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      The top of a hill located a little ways away from the city of Wolfdenn

‘Where did large village come from?’ Buffoon thinks in confusion from his place atop a tree while staring at Wolfdenn and the various people entering it. ‘And where foreigners come from?’

The little Goblin watches for nearly an entire hour in silence as people come and go from the city before eventually nodding his head and muttering, “Maybe Ank is in city?”

Several more minutes pass in silence, and right as the Goblin is about to finally begin climbing down from the tree, voices can be heard talking from behind him, beneath the trees’ canopy.

Buffoon quickly hugs himself to the tree in an attempt to hide while listening to the conversation.

“So where did you come from before moving here?” an Orc asks another Orc as they walk through the trees towards the city. Both of the Orcs are armed with large, two-handed axes and have heavy armor covering all of their body, along with a medallion hanging around their neck that marks them as soldiers of the nation of Wolfmoore.

The other Orc simply points with his thumb behind him in the direction of the Kingdom of Brimstone and says, “The capital, Ash. You?”

“I came from Brim,” he answers as the two continue walking towards the city.

The second Orc purses his lips slightly and asks, “How was it there? Just how badly did the war affect the city?”

The first one just sighs at that right as the two pass by the tree where Buffoon is hiding in. However, right as he’s about to answer, he pauses for a second and glances up at the tree.

The other Orc glances back at him after noticing his abrupt stop and asks, “What’s wrong? Did you see something?”

After staring at the tree for several seconds with his eyes narrowed, the first Orc eventually turns back to him with a faint shake of his head and says, “No. I just thought I sensed something, but it turned out to be nothing.” He then continues walking again as he answers the other Orc’s first question, “It was pretty bad over there. So bad that the Lord Xurek actually recommended to his serfs to come here for the time being.”

“Really?” the second Orc exclaims while continuing alongside the other one. “I thought that was just a rumor!”

“Nope, it’s true,” the first one says with a grimace. “I came here with my entire family after that. Immediately joined the guard once I arrived.”

The two Orcs continue talking while surveying their surroundings and approaching the city, leaving behind Buffoon, who had managed to find a hole in the tree that allowed him to escape the Orc’s sight, only to accidentally stumble slightly and tip off the Orc in the process.

Buffoon continues hiding in the tree until he can no longer hear the two Orcs before he finally comes out and mutters to himself, “Wolfmoore? Brimstone? What they mean?”

He stares at the Orcs – who are almost at the city walls at this point – for several seconds, only to turn around and move away from the city while thinking, ‘Maybe large village not good place to go.’


During her month-long trip

“Are you planning on going to Wolfdenn?” an Orc asks another Orc as I slowly float along the fire-scorched earth of what I’ve learned to be the Kingdom of Brimstone.

It’s been about a week since I left Fenrir for the trip, and I haven’t really found much of anything of use. Just some nice scenery.

So I decided, why not try visiting a different nation?

I continue looking around my surroundings for a few seconds before focusing on the two Orcs and noticing their thick skin that seems to be keeping them from overheating somehow.

I wonder how that works?

A couple of seconds pass after that thought before I focus on my own flame body.

It’s a good thing I don’t feel heat. Otherwise, this place would probably be rather uncomfortable.

“I’ll be heading over there after my contract runs out,” the other Orc answers while readjusting the grip he has on his spear.

I continue floating across the ground, not having much difficulty hiding myself in the volcanic region that covers the Kingdom of Brimstone, before glancing back at the Orcs again as they talk.

This must be the dozenth conversation I’ve overheard over the past couple of days talking about Wolfdenn. It’s almost making me want to go back and tell Fenrir to make more instances for his dungeon.

But I still want to find something useful before I go back.

After all, this is my first real trip out of the dungeon.

I watch the Orcs for a few more seconds as we proceed forwards, only for my attention to be drawn towards something strange that enters the range of my senses.

What the…

I have to consciously force my flame to stay red to keep it from flashing green or yellow out of my excitement as I realize what it is I just found.

Without any hesitation, I ditch the two Orcs to instead float straight towards the thing I had sensed and reaching it just a few dozen seconds later.

I can’t believe I managed to find this… how has no one already gotten it?!

It’ll be a massive benefit to Fenrir when he reaches Tier 5 and gets his avatar!

With that thought in mind, I place the small cube in my small storage space before quickly floating through the terrain in the hopes to find another.

If I can find more, then I wonder just how surprise he’ll be when I show them to him?

Although I doubt he will actually know what it is. Not until I explain it to him.

And maybe I should wait to show him till he actually gets to Tier 5? Because I don’t really want him rushing his cultivation…

I pause for a second at that thought before continuing forwards again.

I’ll just wait then. But maybe I can find more?


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