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An hour and a half later

Well, this is new.

I glance around the large chamber full of floating platforms once before returning my gaze to the id floating above the head of the monster who’s standing completely still on the back platform.

                                  _-| Algaf – Scythian Sentry – Level 1015 |-_

It doesn’t seem to be a mini boss, and yet it still has a name…

How odd.

The creature has a very similar appearance to the golems, but with a much bulkier size, some sort of extension to the back of its head, kind of similar to a tail.

It’s also a higher level than the other monsters on the floor.

I jump up and onto the first floating platform before the monster immediately begins to move. At the same time, several other scythian golems jump down from the ceiling and land on the platforms around the room.


It’s kind of annoying, but these things don’t show up on my life sense. Probably because they’re golems.

That combined with their extreme stealth probably makes them some of the very few creatures that can actually sneak up on me.

The sentry – after seemingly stretching for a moment – looks up at me before tilting its head.

I simply blink in surprise at this action, only to drop my mouth open in surprise as the creature suddenly spreads its clawed ands out and lets out a hoarse mixture of a roar and a scream that would’ve badly hurt my ears if I didn’t already have my soundproofing damn-near maxed out.

Soon after that, the other golems spread around the room begin to let out their own shrieks to add to the sentry’s before jumping from platform to platform towards me.

Is this the final battle of this temple? Or just another room?

Because for a simple temple in a large jungle, it’s pretty damn big.

I glance down beneath the platforms, only to find that same abyss of darkness that I had seen a while back on the high tech themed floor.

Okay, so falling down is probably a bad idea.

With that thought in mind, I attempt to make a bridge between the platforms, but my ice element doesn’t seem to want to move in between them, over the abyss.

So it’s the same as before then.

What about…

I make several weapons of ice around myself before sending them flying at the golems rushing towards me, and they fortunately pass over the gaps between platforms with ease.

Looks like I just can’t directly manipulate my element while in a place full of whatever strange element that’s blocking mine.

Which now that I look at it, reminds me a little bit of that small stuff that was added to my own ice a while back when I temporarily awakened as a reaper…

Putting that thought aside for the moment, I jerk my head to the left right before some strange, arced blade passes through where my head was.

My eyes narrow and I turn my gaze away from the various golems that are falling into the abyss below after being struck mid-air by my weapons of ice to look at the sentry who is already regrowing the blade sticking out of its elbow.

So the sentry can disconnect, throw, and regrow those things?

I quickly create a large spear of ice before launching it at the sentry and jumping from platform to platform over towards it. On my way, several of the golems that I’d missed with my initial barrage attempt to stop me, but I just either dodge out of the way or physically knock them into the abyss below without pausing in my charge.

Once my spear reaches the sentry, however, my eyes widen in surprise as it simply raises one of its arms and swipes at my spear, knocking it away and into the abyss without actually damaging it.

That thing’s fast…

I continue leaping from platform to platform without caring much about the golems in my way due to their inherent stiffness of movement and focus on burst speed – which really makes me question why the dungeon chose a room like this to have them battle in – before I reach the platform directly next to the one the sentry is on.

The thing lets out another screech and jumps towards the platform I’m on, only for me to freeze a slippery slide of ice at the edge of it, making it immediately slip once it lands before falling off of the platform entirely.

I walk over to the edge to find it screeching while falling into the abyss before turning back to the remaining golems.

That was a lot easier than I expected.

And maybe a little bit anticlimactic as well.

The rest of the golems aren’t much of a problem after the sentry’s fallen, so I clean the rest of them up rather quickly.

This room really wasn’t a very good choice for them…

It also doesn’t help that I’m still a little over leveled for this floor from my preparations for the boss battle on the last floor.

At that thought, a flash of blue light shines from the platform that the sentry was originally standing on, followed by the appearance of a old-looking blue chest.

So… this entire temple really was just one ‘room’ then? With a single loot box as the prize for navigating through it all.

Even if that loot box is a rare one.

I look around the room again before I come to a realization.

This room choice might not actually have been as bad as I thought…

The slower competitors would likely have difficulty avoiding the golems even with their burst speed, and some of them might even make a mistake due to the unpredictability of the monsters before falling off of a platform.

This room aside, I jump over onto the platform with the loot box before opening the chest and squinting my eyes at the reward.

Some sort of burst speed skill? Really fitting for the monsters on this floor, but not all that useful for me.

Especially not with a large stamina cost.

I reach out and touch the skill orb before turning to look at a hidden door that begins to open up on the wall next to the platform I’m on, leading to the outside of the temple.

So I guess the theme just has larger ‘rooms’ with stronger monsters so far. Aside from the other things that the notification mentioned, of course.

I look back at the room one last time before jumping out of the temple and beginning to make my way through the jungle.


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