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                                         Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 4

Several eerie seconds pass by in silence before a screeching sound echoes in my ears and a note appears in my vision. A red one.

My mouth parts slightly in surprise, just to close again as I hear the sounds of more screeching. Except this time, the screeching seems to be coming from further down the tunnel I’m in and not from the System.

Not even three seconds later, a large, one-meter-long spider suddenly comes barreling down around a curve in the tunnel. The creature is gray and silver in color, with a tail, two sharp incisors, and eight legs covered in extremely short fur.


Name: N/A

Species: Crypt Arachnid

Level: 14


I raise my hand and point at the creature before sending a bolt of Wrath lightning straight at it, making it scream in pain for a couple of seconds until it finally turns into a pile of red ash.

That was a large spider.

My eyes narrow slightly at its ashy corpse, only to widen slightly as I finally take in the overall size of this tunnel. Which is a lot bigger than that spider.

Okay, so either this tunnel is meant for large swarms of those spiders, which it quite likely could be, or it is meant for a much larger spider than that one.

I look back and forth between the two directions of the tunnel I’m in before eventually going in the direction that the spider came from.

However, after only taking a few steps, I stop walking again as a thought comes to me.

Since I’m already separated from the others…

A grin spreads across my face as I check the cooldown for The Calling of Wrath and find it usable again.

Now is probably the best time to use the skill.

At that thought, several more screeches begin to echo through the tunnel from both directions, prompting me to quickly activate the skill.

Just like with my past uses of the skill, a thick wave of red and black Wrath energy explodes from my body, and I begin to feel that familiar excruciating pain as before, but this time I feel like it isn’t as bad as it was the last time. After that, I begin to feel my body shifting into a quadrupedal form similar to the lioness I took the form of during my very first transformation.

Am I turning into another lioness? Or is it just some other quadrupedal creature?

The pain continues to grow, but at a much lesser extent than the previous uses of the skill. So much less that I can actually think, and I’m not even screaming from it.

Eventually it fades away and I find myself snarling as I see several crypt arachnids turning the bend in the tunnel towards me.


Due to your use of the skill The Calling of Wrath’s first effect, the following changes have been made to your status:

All stats while transformed will be doubled.

All attacks will disturb the Wrath energy within whatever is hit, causing it to run rampant in their body, sending very minimal amounts of true damage to various parts of them.

The Temporary Skill ‘Call of Wrath’ has been given to you to use once. This skill will release all of the Wrath built up within your body at once in a single breath attack. However, the longer you have been in beast form, the weaker the breath attack will be.

These changes will last either till one hour has passed, or you use the Call of Wrath skill.

Note: Whether you use the skill or not, it will vanish once you revert back.


I swipe at the note with my paw – which doesn’t look like a feline’s paw – before snarling even louder for a few seconds, raising my head, and howling.

The spiders all pause in their advance, showing a small amount of fear on their expressions, but I quickly sprint forwards and begin tearing through the monsters with ease.

A few of the spiders let out fearful screeches after seeing me tear through their buddies, only to advance on me anyways, making me wonder if they are able to completely ignore their fear or something.

Either way, I push through and continue ripping them apart with my fangs. It isn’t until I finish tearing all seven of them apart that I finally take the time to look at my own body.

A wolf? Interesting.

I then look at the walls of the tunnel to find that I’m about twice as long as the spiders, so about two meters in length. Which is a lot smaller than the serpent was.

Actually, I think this might just be my smallest transformation yet.

Also… is Wrath energy leaking out of my mouth?

I narrow my eyes downwards towards my jaw, only to realize that it’s not the same as Wrath energy. Most like Wrath energy in the form of a gas.

That’s new.

Wait, do some of my transformations have different powers as well that I normally don’t have? Because that would be really nice.

Even if it probably doesn’t happen often.

Although it could also be to make up for the smaller size I have as a wolf than I had in the other forms.

Either way though… the instincts of a wolf are a little much.

A loud screech echoes down from the hall, making a powerful urge to hunt spread through me, and before I can stop myself, I find myself sprinting in the direction of the screech.

Time to hunt some spiders.


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You are of a different classification within the System from the other users of your group and therefore cannot enter the dungeon alongside them.

Therefore, you have been separated from them and sent to a random location dependent the dungeon.

For this dungeon, you have been sent to a separate system of tunnels from the others in your group.



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