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Overall, it doesn’t take very long to finish the floor. Just a couple of days, most of which were the decorating and spawning of monsters.

Although the enchantments took a little chunk of time to get working as well.

I also had a pleasant surprise while making the new floor. One that very quickly turned into an irritating surprise after the intruders who had finally started to get past the tenth floor went straight through the eleventh and are already standing at the blocked-off stairwell to the twelfth floor.

“Do you think the dungeon is building another floor right now?” the intruder asks. He is an Elf with pale white hair, tanned skin, and a pair of eyes made up of an odd shade of vibrant purple.

And he is too high a level for me to identify, so it’s pretty obvious how he made it this far.

The rest of his group isn’t as strong though.

“Probably,” another one of the intruders answers offhandedly, as if they couldn’t care less.

I stare at the group before alternating my gaze between the sealed off stairwell and the group multiple times.

Can you just leave the room so that I can open that stairwell? Your auras are too strong for me to do it while your in the room. And especially while your standing right next to the stairwell.

As if they can hear my thoughts, the Elf shakes his head and begins to leave the room, with the others following behind him like a bunch of loyal hounds.

I watch them make their way through the dungeon for a few seconds only to open the stairwell after they get far enough away. But of course, they don’t seem to notice and continue walking back towards the portal at the start of the eleventh floor.

“Such an odd group,” I hear Dawn muttering as they go.

We both watch the intruders leaving in silence for a few seconds before I mutter in agreement, “Yeah…”

They’re probably the quietest group I’ve ever seen go through the dungeon. Not to mention how each of the members of the group seem to have some sort of absolute loyalty towards that Elf despite not even being of the same species as him.

It’s making me wonder if he’s some sort of royalty or something. But even if that was the case, why would a bunch of Humans and Dwarves be following an Elf?

And that’s not even mentioning the fact that they’re all wearing some pretty flashy armor made out of a strange silver metal that I honestly really want.

Such an odd group.



I stand out on the balcony looking over the city of Wolfdenn with a pensive look on my face.

“What’re you thinking about?” Kat – the daughter of the King of the Drezar Kingdom and its unofficial princess – asks while leaning against the railing of the balcony next to me.

“Nothing much,” I mutter in response while watching around a fourth of the Orc population within the city continue their march towards the gates. “I just didn’t think three fourths of the Orcs would decide to stay even after their kingdom stabilized from the effects of the war.”

It’s certainly a pleasant thought.

Aidan and I had already prepared for the crash in the economy that losing over half of the Orcs would bring, so this is also going to be beneficial towards us. Mostly because we overprepared.

In the end though it was bound to happen. After all, the Orcs originally came here for relief during the war. So there would obviously be a lot of them that’d want to go back home once everything went back to normal.

Although there are also a lot of them that are surprised by how quickly that happened. Even if it was mostly because father kind of rushed the war to end for his own purposes.

Suddenly, a round of knocking comes from the balcony door behind us, followed shortly by the exhausted pants of my definitely-not-overworked assistant.

“Leon! Have you heard about the-” he begins, only to cut off as I raise my hand with a glance towards him.

I then let out a sigh and turn back to the city while answering, “Yes, I know about the rumors.”

The rumors going around about me not being a Human.

It was bound to happen eventually. After all, I always wear a helmet. And after years of people only ever seeing me with one on, it was pretty obvious that some would start to ask questions about it and speculate.

Either way, I should be safe to reveal my identity at this point. But I’m still a little reluctant to.

Partially because I don’t like the idea of people jumping to the conclusion that I used my family’s help to get to this point, and partially because I don’t want to give Ari an excuse to come here and skip out on her work. Which would then lead to father nagging me about it, telling me to send her back since ‘I’m the only one who can convince her to do something when she’s like that’.

“You’re going to have to tell them eventually,” Kat says, drawing my eyes towards her. She’s wearing a black dress – likely due to the King’s upcoming visit later today – with her long brown hair in the same braid that it normally is and her crimson eyes seemingly bringing out the paleness of her skin.

“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter while turning back towards the city and resting my chin on my hand.

“Actually,” Aidan suddenly says, having long ago lost his nerves when dealing with me or Kat – fortunately – “about that.”

My eyes widen slightly as I turn to look at him.

Please don’t tell me…

“The Guildmaster, the King, and I have all made plans for the reveal to be later today when you sign the trade alliance pact with His Majesty!” he says with a face expressing not a single emotion. As if he hadn’t just dropped a major problem on me at the last moment.

I narrow my eyes on him, just to sigh again and turn towards the city.

Guess that’s my own fault.

Ever since he realized that I tend to deal with things better without having a lot of time to think about it, he’s started doing this. And as much as I hate to admit it, it probably is for the best.

I let out a third sigh at that thought.

“You sure you’re alright?” Kat asks as I stare blankly out into the city streets, just watching the thousands of people, both Humans, Orcs, and several other species all mingling about with a large majority being the Orcs leaving the city.

Sure. Let’s go with that.


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I do enjoy this book. Interested to see how people react to this.