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These gems…

I cross my arms in front of the three gems at the front of the dungeon.

This dungeon really does like the color black…

And that’s not just its element either. Most of its decorations – of the ones it has that is – are all black as well.

I turn around as I hear someone call out for me, “City Lord! Lord Xurek has arrived at the city!”


That was fast.

I look one last time at the glowing black gems before moving back to the line of people waiting to enter the dungeon, where the guard is waiting for me.

“Let’s go,” I tell the guard as I pass by him heading in the direction of my manor.

Let’s see what the Orc Lord wish to talk about.

It is the first time he’s visited since the war ended after all.


Once I enter my office, I quickly find the Orc Lord sitting on the chair in front of my desk.

The man gets up once he sees me enter and offers me his hand with a smile, showing off his fangs as he says, “It’s nice to see you again, City Lord.”

I nod my head in agreement while shaking his hand and saying, “Yeah.”

After the handshake, I go around to the other side of my desk and take a seat behind it.

“You also look like you should be breaking through to Tier 2 soon,” he comments with an approving look in his gaze.

I smile at that and nod before getting down to business, “So why did you wish to see me?”

Lord Xurek returns to the seat across from me and immediately says, “I would like to negotiate for my subordinates to have more dungeon dives now that the dungeon is Tier 2.”

I lean backwards a little at his statement.

That’s not too surprising. Especially since the Orcs just lost a war.

“And what are you willing to offer in exchange?” I ask him, not beating around the bush.

The Orc Lord doesn’t miss a beat and answers, “The King of the Kingdom of Brimstone has offered to enter a trade alliance with Wolfdenn.”

My eyes widen in shock at his answer.

A trade alliance?!

But that would…

“Yes, doing this will officially recognize your city and land as its own nation in the eyes of the other nearby nations,” he says, clearly reading my thoughts from my face.

I didn’t expect them to do that…

A trade alliance is more of a protection alliance in return for trade benefits. One nation enters an alliance with another, with all of the same rules as a normal alliance except that those rules only affect them and not the other side.

Which means that if any other nation tried to threaten Wolfdenn, we’d have the Kingdom of Brimstone backing us no matter who it was. But at the same time, we won’t be involved with any wars or political battles they get involved in.

My eyes narrow after a few seconds.

“Why is your King willing to do this?” I ask while crossing my arms.

It just doesn’t make much sense.

I don’t have any connections to their King outside of Lord Xurek, and the dungeon is still only Tier 2.

Sure, they lost a war, but that war wasn’t the King’s battle. It was Lord Xurek’s.

Actually, I don’t even know the King’s name now that I think about it.

“There are a few reasons that his Majesty gave me for why,” Lord Xurek says while leaning forwards in his seat, “the first one is that he’s simply interested in the dungeon you have here. Or more specifically, its interesting element.”

The dungeon’s element? But he’d be able to look into it even without being in a trade alliance with me.

“The second reason is that out kingdom as a whole is in need of more dungeons right now for reasons I can’t tell you,” he continues, piquing my interest a little, “but the main reason is that he’s interested in you.”

My eyebrows raise in surprise.

“Me?” I ask him with a frown.

Lord Xurek nods his head and adds, “Yes, because of some rumors that have spread to the nearing nations, many of the nation rulers have taken an interest in you.”

My frown deepens as I ask, “What rumors?”

The man’s response only makes my frown deeper, “People have seen the Princess of the Raizel Empire moving around Wolfdenn, along with some of your interactions with her. So rumors have spread about possible relationships between you and the Raizel royal family.”

Damn Ari. I knew she was going to cause a problem with her presence here…

“Then there’s that little detail that we Orcs have noticed,” he says while narrowing his eyes and likely referring to the fact that they know I’m a Hybrid.

Well shit. Guess it’s time to kick Ari out of Wolfdenn.

Putting that aside for the moment, I narrow my eyes and slowly state, “You do realize that I am staying neutral no matter what? So doing this won’t make me go out of my way to assist your kingdom.”

Lord Xurek just smirks at that and says, “We know. But we also know that the Raizel Empire might just assist us, or at least leave us alone, if a certain someone is known to be in a trade alliance with us.”

So that’s how they’re playing…

Even if I don’t give them any help, they’re still right. Father likely won’t do anything against them if he knew I was in a trade alliance with them. Even if he doesn’t directly help them.

This way, I won’t break my neutrality, but I can still gain a backer. Not only that, but The Lost Mountains can finally be officially recognized as its own nation instead of just a region owned by me.

After a few more seconds of contemplating the decision, I look at the man and say, “Alright, I can accept this arrangement.”

Lord Xurek smiles and nods before getting up from his seat and saying, “Then I look forward to this trade alliance.”

I get up from my seat as well and while reaching my hand out

“But that also means you’re going to have to find a name for your nation,” he adds when he clasps my hand, “so be sure to have one once the King comes to negotiate the deal.”

My eyes widen at that.

That’s right.

But what should I call it?


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Not gonna lie that previous chapter was uneventful try harder please love the book though