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Sitting on the counter is a small, black bone. One that is radiating a very faint, black light.

I blink at it a couple of times in confusion before reading the item’s description.


Tier 7 Ancient Draugr Bone:

This bone comes from an ancient draugr and can be used in crafting weapons.

It can be used to increase the overall damage boost of a weapon of Tier 7 or below by 15%.

System’s Favor: This item came directly from the current emperor of the draugr, making it give a 15% boost instead of a 10% boost.



Silence fills the hall as I stare at the description for a few seconds before I alternate my gaze between it and the bone.

Leo… gave me one of his bones?

I continue staring at it for a few more seconds before eventually putting it into my inventory and moving on to the next sponsorship.

Time to see what the earth harbinger gave me!

Without hesitating, I reach out for the red skill orb, making the description of the skill appear right before I make contact with it.


Tier 7 Elemental Ice Hardening:

This skill allows the user to infuse ice element into their skin, granting their skin the qualities of the type of ice used.



Oh? Well that could be very useful.

I quickly finish reaching out towards the skill orb before claiming it and moving on to the next sponsorship, which is the one I’m the most curious about.

The one from the devourer, Talroth.

A sponsorship that also happens to be Tier 9, unlike the other sponsorships here.


Tier 9 Elemental Manipulation:

This skill helps the user manipulate whatever element they are able to manipulate.

Using it will drastically decrease the power and speed of whatever element is being used by the skill, but it will passively improve the control that the user has when using their original version of manipulation.

Note: When not using this skill, the power and speed of an element is not affected.

Note: This skill cannot be sold, auctioned, or traded.

System’s Favor: This skill was created personally by the Administrator known as Talroth for the specific use of the individual Wolf Adler. It was made with the purpose of assisting the user in their ice element control training.



My jaw drops open at the sight of the skill’s description.

Are you kidding me?

A random Administrator personally used one of his few uses of that power to create a Tier 9 skill? For me?

My eye twitches slightly and I hesitate to touch the skill.

This is an incredibly large favor, and I’m not entirely sure if I should accept it or not…

I stare at the rainbow-colored skill orb for a few seconds before eventually reaching out and touching the skill orb.

Then I let out a sigh as the thing enters my body.

It would be much worse if I rejected it after he had already used up part of his power to create it for me in the first place.


I close my eyes and focus on the skill before quickly using it to manipulate the ice element exuding from my own body, which feels a lot slower than it usually does. But it also is a lot easier to study, with a much greater level of control.

…this is too big of an opportunity to pass up.

After all, with this, I should be able to figure out my elemental shifting at a much faster pace than I would be able to without it.


I glance at the livestream again before turning my attention towards the last sponsorship.

Looks like I’ll just have to talk to Diane about it later.

Anyways, the last sponsorship looks to be another skill, just like the previous one he sent me. Except that this one is only Tier 7, unlike the Tier 8 skill that Arianais gave me last time.

I pause slightly at the realization that I just called it ‘only Tier 7’ – which a lot of people around the universe would absolutely kill for – before shaking my head and reaching out for the skill orb, just to pause again once the description appears.



Tier 7 Soul-Bound Companion Skill:

This skill will immediately be transferred to the skill-holder’s Soul-Bound Companion if they have one.

If they do not have one, then it will remain unusable in the skill holder’s skills list.

Additionally, the skill’s effect and name will be randomized once it is transferred to the skill-holder’s Soul-Bound Companion.



Okay then. I didn’t realize that was a thing.

I glance down at my shadow for a second before reaching out and touching the orb, giving me the skill. And almost immediately after doing so, I hear Sapphire let out a short cry as she jumps out of my arms with a faint light shining from her body.

Let’s see what skill you get…

The light continues shining out of her for several seconds before I get a notification stating that the skill was successfully transferred to Sapphire.

So I look at her skills list before finding a new skill. One that sounds rather interesting.


Skill | Arctic Burst | Tier 7

This skill will draw in the ice element within the user’s surroundings and shoot it outwards in a large burst.



That sounds like fun.

Sapphire, as if reading my thoughts, lets out a happy chirp and climbs up my shoulder again before rubbing her head up against my neck and moving back down to my arms.

I chuckle at her actions.

She’s always so carefree in this dungeon.

I pet the little fella for a few seconds before saying, “Return,” and quickly finding myself teleporting back to the meadow I was in when I originally teleported to the System’s Grand Hall.

After getting back and not seeing any monsters in sight, outside of the frozen corpses around me, I use my portable System Store.

Time to go meet with Diane.

Hopefully she can answer all of my questions.


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