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Three days later, on the Ninety-Ninth floor

The wind blows through my relatively short, white hair as I fall down from the top of the pyramid that makes up the mini boss’s room inside of the enormous temple towards the large golem mini boss below me.

At the same time, Sapphire continues to use my own ice element to slowly freeze the monster from the ground up, keeping it in place while I fall.

Once I get within several meters of the creature, a loud rumbling sound comes from it due to the vibrations of its enormous, metal body. I ignore it though thanks to the maxed out soundproofing on my headphones and continue falling straight down towards it with my claws outstretched towards the monster.

The golem tries to raise its arm in a last ditch attempt to stop me, but Sapphire sends out a thread of temporary eternal ice – something she had gotten at the same time that I had reached level 1000, just without me knowing about it at the time – to stop it in its tracks for several seconds.

During this time, I continue falling down before piercing my claws straight through the metal and into the mini boss’s mushy brain. And just to make sure it dies, I immediately push a wave of ice element through the brain, freezing it solid.

Once I hear the chime marking the monster’s death, I quickly make my way out of its head and jump down to the ground to join Sapphire.

“Good job,” I tell her with a faint smile before turning to look at the floor exit on the other side of the large room.

Guess it’s finally time to get to the one hundredth floor.

I narrow my eyes slightly at the thought.

There’s absolutely going to be another notification after I enter the floor. And if I remember correctly, there should only be five exits on the floor, with one centurion boss guarding each of them.

Which means that only five Competitors, or at least five groups of Competitors will be able to fight them.


I glance at Sapphire as she hides in my shadow again before shrugging to myself and walking towards the exit.

No point sitting here and thinking about it. Especially when I can just go through the exit to see for myself.

Once I make it to the exit, I immediately reach out and touch it, only to get a slight surprise as the exit begins to glow with a golden light.

My eyes widen slightly at it, but I quickly find myself in a small golden chamber, similar to the white one that I had appeared in when I first entered the dungeon.

Right after I finish reading the notification, both of the items appear in my hands, followed by the descriptions of both items.

I ignore the description for the Ability Upgrade Tokens – seeing as I already have one of those – to focus on the Item Upgrade Stamp.

Although just considering its name…


Item | Item Upgrade Stamp | System Tier

This one-time-use item upgrades whichever item it is stamped on.

The upgrade includes a single increase in the Tier of the item, along with System-decided bonuses that will be added to it.

Note: This item cannot be used to raise a Tier 9 item to Tier 10.


Yep. Its name says it all.

A grin lights up my face, followed immediately after by an exit appearing in the golden room.

I look at the exit for a few seconds before glancing at the gauntlets on my hands and the coat that I have on.

They’re both Tier 8, and raising either one of them to Tier 9 would be a major boost to my abilities…

Although… which one should I use the stamp on?

It’s too bad that the stamp doesn’t work on Tier 9 items.

I alternate my gaze between the two items before eventually settling on the coat.

Upgrading the coat would be better. After all, it’s a unique item made specifically for me, while the gauntlets are just something I bought off of the player auction.

Even if they’re a very good something.

I glance at the exit again before putting the token in my inventory, taking off my coat, and placing it onto the ground.

Let’s see…

I grab the stamp with my thumb and fore-finger before stamping the coat, just like I did with those stamps that were given to us at the very start of the Initialization. And almost immediately afterwards, the coat begins to glow with a blackish-golden light.

“Shiny,” I mutter without taking my eyes off of the coat as Sapphire hops out of my shadow to look at what’s going on.

The coat continues to shine.

And shine.

And shine some more. To the point that it’s still shining even after five entire minutes of watching it glow.

Okay, how long is this going to glow?

As if on cue, the coat stops glowing and Sapphire lets out a very faint screech out of curiosity while tilting her head.

What’s revealed after the light fades is… the exact same coat that was there before hand.

My eyes widen slightly as the coat suddenly begins to change form. Albeit not by much.

The sleeve itself gains a few streaks of pale blue in addition to the ones that were already there, meanwhile the crest itself grows slightly larger and the coat itself begins to emit a very faint icy mist.

Interesting… so even the crest itself changed?

The crest used to have my head in hunter form, surrounded by a light white mist and a circular border with four spikes on it. But now, the light mist is gaining small hints of blue, making it resemble the white and blue light I gave off while temporarily awakened as a reaper back during my fight with the kraken.

Hmm. Very interesting.

I continue examining the coat for a few seconds before the updated description for the item appears on my interface, making my eyes widen slightly at the sight of the changes.


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Administrator Dungeon   Notification

This   is a notification to every competitor in the Administrator Dungeon.

The   competitor, The Winter Wolf, has become the very first Competitor of the Run   to reach a Centurion floor!

As   a reward, he will be given an Ability Upgrade Token, and an Item Upgrade Stamp.


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