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Dungeon from the Void book 3 has released on Amazon Kindle Unlimited!

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                                                    Within the Void

Several dozen Vampires of varying Tiers ranging from Tier 2 all the way to Tier 5 stand in a large circle around the Prince surrounded by a seemingly infinite darkness; the only light filling the area being that of the very small balls of light summoned forth by the light mages within the group.

Additionally, the various wind mages amongst the group can be seen quietly generating oxygen for the Vampires to breath and keeping it compressed in the area they are in.

The Prince rests his arms behind his back as he stands up straight and looks around at the gathered Vampires. After making sure that they’re all present, he declares, “Our goal here is to find the Ancestor’s companion, and we only have a single month to do that. So make good use of it.”

His gaze scans through the Vampires as he continues, “But remember this. The void is filled with the most dangerous creatures in existence. Even just a single bite from a higher Tier Void Serpent can wipe out anything beneath Tier 6 from existence.”

He focuses on a single one of the Vampires at that before narrowing his eyes and asking, “Is that understood?”

Once he sees the Vampire in question nod his head wordlessly in agreement, he continues talking, “As for the dungeon? Make sure you all stay a healthy distance away from the portal to make sure that he can’t eavesdrop.”

The Prince turns to look at the dungeon at those words before removing his arms from behind his back and crossing them in front of his chest, “I doubt the dungeon will care about what we’re doing, but it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry.”

All of the Vampires nod their heads and slam one of their fists against the breastplates of their armor at his words.

“Since we’re in the void, we can no longer regenerate our mana,” the Prince says after nodding his head once in approval. “So keep that in mind.”

“Lastly,” the Prince says while stepping closer to the Vampires, making them all back up at the same time, “if any of you do find the Ancestor’s companion, then report it directly to me. If he is unfortunately no longer with us, then we will immediately begin to search for clues as to how he passed. But if he is still alive, then I’ll rush to your location as quickly as I can. Now go!”

“Understood!” all of the Vampires shout before sprinting off into the darkness of the void in groups, with each group having at least one mage capable of generating light through some means, and one mage capable of generating oxygen.

However, the only ones that manage to make enough light to see in an efficient manner are the light mages, as the fire mages all require burning the oxygen created by the wind mages in the area to keep their flames lit.

The Prince watches each group leave before heading off on his own thanks to his status as a Tier 6 cultivator allowing him to see in the dark despite there not being even a single scrap of light and making him not need to breath to live.

‘Time to see if either he or the Ancestor are here somewhere,’ the man thinks while blitzing through the void at a speed much faster than the other Vampires.


Three days later

“Do you think those Vampires have found what they’re looking for yet?” I ask Dawn out of curiosity while staring at the still-open portal within the hidden room.

Dawn glances at me for a moment before focusing on the party of intruders that she’s been watching travel through my dungeon for a while now and saying, “I doubt it. Not when we consider how large the void is.”

Hmm. She has a point.

I don’t have any experience traveling through the void, not considering how I was kind of just a floating rock in an unlimited amount of darkness while I was there, but my instincts make me feel as if it’s a lot larger than Midgard.

Which reminds me that I still have to send some monsters into one of my portals at some point to begin scouting around the void.

Or at least, I need to do that after my monsters gain enough self-sufficiency to be like Dawn and are able to survive for a time outside of my dungeon.

I just hope that it doesn’t take too long for that to happen. Because I can’t always solely rely on Dawn to go outside of the dungeon. And the only other option for exploring the void is to expand into it myself and become split between the void and Midgard, which I do plan on doing. But not just yet.

Not until I reach level sixteen in both CL and EL.

After all, I don’t want to raise the difficulty of my dungeon too quickly. Otherwise some intruders might have issues with it.

And the last thing I want right now is some annoying Lord or Lady outside whining about how my dungeon got too difficult out of nowhere and killed off their Knights.

At that thought, I expand into the portal a little bit to see inside, only to get a surprise as something actually enters it at that very moment.

Something that I’ve never seen before.

“Uh, Dawn,” I mutter as I stare at the odd little snake floating through the air in the hidden room. “A snake of some kind just passed through the portal meant for the Vampires.”

“What?!” Dawn exclaims while immediately taking her attention away from the intruders and focusing on the little snake, who also happens to have pitch-black eyes, just like my mana infused monsters. It also has a very faint amount of black mist traveling across its equally black scales covering the creature’s two meter long body.

Although despite how long the creature is, its width doesn’t exactly match, with the width of its body only being like a fifth of a meter.

“And it looks like it might have the void element,” I continue with a very small amount of worry tinging my voice.


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