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                                                                 Year 819 | Month 1 | Day 22

It only takes me a few more hours until I begin to see faint rays of red and green light breaking through the red mist, making it a bit easier to see.

I grunt in pain as I get bit by another one of the extremely annoying oversized mosquitoes before raising my hand and zapping it with my new skill, instantly turning the weak, Tier 1 monster to red ash.

Damn bugs. And I thought the mosquitoes in the Duchy of Rhiane’s swamps were bad…

My thoughts come to a halt as I hear a loud roar echo from closer towards the rays of light.

Yeah, I’m definitely getting closer to the vein.

Guess it’s time to make myself as quiet as possible.

I glance at Thrix to find it seemingly trying to shrink in on itself, as if this were the last place it would ever want to be.

Which it might just be if I’m being honest.

Also, I’m really starting to wonder why I brought Thrix in the first place. It’s not like it can actually help me all that much.

At most it can be a distraction or maybe petrify a small part of a mid-level Tier 2 monster. But if we run into a Tier 3 monster that’s focused on us then we’re both dead.

I narrow my eyes at the creature, only for it to tilt its head and quack at me.

Hmm, guess it’s nice to have some company.

I turn back to the light and begin making my way towards it while trying to make as little noise as possible.


After another four hours of walking, I find myself standing at the edge of a very large cliff, looking out over a long valley. One that has a seemingly endless… thing… stretching through the center of it.

The thing, which I’m guessing is probably the World Tree Vein, is constantly changing appearances. At times it looks like an enormous red vein, while other times it’s a large vine, or a root, or even an enormous mass of flesh. But no matter which appearance the thing takes, it’s always long and circular, like a tube, in its shape, and it’s always letting out random rays of bright red and green light.

But what draws my attention even more than the enormous thing in the center of the valley, is the masses of Tier 3 and Tier 2 monsters that I can see all over the valley, along with the carnage they’re all leaving in their wakes.

Hmm, yeah, that might be a little bit more than I had expected…

I glance at Thrix before looking back at the vein again.

If I leveled up a little and then transformed into my beast form, then I might be able to make it past all of that crap.

But will Thrix?

I purse my lips at the question before looking at Thrix.

Maybe I should spend some time to reach level 20 and then come ba-

As if making the decision for me, the ground beneath me suddenly cracks.

I lower my center of gravity in order to jump upwards. At the same time, the part of the cliff I’m on breaks apart and begins to fall into the valley.


I jump upwards, only to feel a painful impact smack into my back from somewhere above the cliffs. When I look back, I end up finding some sort of red and black-skinned monkey with large black shards of rock in its hands laughing at me. However, it doesn’t last for long before part of one of its legs turns to stone and it also begins to fall off of the cliff.


As I’m falling down into the valley below, I look over to find Thrix glaring at the monkey from its place above the cliff.

After the monkey falls about halfway down the cliff, it tries to grab onto the cliff – the same as I’m trying to do – but its paw suddenly gets knocked backwards by some red energy that zaps it from the cliff wall. Which, of course, makes me yank my hand back away from the cliff right as I’m about to touch it.

Well, I’m probably dead. It was a nice life.

Despite my thoughts, I move through the air back to the part of the cliff that broke off before grabbing onto it and standing up. Then, soon before the chunk of rock is about to hit the ground, I jump off of it, breaking some of my momentum and weakening my fall a little bit.

I grimace once I see that it didn’t have anywhere near as much of an effect as I had hoped, only to go for broke and aim both of my hands down and use up all of my wrath to strike the ground with four bolts of red and black lightning.

This massively slows down my fall, but at the same time, it makes me cough out a mouthful of blood before I eventually land on the ground with a lot less force than before.


But with a lot of pain.

I cough out more blood before looking back up at the top of the cliff, which is a couple of kilometers tall and would likely have killed me even with my preparations if it weren’t for my Tier 2 body, and just barely spotting Thrix sticking its head over the edge to look at me.

Guess it’s goodbye for no Thrix. May you survive and live a nice life on that side of the vein.

After that mental farewell, I begin to climb to my feet, fighting through the pain and likely fatal wounds in the process.

Once I reach my feet with a lot of trouble, I look down and find my clothing completely soaked with blood, to which I quickly use a little MP to clean, only for more blood to begin soaking it some more.

I try to let out a huff of air in irritation, but it turns into a cough of blood before I raise my head to find myself staring at a group of three large cats slowly prowling their way towards me.

The cats immediately stop moving when we make eye contact, only to jump forwards with a hiss.

Meanwhile, despite my pained and blood-soaked state, I faintly smile at the sight of their Tier 1 strength.


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