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                                          Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 3

“I think we should move to a different city to do jobs at,” I straight up tell Roxy as soon as we enter my room at the inn.

The others are currently waiting downstairs at the common area, likely eating and drinking their hearts out, so this is the first time I’ve been alone with her since this morning.

Roxy furrows her brows at my question before crossing her arms and asking very politely, “Would you mind telling me why, your highne-”

She cuts off as she sees my eyes narrow and quickly corrects herself, “Cassandra?”

“Did you hear the talk from the invader soldiers about their General coming here soon?” I ask her while sitting down on my bed and looking out the window.

Once I sense her nod her head through my aura, I continue, “Well, I met a very powerful invader a little while back and they were able to sense something about my powers that I would rather them not sense. And I get the feeling that this one might be able to do the same.”

I turn back to look at her again, just to find her seemingly contemplating my words.

Several seconds pass in silence as she thinks before she eventually says, “Alright. We were probably going to leave in about a week or so anyways.”

My eyes widen slightly in surprise at how quickly she agreed to my suggestion, but she just shakes her head and explains, “When you stay in one place for too long as an adventurer while doing nothing but taking all of the jobs, the local adventurers tend to get annoyed.”

I open my mouth slightly at that before closing it again.

Huh. Never really thought about it.

It does make sense that the locals would be annoyed if strong adventurers came and started taking all of their jobs.

I know I certainly would be.

“Let’s talk to the others about it,” she says while walking towards the door to my room.


Loud laughter echoes through the common area of the inn as the twins shout and dance from atop one of the large tables, each with a jug of beer held in one of their hands.

I stand in place, just staring at them in confusion for several seconds until Roxy mutters under her breath, “Or not…” She then turns to me and says, “Looks like we’ll have to tell them in the morning.”

Still without saying anything, I nod my head in agreement.

We then turn to look at Jerold, just to find the big guy slowly sipping at a glass of wine.

I alternate my gaze between him and the loud twins who are bothering the people at the table next to them before focusing on Roxy again with my eyebrows furrowed.

She just shrugs her shoulders and tells Jerold, “Go ahead and carry them back to their rooms.”

The heavy-set mute finishes off his current glass of wine and slowly gets up from his seat, drawing the eye of a large majority of the people in the hall in the process before hitting both twins on the backs of their necks.

I wince at the sight of bother twins falling face-first into their drinks, unconscious. Which, in the process of doing so, silences the previously-loud hall.

There… probably could have been a better way to do that.

“We’ll be heading out in the morning, okay?” Roxy calls after Jerold as he begins climbing the stairs in the direction of the twins’ rooms.

A grunt resounds from the man before he disappears into the second floor and the chatter continues throughout the hall.

I send a strange look towards Roxy, only to see her shrugging her shoulders again and saying, “They do this every time we’ve been at one place for too long.”

Okay… those twins are certainly a handful. But I guess it could be worse.


         The border between the Duchy of Viette and the Western Duchy

Loud screams echo through the woods around the border as another adventurer attempts to sneak past the large hoard of undead stretched across the border.

Meanwhile, on a tall tower overlooking the border, a man wearing a New Earth Alliance uniform can be seen staring at a portal from earth.

After a few seconds, Robert Fellhart steps through the portal with a sword sheathed at his waist and a pistol holstered on the other side of his waist. He then steps towards the edge of the tower and looks out at the undead with a sneer.

“Still lazing around as your undead do your job for you?” he says in a half-sarcastic, half-joking manner before turning back to look at the man again.

“Nevermind that,” General Zark says with a frown, “I’ve heard word that you were demoted?”

Robert sighs and narrows his eyes.

“Yes,” he says while turning back to the edge of the tower again, “Reynolds sabotaged me and freed the Sins of Wrath and Pride.”

Zark narrows his eyes at that before joining him at the edge of the tower.

Several seconds pass in silence as the two look out, only for the silence to be broken again by the sounds of another adventurer screaming from being attacked and torn to pieces by the undead.

“I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised by that,” Zark admits after looking out over the undead for a few more seconds.

Robert just nods his head before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a red gemstone, and holding it up to his eye.

The other General glances at him for a second and asks, “Is that the crystal linked to the Sin of Wrath?”

The former High General just nods his head.

“What about the crystal linked to the Sin of Pride?” he asks with a frown.

“Unfortunately,” Robert begins while clenching his fist, “that crystal was lost along with the Sin itself.”

A silence falls between the two at that.

“Unfortunate indeed,” Zark mutters before asking, “you going to the Duchy Seat?”

Robert just nods his head, continues watching the undead for a few seconds, and jumps down from the tower before slowly down to a float once he nears the ground.


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