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Item | Advanced Coat of The Winter Wolf | Tier 9

This coat was crafted by the master craftsman, Tordek Undark, under the direction of the Werewolf Empress, Diane Frost for the specific use of The Winter Wolf. Additionally, it was upgraded through the use of an Item Upgrade Stamp. It may only be worn by The Winter Wolf – otherwise known as Wolf Adler – and quickly freeze anyone else who attempts to wear it.

The coat raises the overall maneuverability of the wearer by 30%, raises the wearer’s physical and magical resistance by 50%, while also granting them a medium physical and magical resistance. It also completely shields the wearer from any type of detection skill, making the only visible detail of the wearer being the title, ‘The Winter Wolf’.

The crest on the coat increases the overall efficiency of any ice element created by the user and allows the coat to automatically repair itself both on its own and at an increased pace through the use of the wearer’s ice element if the wearer wishes it.

Bonus Effect: If the wearer has 70% or more of their total stamina remaining, then they are able to use the skill ‘Cocytus.’ The coat takes on characteristics of the wearer’s variant ice, making it only possible to damage it when something at the level of 105% of the wearer’s level damages it.

Note: The sleeves are ethereal and will not get in the way of fighting, allowing the wearer’s hands and arms to pass through them when needed. They also cover the wearer’s arms with a faint illusion so that anything worn under the sleeve isn’t visible to others, as if the wearer was wearing nothing but the coat. The coat also transforms with the wearer whenever they change form to specifically suit that new form.


As I finish reading through the new item description, I notice an extremely thin layer of frost coating the coat that wasn’t there before.

Guess that’s due to it taking on my eternal ice’s characteristics.

That part aside though, all of the percentage-based statistics of the coat have increased by ten to twenty percent each. It also looks like the detection blocking has been upgraded, since before now it only stated that it shielded against detection. Not that it completely shields it and replaces everything with my title.

Which is rather cool, to be honest.

Or at least, it would be. If the viewers didn’t already know a lot of my powers and weren’t watching me grow stronger.

Then again, it’ll be helpful when I get out of the dungeon and am no longer being watched all of the time.

I narrow my eyes at the description again to make sure I didn’t miss anything, just to notice two more changes. Or at least I think one of them is a change.

Before now, I think it only said that it would begin to freeze anyone else who tried wearing the coat. While now it says that it’ll quickly freeze them.

Meanwhile the other change is in that the coat now automatically repairs itself without my prompting it to do so.

Which is nice. But I doubt I’ll be using it much now that it has my eternal ice incorporated into it.

Either way, the changes are very nice.

I wonder if I’ll be able to turn it into a Tier 10 item eventually?

The thought bounces around in my head for a few seconds before I shake my head, put on the coat, and focus on the exit.

That’s a thought for later. Now is the time to check out the Centurion floor.

I quickly shift back into my hunter form – which I had shifted out of as I took off my coat in the first place – before reaching out and touching the exit, causing a golden light to shine from it. Not even a second later, I find myself in the middle of a vast meadow covered by moonlight, filled with nothing but grass and an occasional tree. And several scythian golems of all kinds lumbering about.

Uh… what?

What happened to the forest that’s been this theme so far?

I blink at the thought, only to wave my hand and send a large amount of icy mist through the meadow to freeze the scythian golems nearby who had noticed me.

And now the meadow is already frozen after only a few seconds of being here.

Makes me wonder when the last time I stayed in a place for an extended period of time without freezing everything was.

I look around the now-frozen meadow before glancing at my map and starting off in a random direction.

Considering that there are only five Centurion bosses on the floor, I think it’s safe to assume that I won’t be finding one for a while. Unless I just happen to get lucky.

Sapphire suddenly pops out of my shadow again before climbing up to the top of my head and letting out a short little screech.

I can’t help but smile at her antics. However, her actions remind me of the immortal chick, making me wonder if that little fella might end up on this floor.

At some point, I realized that the chick really is just an annoying mascot that bothers everything in the dungeon, monster or Competitor.

One that will never leave no matter what you try to do.

I reach up to grab Sapphire before holding her in my arms as I walk across the frozen meadow. After a few steps, she quickly settles in and begins purring against my chest.

As I walk, I take the time to look around at my surroundings, focusing on the beauty of the ice and the contrasting beauty of the grassy meadow beyond it. I then look up at the sky to find a crescent moon hanging high in the sky.

“Ya know,” I mutter to Sapphire, making her raise her head to look up at me with a light screech of question, “for such a dangerous place, it sure is beautiful.”

A thought comes to mind after a few seconds pass and I furrow my brows.

I wonder if the System is more like a sapient being that can think for itself, or if it’s more like an artificial intelligence that has to follow a certain set of rules and can’t clearly think for itself.

Because it would be pretty incredible if an artificial intelligence was able to create so many beautiful – and borderline terrifying in some of the floor themes – places.

Although I feel like it’s probably more like a sapient being. At least if that System Favor skill is anything to go by.

I continue looking up at the moon for a few seconds before looking down again and continuing my way through the meadow.

Just for a notification to appear in the center of my interface after just a single step.


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