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                                Year 2849 | Month 6 | Day 25 | Thursday
                                                        The next day

I grimace as I pull the trigger, sending a bullet straight through the skull of the last soldier in this patrol before he can raise his pistol to aim at Aidan.

Not even two seconds later, the voice of the officer in charge of this mission who’s here in the place of Leo comes from the id card in my pocket, “The mission has been canceled. A Class C magician has been sighted approaching the area, therefore you are all ordered to come back to base as quickly as possible.”

My eyes widen in shock as I turn to look at the officer who is standing far away from us, where he was observing our mission prior to now.

Shit, wasn’t this just a simple scouting mission?! Why the hell would a Class C magician be here!

I quickly turn around to look at the area in search of the magician, only to not find anything and instead hurry to pack up my rifle before rushing towards the officer as he pulls a freaking jeep out of his plane storage.

Ignoring the bizarreness of that for the moment, I turn to look at the others to see them crossing the distance between us with their acceleration spells active. At the same time, an explosion echoes from far away from us all, on the other side of them, followed by a bright flash of golden light.

“Damn it!” the officer’s voice sounds from the call.

My eyes narrow as I continue looking behind the others to see a large wave of sand blowing towards them, but fortunately it stops while still several dozen meters behind them.

“Hurry up!” I shout back at them without pausing in my sprint towards the officer.

More explosions begin to echo from behind us and I see the officer’s eyes widen right before I reach him and jump into the jeep. I turn back to look at the others, who are still several kilometers away and running towards us. My eyes then widen to match the officer’s as I see several figures practically gliding across the sands towards us with their own magic while fighting and sending various spells at a man who is glowing with a golden light.

The officer immediately starts the jeep once the others reach us before driving us in the direction opposite to the fighting magicians.

“Is that really…” Aidan beings, only to hesitate for a moment as he stares at the approaching battle, “…just a battle between Class C and D magicians?”

I ignore his question, only faintly noticing Cyria and Sophia both nodding their heads while explosion after explosion echoes from the battle. At the same time, bright rays of light pierce their way through the air towards the Class D magicians chasing after the Class C one, just for several of them to miss and instead cause scorch marks to appear in the sand where they hit the ground. However, the ones that do hit end up causing rays of light to shine from the barriers surrounding the Class D magicians.

“Even from all the way out here, I can tell just how much mana is packed into those barriers,” Sophia mutters as we all continue watching the battle occur. “But despite that, the attacks are still almost getting through…”

My eyes narrow at that and I focus on expanding my magic senses over towards them, just to find that they are all too far away.

Damnit, I really need to catch up to them in my mana arc training!

Almost as soon as that thought crosses my mind, the magicians all burst closer to us at an even faster speed, entering the range of my magic senses in the process. And as soon as they do, my eyes widen at the enormous amount of mana in practically every one of their spells.

Before I can comment on it, a large spell circle appears beneath the jeep, followed by a powerful gust of wind that immediately pushes the jeep forwards at a much faster pace.

I almost let out a yelp of surprise but am beaten to it by Aidan as I lean back in the vehicle to maintain my balance. Soon after that, the magicians once again leave the range of my magic senses.

Why didn’t he do that right-

My thoughts are interrupted as the id card in my pocket begins buzzing. When I take it out to see who’s calling, I immediately read the caller id as Leo before accepting the call and seeing his tense-looking face appear on a video call.

He almost immediately relaxes once he sees how quickly we’re moving and says, “I’ll be there soon, so keep moving.”

The instructor then waits for a second, seemingly as if to wait to see if we have anything to say, before he hangs up the call again.

I blink once and raise my head again as another explosion echoes from the direction of the magicians. The first thing I see though is the sight of the Class C magician staring straight in our direction.

“Shit, I think the Class C magician might’ve noticed us,” I shout to the officer, only to hear him swearing and immediately increasing his mana output to the spell beneath the jeep in response. Almost immediately after, the Class C magician suddenly jerks his head slightly to our side.


I turn to look in the direction he’s looking before finding a blazing flame heading straight towards us.

“Leo’s here,” I state with a relieved smile on my face.

The others all look towards the ball of flame while I turn back towards the Class C magician again, but I end up having to cover my eyes right when I do as an incredibly bright flash of golden light shines out of him and engulfs the other magicians chasing him.

“What the fu-” I hear Aidan swear before cutting off at the sound of another loud explosion.


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