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                                                         Year 819 | Month 1 | Day 19
                                                                  A few hours later

Just… what am I looking at?

In front of me appears to be some sort of… hole?

Just a large pitch black hole in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by greenery on all sides.

Suddenly, a System note appears in my vision.

I stare at the note until it vanishes, only to stare at the dungeon for several seconds before turning around and walking away.

Yeah, maybe I might check that out once I know more about it, but now’s not a good time.

Besides. Who jumps into a random hole in the ground after being told there’s a bunch of monsters in it?

Doesn’t really sound like a smart idea to me.

At least not until you know how it works.


                                                                 Nine hours later

I frown as I gaze out from the top of a tall tree at the dozen or so abominations surrounding the greater abomination.

Hmm, yeah, I didn’t really think about that being a possibility.

In hindsight though, I probably should have. After all, the other Tier 2 monsters here had their own little followers, so why wouldn’t this one?

I lean back against the trunk of the tree with a dejected sigh.

It’s still possible to get my plan to work, but it would require a larger number of reavers to pull off than before. Which was already a pretty large amount of them to begin with.

And I doubt I’ll be able to gather that many.

Which leaves the only option left to me at this point…

Is to either find another Tier 2 and bait it over here – which is likely impossible, because I’ll be dead before getting here – or to bait this Tier 2 over to a different one.

The second option I know is possible since I’ve run from the thing before. Albeit with some painful wounds as a result of the chase.

I purse my lips without taking my eyes off of the greater abomination.

My best shot is to find a Tier 2 monster close enough nearby that it won’t take me long to bait the abomination into it. So if I can’t find a Tier 2 within a kilometer or two around this area, then it’s probably for the best that I just let it go and give up on the optional objective.

Even if it means I lose my cave and have to rough it against the nighttime monsters every night.

I grimace at the thought, only for a loud screeching sound to attract my attention from the East.

And it’s not only my attention that it’s attracted either. The greater abomination suddenly stops moving at the sound.

Okay, I recognize that screech.

I guess the world is trying to push me in the direction of completing the optional objective after all.

But… my skill still isn’t off of its cooldown yet.

And looking at the skill itself, it’ll still take a couple more hours before its cooldown ends…

Uncaring of my situation, the vethrokin queen continues charging through the trees with her… hive? With her hive of vethrokin following behind her, completely tearing down any of the trees she passes without a care.

Unless there’s another vethrokin queen in the area, I’m guessing this means that she defeated that dark hellionite alpha.

The abominations quickly begin to crawl over towards the queen and her hive – which is noticeably smaller than the last time I saw it – all while swinging their tentacles around like crazy.

Well, I guess I can always use this opportunity to search for the greater abomination’s heart while they fight. Assuming I can even see it from up here.


The fight surprisingly lasts for an entire hour before either of the Tier 2 monsters begin to show signs of defeat. Although that’s mostly because of how annoying the greater abomination seems to be to fight.

After all, they have incredible regeneration, if you can even call it that. No matter how many times the vethrokin queen has struck the thing, it always regenerates without any issues, only slowing down slightly in the process.

Which means the creature’s only weakness is likely its heart.

That said, the abomination is failing miserably to do much damage to the vethrokin queen at all. None of its tentacles can break through its chitin, making the queen’s only real weak areas being inside of its body and underneath its center, where I noticed a much squishier area at one point when she jumped through the air backwards.

Although at this point, all of the minions on either side are dead; the vethrokin all squashed by the greater abomination, and the normal abominations all torn apart by the vethrokin before that.

Which was a little pathetic to watch, compared to the large fight going on between the Tier 2s.

It’ll also likely serve as a nice example of what might happen to me if I did something stupid like them and decided to fight the Tier 2s head on.

That said, now I have another issue to deal with.

Wrath Infusion lets me take in the wrath of three different beings to make myself stronger at the cost of me possibly going berserk.

Not only would going berserk be a bit of a problem – and I’m pretty sure it would probably happen, considering that I’d be super-powering the skill – but there’s also the glaring fact that there’s only two beings left in the area besides me.

So instead of using wrath infusion… I look through my other skills before eventually stopping on Fangs of Wrath.

Since this skill has a true damage bonus to it, it’s probably my best bet towards killing the creature.

Even if the idea of sinking my fangs into that thing is a little disturbing to think about.

I continue watching their fight for about half an hour before finally beginning to climb down the tree after seeing both of the Tier 2s slow down a little from exhaustion.

Time to see if this objective is possible or not.


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Personal Announcement

Congratulations! You have found a dungeon!

Dungeons are special locations created by the System as a way to manage the release of the much larger monster groups throughout the plane.

These dungeons are set up as temporary seals to lock up the monsters in which anyone – with the lone exception of released monsters – can enter or leave.

This is done in the hopes that, before the dungeon bindings shatter, an individual such as yourself might stumble upon the dungeon and clear out some of the monsters held within.



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