These beings all have a similar appearance to the human species, but with feathery white wings lining their backs, spanning several meters in length and tipped with sharp feathers capable of cutting a man open on their tips.

Additionally, four more of these creatures stand on four thrones scattered on different clouds around the palace, each not seeming to care about the arguments going on within. They each have four wings instead of two, with their wings being tinted gray in color, marking them as archangels instead of the lowly angels beneath them.

The Guardians of the plane of Earth.

“We finally have the chance to take Yggdrasil, and you’re just going to sit here and do nothing?!” one of the angels down in the palace who is surrounded by a couple dozen others shouts at a different gathering of over a hundred angels floating around the other end of the outer walls of the palace.

“Of course,” a different angel, one from the other gathering, answers with a sneer on his face, “it is God’s will after all.”

The argument continues raging for nearly an entire day before a golden bolt of lightning strikes the ocean’s surface below them all, drawing their attention down towards it. They then look up again with a mixture of fear and reverence to see another being slowly floating down from the direction of an odd, golden cloud directly above the palace.

This new being has eight golden wings, with two glowing golden eyes and a slightly irritated look on his face. He is also wearing a purely white robe, with adornments fit for royalty.

All of the angels, and even the arch angels begin to kneel in place towards this new being, even after he begins to speak.

“We must follow the law and order of the planes,” God states while stopping his descent just above the very tip of the palace. “We don’t want the other Protectors participating as well, because that could very well lead to the tree itself facing a disaster strong enough to awaken him.”

A shiver runs down the spines of all the gathered Guardians at the thought of Fafnir, the Arch-nemesis of the System and all of the planes of existence, breaking free earlier than he should just because of their own interference.

“But,” God continues, his irritation quickly vanishing as an indifferent look appears on his face in its place, “that doesn’t mean one of you can’t go.”

This statement quickly brings about a round of excited just for God to add, “I’m only allowing this because of news of Niflheim’s interference in sending one of their own Frost Lords there.”

Along with the whispering, the excitement that had just built up vanishes in an instant, replaced with disdain and hatred directed towards the Guardians of the frozen plane Niflheim, known by many as the icy counterpart to the lost plane of Hell.

A silence thick with dark intent fills the skies of Heaven for several second before it’s interrupted by one of the four arch angels known as Michael.

“Father, I bring news from the humans below,” Michael declares, bringing God’s eyes over towards him.

“News?” God repeats back to him before stating, “Lift your head and speak.”

Michael does just that and continues, “Thank you, father. The humans have created Embodiments.”

Shock immediately runs through the faces of all of the gathered Guardians, and even God himself raises his golden eyebrows at the news.

“Is this confirmed?” he asks, just to shake his head and state, “Forget that. You wouldn’t have brought it to me if it wasn’t.”

God quickly turns his head to look at the direction of the New Earth Alliance and narrows his eyes. He then snaps his finger, causing another golden bolt of lightning to strike the ocean, followed by another. After that, the Chairman of the New Earth Alliance appears before the gathered Guardians with golden chains of light wrapped around his wrists and ankles.

He quickly looks around in surprise, only for his gaze to lock onto God and for him to lower his head in deference as he states, “Great One.”

“Did you create Embodiments of the seven Sins?” God asks him despite already knowing the truth.

The Chairman answers immediately without even a hint of hesitation, “That is correct, Divine One.”

“In that case, please train them for use against the Bringers of Destruction,” God continues while raising his hand to snap his fingers again to send the man away again, “we shall use these seven, especially the Sin of Wrath, as our weapons and blades.”

Right before he can snap his fingers, the Chairman speaks up, interrupting him, “If I may, Divine One.”

God raises an eyebrow but pauses his fingers, holding them in a position to snap before nodding his head for the man to continue.

“One of this lowly one’s subordinates managed to lose two of the Sins, and neither of them have been found as of yet,” the Chairman speaks while sweat noticeably begins to build up on the back of his neck.

God’s eyes narrow slightly as he slowly asks, “And which Sins were those two?”

The Chairman gulps almost inaudibly before answering as quietly as a mouse, “The Sins of Pride… and of Wrath.”

Almost immediately after he finishes talking, bits of golden electricity spread into the Chairman’s body from the four chains around his ankles and wrists, making him scream out in pain.

“Find the Sin of Wrath immediately and bring it in alive. The other Sins can be lost, but that one is absolutely required in order to defeat Fafnir,” God declares, his voice echoing throughout the entire Bermuda Triangle, startling nearly all of the monsters within. He then snaps his fingers, sending the Chairman panting back into his office at the New Earth Alliance headquarters.

God then turns to look at the angels and arch angels gathered around the area while thinking, ‘If only it weren’t taboo to create Organs of Sin, then I’d have done it myself. But it’ll be fine as long as I terminate the ones responsible after they do their job.’

He then begins to rise back up towards the golden cloud above the palace while golden bolts of lightning repeatedly strike the surface of the Bermuda Triangle.

‘And now I have to think of a way to trap Wrath into our service…’ God thinks while climbing before sighing slightly and muttering, “Such a pain.”


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Ooooh nice, I wonder if there are embodiments of the 7 virtues


There are indeed Organs of Virtue, although there aren't any Embodiments of Virtue right now. Mostly because they're much harder to come into existence, and because Embodiments of Sins are stronger on average.