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                                                                Year 819 | Month 1 | Day 22
                                                                          Ten minutes later

That’s much better.

I walk away from the shredded cats’ corpses with a newly healed body and a smile on my face.

Claws of Wrath is probably my favorite skill at this point. It’s just amazing for surviving alone in a forest.

That aside, I continue making my way along the wall until I find myself standing in front of a large paste of blood, flesh, and bone on the grass-covered ground. Not to mention a little bit of shattered marble.

Looks like the asshole monkey didn’t have as nice of a landing as I did.

Serves it right.

Now then, time to explore a bit down here.

From what I remember, it looked like the valley was a few kilometers in length, and the World Tree Vein itself was a few hundred meters in length. Meanwhile, the outskirts of the valley up against the cliff walls didn’t have anywhere near as many monsters, with most of the ones here being the weaker ones.

So I should be able to fight against the monsters here for a bit before eventually getting to level 20.

The issue is finding water.

But considering how all of these monsters are still alive in the first place, there has to be a water source somewhere down here.

I just have to find it.

With that thought in mind, I begin to make my way along the wall of the valley.

Please let it be near the wall.


Surprisingly, it only takes me half an hour of walking to find a source of water. Although it’s currently surrounded by dozens of monsters.

Something is off about it though.

For some reason, not a single one of the monsters here is fighting with any of the others. In fact, they’re all just calmly sharing the small pond in front of them.

At the same time, the water of the pond itself is just constantly pouring into it from some strange red circle opened up on the side of the cliff.

The… hell?

Is that pond being filled with water from the World Tree itself?

And why aren’t the monsters-

My thoughts come to a halt as a commotion begins growing louder from several dozen meters away from the pond. When I turn to look at it, I find two Tier 3 monsters fighting their way over here, with both of them covered in each other’s blood.

I quickly begin to hide, only to realize that none of the monsters at the pond – not even the Tier 1s – are even moving from their spot, instead just continuing to drink the water from the pond.

And the reason why they’re doing that quickly becomes apparent as the two fighting monsters get closer to the pond before large vines suddenly grab onto them from the ground and begin squeezing.

My eyes widen in shock at the sight of the two Tier 3 monsters – beings that I couldn’t hope to kill for quite some time – pop like a bubble full of blood and flesh.

I turn to look at the monsters still at the pond, only to find them still doing the same thing as before, as if what they just saw was a normal sight to behold here.

What’s… what?

Is the World Tree actually protecting the monsters drinking at the pond and making it some sort of safe area?

Actually, I get the feeling a lot of the Tier 3 monsters over there probably have strong enough senses to have noticed me by now, but they’re still not doing anything. So it shouldn’t just be monsters.

With that thought in mind, I carefully step out of my cover into the clearing around the monsters, only to pause for a second and continue again as I realize that not even a single one of the monsters is looking my way.

Very interesting.

I slowly make my way over to a secluded area of the pond before cupping my hands and bringing some of the water to my lips. Surprisingly, it actually tastes extremely sweet. Similar to the World Tree Sap, but with a much different texture and-

My thoughts cut off as a System note appears in my vision half complete, only to complete itself after a single second just like the random item draw notes.

World Tree Ichor…

Wait, so this isn’t actually water?!

But it looks like water!

Wasn’t the ichor supposed to be red? Hence the red mist?

Also, I knew the Ichor had a similar effect to the Sap, but if it’s this easy to get once down here…

Wait, I forgot.

I’m already about three times as strong as someone like my father, who has fully attuned himself with the Sap. So who would actually be able to survive a fall from that cliff?


I raise my head to look at the monsters around me.

How did these monsters survive the fall?

I know some of them were born here from the red mist, but that can’t be where all of them came from.

So were some of them born here? Or is there some other way to get here that I don’t know of?

Possibilities continue swirling around in my head until I eventually just shake my head and grab another drink of the Ichor.

This time, I don’t get any sort of note from the System, so I continue to drink more and more until another one does pop up, with the same words as the last one.

Okay, I don’t feel the same pressure building up in my body as I do from drinking the Sap. So does that mean that I can drink as much of this as I want?

With that thought in mind, I immediately begin drinking as much of the seemingly-endless Ichor as possible.


After a few more popups of the System notes, I stop getting any more notes entirely, and the sweet flavor of the Ichor begins to dull a lot.

Guess that means I can only have a certain amount at a time?

But is that every day, every month, or even every year?

My gut wants to go with every day, but I’ll just have to wait till tomorrow to test that theory.

Either way though, it’ll take years, maybe even decades of drinking this Ichor daily to increase my attunement to 100%.

I narrow my eyes at the thought before shaking my head and getting up.

Depending on what it takes to get out of here, I’m definitely going to be coming back for more of this stuff.

I turn to look at the monsters in the area again, right as another monster gets popped like a bubble due to attempting to attack one of the ones in this area for some reason, before I begin to leave the clearing.

Time to get some more EXP.

Although not here, because I don’t want to go pop like those monsters.


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World Tree Ichor consumed.

Increasing attunement…

o O o

Attunement has increased by 0.0000001%



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