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                                    The capital of the Liathtria Continent
                                           Year 820 | Month 2 | Day 21

Archibald de Luna – ruler of the Liathtria continent and father to Cassandra de Luna and her two brothers – takes his seat on the throne situated at the end of the throne room before looking up at the various nobles situated around the throne room.

Unlike the last major meeting that occurred soon after the System initialized, this one has a much smaller attendance from the nobles due to them dealing with their many issues originating from the invaders.

After a few seconds of silence, the king glances at the captain of the guard – Vincent – and asks, “Do we still not have any news on my daughter?”

The guard gives him a small shake of his head as he answers, “No, my liege.”

Muttered whispers spread through the hall at the answer, but they all quiet again once the king raises his hand.

A couple more seconds pass in silence before the captain of the guard continues speaking, “However, we can at least be assured that the invaders do not have ahold of her either.”

Archibald nods his head and glances at Rodrick, who adds, “Which means that she could either be alone somewhere on the invaders’ plane, or on Midgard.”

“Correct,” Vincent confirms.

The king turns away from his son to look at Cassandra’s empty throne for several quiet seconds. He then turns back to the nobles and declares, “Continue to search for Princess Cassandra throughout the continent, but be sure to keep the news about her changed appearance hidden for the moment. From what we’ve been able to gather, the invaders still don’t realize that she was the one they kidnapped, nor do they know where she might be.” Archibald narrows his eyes as he finishes, “And we don’t want them getting in the way of the search or somehow tricking someone into revealing her location whenever we find her.”

The corner of Vincent’s mouth arcs slightly at the king’s use of the phrase ‘whenever we find her’ before he salutes, along with the rest of the gathered nobles, and shouts, “Yes, your majesty!”

“Next topic at hand,” the king states almost immediately after hearing his subjects’ answer. He then turns to look at Vincent and asks, “Please inform everyone of the strives we have made so far against the invaders.”

“Of course, your majesty,” Vincent says with a bow before focusing on the gathered nobles and stating, “since the initial wave of the invasion, we have managed to defend every duchy with the exception of the Duchy of Viette. Additionally, outside of several dozen small baronies, counties, and a single march, we have recovered a vast majority of the noble lands back from the invaders thanks to our World Tree Attunement and our superiority in numbers.”

A brief round of cheers rises from the various nobles, but Vincent quiets them as he says, “However, with the exception of our most driven forces, such as the princes,” he pauses to glance at Rodrick and the empty seat that belongs to Charles, “and various other nobles and soldiers, the invaders are getting stronger at a faster pace than we are due to their restrictions slowly being lifted. While we have to complete our missions to break through to the next Tier, all they have to do is simply wait for their restriction to be lifted beyond the Tier.”

This causes another bout of silence to envelope the gathered nobles until Archibald asks, “But we still have the advantage with our more talented forces, correct?”

Vincent turns to him and nods, “That is indeed correct as we are still able to level up faster than their restrictions are being lifted.”

The king just nods his head to indicate for the man to continue.

“Unfortunately, in regard to the invaders occupying the Duchy of Viette, we have been unable to make contact with them outside of the use of adventurers,” Vincent states with a frown, only to raise his hand to stop the questions that the nobles immediately begin sending his way. “The invaders are only allowing the adventurers who have at least a silver rank in the assembly and have taken at least ten missions from the invaders to pass through their borders, which are being constantly guarded at every possible entrance by both System items and their own officers through aura skills.”

Many of the nobles grimace at that, but most of them don’t say anything since they had already known.

Meanwhile, the few that didn’t already know only manage to open their mouth before Vincent adds, “For those of you who don’t know what aura skills are, I would recommend looking into them at a later date.” He then turns to look at the king and finishes, “We have attempted to purchase the help of the adventurers to aid us in getting across the border secretly, but it would seem as if those the invaders allow to pass were all required to sign contracts agreeing that they wouldn’t aid in smuggling others across the border through the use of their status.”

Right as the king is about to speak, Rodrick suddenly asks, “What about recommendations?”

Both Vincent and the king glance at him before Vincent asks, “Recommendations?”

The prince nods his head and explains, “What if we were to ask the adventurers who have crossed the border to recommend us to the invaders instead of smuggling us across? Then we might be able to enter without the contract activating.”

Vincent looks down as he thinks it over for several seconds before shaking his head and stating, “That might work, but I have my doubts. After all, the invaders likely won’t be fooled by something like that.”

Rodrick just shrugs and says, “It can’t hurt to try.”

At those words, the king and Vincent share a glance, only for the king to faintly nod his head.

“In that case, we will have to be careful about how we go about doing this,” Vincent states, followed by the king turning to his son and stating, “Since this was your idea Rodrick, I will appoint you to be in charge of it.”

The prince nods with a grin and thinks, ‘Good. Now I might be able to search for her in the duchy if this works out.’

“Up next is the decrease in crop yield and overall trade throughout the kingdom thanks to the System’s initialization,” Archibald declares, sparking the beginning of a long discussion that stretches for hours into the night.


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