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The Rise of the Winter Wolf is back to chapters every other day, while The Calling of Wrath has been moved to Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, in the place of Winter Wolf's old scheduley guide thingy.

Have a nice day!



Well, that took longer than I expected.

Wonder why it took so long to appear?

My jaw drops slightly at the information in the notification.


I stare at the notification for a few seconds before it fades away and I’m left staring at the open meadow.

That means that only the top five groups of Competitors actually fight a Centurion – assuming one of them doesn’t die while doing it that is.

Although, putting that aside for the moment, the temple honestly sounds a little cool.

Not something I’d want to experience myself, but cool, nonetheless.

What does make me wanna go find whoever made this dungeon and give them a-

Actually, it was possible that it might have been the Reaper who did it. And it’s probably a bad idea to bad mouth the Reaper.

Anyways, why on ear- err, why in the System does the Centurion have to be one hundred levels above the highest level regular monster? That just sounds like overkill. Even if this is the one hundredth floor of the dungeon.

As for the intelligent part? I don’t think that’s too different from what I’m already used to dealing with. Probably.

I mean, that werewolf was rather intelligent, if you ignore its bloodlust.

Sapphire suddenly lets out a small screech, breaking me out of my thoughts. When I look down at her in my arms, I find her looking straight back at me with an innocent expression on her cute little face. One that completely contradicts how intimidating she can be at full size.

“Let’s go, Sapphire,” I tell her with a faint smile before continuing my way through the meadow.

One hundred levels above the highest level regular monster or not, I’ll just deal with it the same way I always do.

Except maybe with a bit more power leveling.


Okay, this is not what I was expecting.

I raise an eyebrow at the direction of the very large temple sticking out of the horizon. It has a very strange shape, with it looking like a regular temple until you get close to the top, where it suddenly flares out and makes a large upside-down cone.

What the… can that really be called a temple?

Actually, scratch that. No one called it a temple but me.

I stare at the building for a few seconds, analyzing everything about it. Including how strange and out of place it seems in the middle of a moonlit meadow.

The building has a pure-black coloring to it, as if it was made using some sort of material similar to obsidian. But at the same time, it has several glowing red crescent moons on the sides of it, along with some engravings that seem to tell a story.

After hesitating for a moment as to whether or not I should try checking it out, a loud grinding noise begins to come from the direction of the large cone above the building. The grinding noise sounds a lot like gears, and it slowly begins to grow louder and louder until a screeching noise joins it.

One very similar to the noise made by a lot of those annoying scythian monsters.

“Shit,” I grunt out while reflexively covering my ears with my gauntlet-covered paws, only to immediately raise my soundproofing as high as it can go while the noise continues raising in volume.

Guess I found the damn Centurion.

And with that thought, I quickly hold Sapphire tight to my chest and burst into a sprint in the opposite direction of the temple.

However, after nearly half a minute of running, I turn my head back to glance at the temple, just to find the tip of it still visible, and for some reason spreading outwards. In a manner very similar to the mouths of the scythian monsters.

And what’s revealed inside is some sort of enormous golem made out of a mixture of some sort of shiny, black metal and hundreds of thousands of tiny silver gears.

Holy fucking shit.

That thing really is almost one hundred levels above me!

Also, its tag is also really unique. I’ve never seen a multicolored one before.

Although I’m not sure how to even go about attempting to pronounce its name. So I just won’t.

The creature has a generally humanoid figure, but with a large head that’s split into four different segments just like the other scythian monsters. Unlike the other ones, however, this one has pitch-black teeth inside of the mouth, with some sort of liquid pooling up at the back of it despite the mouth being unceremoniously pointed in my direction.

Oh shit.

I quickly take a picture of the monster using the System Menu I bought ages ago only to never use before sprinting off as fast as I possibly can away from the monster, just to hear a loud explosion behind me.

Despite that, I ignore it to continue running in the hopes that the monster can’t do whatever it just did twice in a row.

It’s only about a hundred levels above me. Why the hell is it able to fire off an attack at me from what must have been several hundred kilometers away?!

I continue running for several minutes before finally turning back to find nothing behind me at all.

Guess I must have left the Centurion’s domain or something. And also left behind the aftermath of whatever it tried doing to me.

With that relieving thought in mind, I open up both the picture I took of it and the System Forums.

Let’s see if I can’t find this creature’s identity on the forums.


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Table of Contents

For those of you who can't view the images:

Administrator   Dungeon Notification

You have entered a Centurion   Floor!

This floor has   a total of five exits, and a Competitor may only pass through one of the   exits if they have killed one of the Centurions.

Furthermore,   once all five Centurions are dead and the five exits are already used up, a   sixth exit will appear within a large temple, guarded by various different   types of boss monsters from the past floor themes.


A Centurion is   a boss monster that is at least one hundred levels above the highest level regular   monster on the floor.

Additionally,   they are intelligent beings who are being punished by the System for breaking   the System’s laws.

_-| Hixiarxlo – Scythian Centurion – Level 1201 |-_


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