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The notification in this chapter was too large to fit in 2 screenshots, so I just left it as text.

For reference, it looks just like the notification for the Competitors except with blue text instead of red.


                                                                                Arcadian Live
The moment the Conjunction began

The enormous stadium suddenly begins to shift as a notification appears in front of all of the viewers watching within the viewing room.





1) A maximum number of ten viewing rooms has been set   for the Administrator Dungeon runs after the one hundredth floor has been   reached.

1a) Each of the viewing rooms will compete for the   ten spots until the one hundredth floor is reached, with the ten viewing   rooms with the highest average viewers a day taking the ten spots in the end.

1b) Since this is rule is being implemented so far   into the dungeon run, the rule will come into effect one month from now.   During this time, the viewing rooms will compete for the ten spots with the   one with the most average viewers a day winning.

1c) The Executive Stream is no longer being hosted   by Players or Executives within the System and will now be hosted by the   System itself, therefore not counting itself amongst the ten viewing rooms.

2) The Executive Stream is no longer being hosted by   Players or Executives within the System and will now be hosted by the System   itself. Additionally, it will also be used as an official meeting place for The   Reaper to meet with the System Executives whenever he chooses to summon them.

3) The   top ten viewing rooms at any one time – before or after the maximum rooms is   set – will be forced into a specific format chosen by the System for its layout.

4) Spectators   attempting to enter viewing rooms can now pay with items to get into the   rooms.

5) Players   and Executives of similar level to the Competitors may attempt a new feature   to the System known as ‘Competitor Challenge’ where they will fight with a   simulation of a current surviving Competitor of their choice without the   simulation’s use of the Competitor’s top ten skills or their items for the   price of System Points decided upon by roulette. If the Player or Executive   wins, they will win a System Point prize of ten times the System Points to   take the challenge. However, if they lose, they will lose all of the System   Points they spent to take the challenge.

5a) The Players and Executives may place bets on and   spectate other Players and Executives matches.

5b)   If a Competitor wishes, they may replace their simulation and fight the   challenger themselves with all of their skills and items usable. If the   Competitor wins, then they will receive all of the System Points spent by the   challenger multiplied by ten. However, if they lose, then the challenger will   be granted a Tier 8 item designed specifically by the System with the   Competitor as a base, giving the item various effects that revolve around the   Competitor. This item will not be usable against the Competitor it was based   on and will be destroyed if the Competitor attempts to do so. However, this   item will not be able to be claimed more than once by each challenger no   matter how many attempts they make.

At the same time as the notification’s appearance and the stadium’s shift, all of the viewers within the viewing room are levitated up into the air to make room for the shift.

Shouts of surprise run throughout the stadium as some of the viewers don’t bother reading the notification in front of them, but the ones that do simply ignore the stadium’s shift to focus entirely on the notification.

“Holy shit…” Mikaela mutters as he floats aimlessly in the center of the former stadium while staring at the notification. “This changes a lot…”

The various other announcers around him nod in agreement, however after most of them finish reading through the notification, their attention is quickly recaptured by the enormous screens that are beginning to shift into just one large ball showing a large city square at the center of an even larger city. Meanwhile, the dozens of Competitors competing in the Administrator Dungeon can be seen appearing in the square.

After watching the Competitors initial reaction to the change of location and the void creature that came to greet them before leaving again, Mikaela returns his attention to the stadium, which is now split into dozens of different smaller stadiums, with the one he is above being the largest and centermost of all of them.

He continues staring for several seconds before eventually smiling.

‘This new change will bring about a lot of business for us,’ he thinks while looking around at the newly formed stadiums, which have a similar appearance to the Roman coliseums from long ago. However, each of the coliseums have a different color scheme to them, with the centermost and largest coliseum beneath Mikaela having a red and black color scheme with lava flowing in the arena pit beneath him. ‘Might take a bit to get used to this new setup though. Why couldn’t The Reaper just let us continue using our own setup?’

The vampire’s brows then furrow as he continues looking around and thinks, ‘Actually, why did The Reaper choose now of all times to finally start moving again? The only reason I can think of is…’ His eyes then widen as he turns back to look at the screen again and quietly mutters, “The Winter Wolf.”

Mikaela continues to stare at the screen for a bit while the billions of viewers within the viewing room begin to snap out of their surprise and quickly rush to the center stadium in the hopes of getting a spot there before it fills up.

‘That Competitor Challenge feature also sounds rather interesting,’ Mikaela thinks to himself while thinking back to the notification. ‘It’s just too bad that I’ll have to wait an incredibly long time to be able to challenge it. But I can see a lot of people attempting it in the hopes that one of the Competitors decides to fight them themselves.’

As if in response to the man’s thoughts, millions of conversations revolving around that very topic begin to break out from amongst the viewers who had managed to claim a spot in the center stadium. Meanwhile the other viewers are already rushing over to one of the closer stadiums.

‘After all, who doesn’t want a Tier 8 item? Especially when ‘all’ they have to do is beat a Competitor at the same level as them,’ he thinks before shaking his head with a smile. ‘Which isn’t likely to happen.’ He then turns back to look at the screen again as Wolf goes about trading with the other Competitors with a grin on his face and Sapphire on his lap.

“Looks like they’re not the only ones happy with the new changes,” Mikaela mutters.


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