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Half a day later

This… is a large temple.

I stare at the enormous – and very fancy looking – temple standing in front of me. It looks almost three times as large as all of the others, with several statues making some sort of pathway towards its entrance out front. Meanwhile, the statues themselves are practically identical to those scythian sentries guarding the final rooms of the other temples.

If this isn’t the mini boss’s area then I have no idea what is.

I slowly walk in between the statues, just taking in the large temple, before I eventually arrive at the large door and open it, revealing a very last room on the other side. One filled with dozens of scythian golems.

My mouth parts in surprise, but I close it again a second later as I send a large wave of icy mist into the room to freeze over all of the golems before they can even start moving towards me. After that, I clench my fist and make my ice constrict around each of the golem’s heads, crushing them in the process.

Yep. Definitely a mini boss area.

Also, I kind of want to see how another Competitor might react if they opened this door and found dozens of frozen golems inside.

A faint smile emerges on my face at the thought before I make my way through the doorway with it closing itself directly behind me.

Guess I can look through the System Forums for a video of that later on.

For now though, it’s time to get through this enormous temple.


                                                         Aegis – Near Safe Zone 53

On the outskirts of a large, snow-covered mountain range, a group of several carriages can be seen riding down towards the large safe zone a few kilometers away. The carriages are being pulled by large, tamed wolves, and inside of each carriage are several guards from Safe Zone 52.

Meanwhile, in the center carriage, Aidan sits across from two guards with Wolf’s livestream opened in front of each of them.

“To think he actually came from our area,” one of the guards whispers to the other, to which he just nods his head with an expression of awe on his face.

Aidan smirks at their words before thinking, ‘I wonder how Wolf’ll react when he eventually gets back here and sees all of his fans?’

Suddenly, a knock sounds from the door of the carriage, followed by a guard’s voice, “Sir, we’re almost at Safe Zone 53.”

Wolf’s best friend turns to look at the door before focusing on the livestream again and saying, “Alright. Keep up the good work.”

The voice returns immediately, “Yes sir!”

At the same time, the guards in the carriage close out of their livestreams and return to a ready position.

A few minutes pass with the only sound being that of Wolf’s livestream before another knock sounds from the carriage door and it opens to reveal Katie as she steps into the carriage and sits next to Aidan.

“So you’re watching the livestream as well?” she asks after sitting down and leans into his shoulder.

Aidan nods his head before he says, “Yeah. Not like there’s much else to do during a week-long carriage ride.”

One of the guards can’t help but nod his head in agreement with his statement without actually saying anything.

“True,” Katie mutters with a light groan, “it’s just been so boring. At least watching Wolf gives us something to do.”

After a few seconds of silence, Katie’s breathing begins to slow down, and she starts to fall asleep.

‘Already?’ Aidan thinks with his brows raised in surprise before he shakes her and says, “Hey, we’re almost there. Don’t go falling asleep now.”

“Hmm?” she hums before sitting up straight and looking at the livestream in front of her. “Do you think Safe Zone 53 will help us?”

Aidan glances at her and says, “I hope. Because if they don’t then we’ll probably have to request help from Diane, which would cause Wolf problems.”

Ever since the Technalogia faction arrived on Aegis and were fought back by the executives, they began spreading powerful dungeons around the planet as a way to attack the System factions on the planet. However, their actions have also indirectly caused harm to the inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Katie frowns at that before leaning into Aidan’s shoulder again and muttering, “Yeah.”

Several minutes pass as they watch Wolf navigate his way through the various rooms of the enormous temple until another large blue chest appears in the middle of one of the rooms.

“Looks like that temple has more than one loot box in it, unlike the others,” Aidan comments into the silence of the carriage.

One of the guards unconsciously nods his head and mutters, “Rare ones at that…”

Katie glances at the guard for a moment before returning her attention to the screen as she says, “The centurion themes probably have an increased chance for higher rarity loot boxes.”

As she says that, Wolf touches the loot box and the description of a pair of boots appears above the chest.

After reading through it, Wolf just grabs the pair of boots and puts them into his inventory before moving on to the next room.

“I wish I had enough loot to be able to just toss something as good as that into my inventory like trash…” Katie mutters with an envious look on her face.

Aidan glances at her with an eyebrow raised before asking, “But would you be willing to go through everything he has to get that loot?”

She furrows her brows for a second, only to shake her head and say, “No, probably not.”

Aidan chuckles at her response before turning to look at the carriage door as another knock sounds from it.

“Sir, we are about to arrive at Safe Zone 53,” the same guard as earlier says from the other side of the door.

“Alright,” Aidan replies back before getting up at the same time as Katie. “Looks like it’s time.”

Katie nods her head and opens the carriage door to leave.


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