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Somewhere else in the Pits of the Arachnids, within a different tunnel from Cassandra
Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 6

“Finish it!” Roxy shouts as she lets another arrow loose at the closest Tier 1 crypt arachnid, piercing it straight through the head and sending it flying backwards. Almost immediately after, both of the twins grin in the direction of the six Tier 2 crypt arachnids before raising their hands and activating different skills. One of the skills sends a wave of flames shooting away from Luis’s hands while the other sends a ray of golden light out of Luke’s hands – both of which envelop the already-hurt spiders, causing them to let out shrieks of pain that last for mere seconds before cutting off.

Without even waiting for the monsters to die, Jerold throws his large axe straight at a seventh Tier 2 that had managed to slip by the others and avoid the two skills. The axe manages to split straight through the monster’s skull with little difficulty.

Roxy looks around the tunnel for several seconds while the two skills slowly cut off, revealing the charred corpses of six Tier 2 spiders. She then lets out a sigh and drapes her bow across her shoulder before checking once more to see if the others are injured, then starting towards the corpses and saying, “Good job. Let’s move on.”

The others all quickly begin to follow her, but none of them say a word for a few minutes. After the few minutes is up though, Luke breaks the silence by asking, “How do you think Scarlet’s doing?”

Roxy answers without looking back, “She’s stronger than any of us, so she should be fine. Especially since she was able to defeat a Tier 3 in here.” However, the others all notice her hand twitching slightly before clenching a little, as if she were nervous or anxious about something.

The twins both share a glance before Luke whispers, “She’s totally worried.”

Luis nods his head, and Jerold does so as well while still watching the team’s pseudo leader.

Several more seconds pass in silence while the three watch Roxy unconsciously speed up. Eventually though, Luke finally asks, “Why are you always so worried about her?”

This question has her stopping for a moment, only to continue walking while saying without turning around, “She’s a member of our team, so of course I’d worry.”

Luke narrows his eyes slightly as he thinks, ‘So much for not being worried.’ He then says, “That’s not why though, is it? You always seem to be trying to make sure she’s safe immediately after battle and even sometimes try to make sure she’s comfortable.”

Roxy stops walking and glances back at him, but before she can say anything, Luis speaks up, “He’s right. You never treated us like that, but it’s almost as if you treat her like she’s your superior. As if you need to protect her and look out for her despite her being stronger than you.”

The young noblewoman grits her teeth at the question, but does say anything for a few minutes, making the others tense up. It isn’t until the sounds of tunneling can be heard from the walls that she finally says, “I promise I’ll tell you why soon enough, but I can’t say anything right now. Please just trust me.”

The other three look surprised for a second, only to focus on the spiders breaking out of the walls without saying anything in response.

‘Some sort of oath, then?’ Luke thinks while drawing his sword again. He then shakes his head and jumps at the spiders while shouting, “I’ll trust you.”


                                            Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 6

I glare at the Tier 2 arachnid lying dead at my feet before eventually letting out a huff of breath and walking away.

Where are the stupid Tier 1 arachnids? The dungeon mission lists twenty thousand of them total in this dungeon, and yet, I haven’t run into a single one since entering.

Although the completion rate is still climbing, which likely means that we all share our contribution to the mission. But it also means that the others are finding Tier 1s here.

So why am I just running into Tier 2s? I can understand not finding the Tier 3 of this tunnel system yet, seeing as there should only be one per tunnel system, but I’m pretty sure there should at least be some Tier 1s…

I jerk my head to the side as another Tier 2 bursts out of the tunnel walls, only to narrow my eyes at it and move so quickly towards it that I have my claws wrapped around its head before it can even get a quarter of a meter away from the wall. I then clench my hand into a fist, crushing the creature’s head and killing it with ease.

Only to then grimace at the mess on my hands from the many times I’ve done this till now.

Maybe I should go into town at some point to find some sort of cleaning item? Because this is just gross…

At that thought, I open my dungeon mission note to check on our progress.


Dungeon Mission

Title: Clear the Pits!

You have entered the dungeon, Pits of the Arachnids!

As a result, in order for you to leave this dungeon, you must complete at least two of the following objectives!

Objective 1: Eliminate 20000 Tier 1 Crypt Arachnids, known as Crypt Spawn. Current Progress: 2103/20000

Objective 2: Eliminate 5000 Tier 2 Crypt Arachnid. Current Progress: 2708/5000

Objective 3: Eliminate 1 Tier 3 Crypt Arachnid, known as the Crypt Arch-Arachnid, while at Tier 2. Current Progress: Complete.

Objective 4: Eliminate all Tier 3 Crypt Arachnids, known as the Crypt Arch-Arachnids, within the dungeon. Current Progress: 1/10

Objective 5: Eliminate the Tier 4 Crypt Arachnid, known as the Crypt Arachnid Queen. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 6: Eliminate every single Crypt Arachnid of all Tiers within the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 7: Find and claim the Crypt’s Treasure. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 8: Complete a Tier Breach Mission while in the dungeon. Current Progress: Complete.

Objective 9: Discover all of the hidden areas of the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.


To be calculated after decision is made to exit the dungeon.

Each objective has its own rewards and completing more objectives will grant you the rewards of every objective you clear, along with bonus rewards for each additional objective you complete.


I focus on objective 1 for a few seconds before turning my attention to objective 2.

The others have killed a lot of Tier 1 arachnids, but they haven’t killed anywhere near as many Tier 2s as I have… does that mean the tunnels just have differing numbers of Tier 1s and 2s spread throughout them? Or is there some other reason?

At that thought, I turn my attention to the faint red mist leaking out of me before grimacing.

Could that be it? But wouldn’t that make them want to attack me more and not less?

A few seconds pass as I lean down to wipe my hands on the spider’s corpse – taking advantage of its very thin fur in the process to absorb the blood a little – before standing up straight again and continuing my way through the tunnel.

Not much I can do about it but continue traversing the dungeon, I guess.


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Didn’t she complete Objective 8 already? The tier breach mission?


Reread the note. This isn't the Tier Breach Mission. It's the Dungeon Mission.


Objective 8: Complete a Tier Breach Mission while in the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete. i thought she finished this already?