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                                                             Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 4

I look around in the darkness of its insides for a few seconds before quickly beginning to make my way out of its body. Which turns out to be a struggle, considering how the body seems to have caved in on itself behind me. But I eventually make my way out before turning around to see the large, Tier 3 spider lying on its back somehow with its legs pointing inwards.

Well, guess I was overcomplicating it. Didn’t need to find the heart after all.

I then look down at myself, just to grimace and almost gag at the blood and guts covering me and my clothes.

Please have somewhere I can wash off nearby.

With that thought in mind, I quickly begin running away from the corpse in the hopes that I manage to find one of those little water-filled caverns that I had passed by while on a rampage as a wolf nearby.


Several minutes pass by with me hating every one of them before I find one and immediately jump into the water to begin cleaning myself off. But as I’m doing that, I don’t forget to finally check the Dungeon Mission for this dungeon. And more importantly, the objective I’ve already completed for it.


Dungeon Mission

Title: Clear the Pits!

You have entered the dungeon, Pits of the Arachnids!

As a result, in order for you to leave this dungeon, you must complete at least two of the following objectives!

Objective 1: Eliminate 20000 Tier 1 Crypt Arachnids, known as Crypt Spawn. Current Progress: 0/20000

Objective 2: Eliminate 5000 Tier 2 Crypt Arachnid. Current Progress: 1619/5000

Objective 3: Eliminate 1 Tier 3 Crypt Arachnid, known as the Crypt Arch-Arachnid, while at Tier 2. Current Progress: Complete.

Objective 4: Eliminate all Tier 3 Crypt Arachnids, known as the Crypt Arch-Arachnids, within the dungeon. Current Progress: 1/10

Objective 5: Eliminate the Tier 4 Crypt Arachnid, known as the Crypt Arachnid Queen. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 6: Eliminate every single Crypt Arachnid of all Tiers within the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 7: Find and claim the Crypt’s Treasure. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 8: Complete a Tier Breach Mission while in the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 9: Discover all of the hidden areas of the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.


To be calculated after decision is made to exit the dungeon.

Each objective has its own rewards and completing more objectives will grant you the rewards of every objective you clear, along with bonus rewards for each additional objective you complete.


Guess it’d make sense that the objectives would be different depending on the dungeon. But it also looks like this dungeon is stronger than the other one. Which isn’t good.

My eyes narrow on both objectives 4 and 5 as I continue cleaning myself of the gore, which is now beginning to paint the small reservoir of water the color of the spider’s blood.

If I remember correctly, there were ten tunnels in this dungeon, with each tunnel being separated from each other. And according to this objective, there are ten Tier 3 Crypt Arachnids in this dungeon.

I think it’s probably safe to assume that there’s one Tier 3 in each tunnel, although I should remain careful just in case that’s wrong.

But the question is, where is the Tier 4?

I stare at it for a moment before shaking my head and finishing my cleaning.

At least one of the objectives is already cleared.


I eventually get out of the reservoir before looking back at it and grimacing at the chunks of spider gore floating through it.

Definitely not drinking from that reservoir. Even if I’ll likely end up eating some of these spiders once my own rations run out.

Not exactly looking forward to that though.

I turn back towards the entrance of the reservoir that I came in through before going through the opposite entrance while focusing on the other objectives for the dungeon mission.

It’s a little surprising that I managed to kill so many of the monsters during my transformation. Although some of that is probably due to the fact that the spiders kept coming straight to me every time I howled, or the spiders screeched. And not all of them used the actual tunnels to travel.

I reread the number before blinking in surprise.

Wait. Shouldn’t that have completed my Tier Breach Mission?

I stare at it for a few seconds, only to open up my Tier Breach Mission and smile at what I find.


Tier Breach Mission

Title: Control the Wrath

Objective 1: Level the skill The Calling of Wrath to level 2. Complete.

Objective 2: While transformed into a beast, kill at least 1000 enemies of any Tier. Can be done through multiple different transformations. Current Progress: 1000/1000.

Objective 3: Use your Wrathful Aura skill to identify 1000 or more beings. Current Progress: 1000/1000.

Objective 4: Through the use of your various skills, hold the Wrath of ten enemies in your body at once. Complete.

Optional Objective: Defeat a Tier 3 monster through the use of other monsters overwhelmed with Wrath. Current Progress: Not Complete.


Tier 3 unlocked

Optional Objective Reward:

35000 EXP, one Tier 3 [Random Item Draw], and one Tier 7 [Random Skill Level-Up Card]


Immediately after I pull up the Tier Breach Mission’s progress, another note appears asking me if I want to complete the mission now or wait till I finish the optional objective.

Huh. Interesting.

I stare at it for several seconds before pursing my lips in thought.

Should I just complete the mission now? Or should I wait?

Because the way this dungeon seems to be setup, I highly doubt I’d ever be able to complete the optional objective in here. And if I run into another Tier 3 while I’m not using The Calling of Wrath, I doubt I’d have any chance to take it down.

Which means that I’d be dead unless I advance now.

I continue staring at it as I walk through the tunnels killing more spiders before eventually coming to a decision.

Even if I could complete the optional objective, I’d have to wait another week to even attempt it. And I really don’t want to do that. Not with the massive amounts of EXP I’ve built up even with me spending chunks of it on upgrading my skills.

Which also reminds me that I have even more EXP to spend from this recent spider massacre.

So I’ll have to spend some of that on my skills after this. But for now…


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Hell yeah ready to hit that next tier, and good timing as well with that general around the corner