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                                            Year 2849 | Month 5 | Day 26 | Wednesday

I look through the scope of my sniper from my current position atop a large building to see one of the last two cadets of the opposing team running through the city streets below.

And the cadet – a girl named Julie – doesn’t seem very happy.

But that’s become a rather common reaction from our mock battle opponents.

Which makes sense, considering that none of the other cadets have managed to beat us thanks to my immortality.

It’s reached the point that most of them are just avoiding me and trying to take out the rest of my team.

Before I can get a shot off on the girl, she goes around a building, out of my sight.

I frown at this before looking around the city for the other person.

If only this city wasn’t so annoying. The buildings are too large and are blocking my sight, making it impossible to see the entire city.

The only plus-side of this is that this particular mock battle is just a team death match, and not a capture the flag.

So I don’t have to worry about them sneaking by and capturing our-

“Damn it! Win this for me!” I hear Aidan shout through the call on my id card before the usual shattering sound echoes through the simulator – one that Leo added in after the first mock battle – signifying the loss of one of the cadets.

My frown deepens even more, but before I can say anything to the others, I hear the sound of someone stepping on something behind me and jerk to my feet with my rifle swinging around from the balcony, only for it to be kicked out of my hands by the other of the two remaining cadets.

Without wasting even a second, I draw my sword from the sheath at my waist before raising it towards them, startling them with my reaction speed as they rush to block it with their own knife that was hastily drawn from its sheath. But thanks to their hurried reaction, they ended up holding the knife in an awkward position. That – along with the fact that it’s his knife versus my sword – allows me to continue pushing through towards his chest.

The cadet grimaces as he realizes just how poorly his sneak attack has ended up before he tries to back up, causing me to slip forwards from the sudden lack of resisting force. He then smirks and rushes forwards with his knife, plunging it directly into my chest and through my heart while drawing his slightly longer blade from its sheath and impaling me through the stomach as well.

However, his smirk quickly turns into horror as he realizes that the simulator didn’t stop either of the attacks, only to turn into shock once he sees me raising my sword with some effort and thrusting it towards his own chest. As soon as my sword is about to strike him, the usual barrier appears, and he is teleported out along with his knife that is still in my chest, and the blade that’s in my stomach.

I grimace as the wounds heal back up before looking down at the holes in my uniform’s top.

And there goes another uniform…

If the instructors hadn’t given me several dozen spare uniforms, then I’d probably be in trouble a lot for ruining them.

But that doesn’t change the fact that I have to pay for any spares after these initial ones. So I would very much like to avoid ruining them.

“I dealt with Jeremy,” I say into my card.

After that, I stretch out both of my arms despite not needing to before turning back around to the balcony and setting myself up to shoot again, only to pause as another shattering sound echoes throughout the simulator, followed by the simulator itself beginning to shrink.

I guess one of the others got Julie.

With that thought in mind, I put my rifle away before glancing at my chest.

It’s so surreal how having my heart skewered didn’t affect me all that much…

The stomach wound wasn’t all that deep, likely due to how awkwardly he was holding the blade, but I’ve never actually had my heart damaged while I could feel pain, so I would have expected it to hurt more. But I guess this is probably due to the pain resistance I’ve gained from…

My thoughts trail off as the simulator gets small enough that I can see the people outside of it.

Or, more specifically, the cadet Jeremy – the one who had stabbed me in the heart – who is currently staring at me with a frown on his face.


I forgot.

He straight up watched his knife go through my chest, and yet, the simulator didn’t activate, and I am perfectly fine. Of course he would grow suspicious from that.

I turn my attention away from him towards the other people surrounding the BFS, only to find them all with the same expressions that they usually have when my team finishes a mock battle.

Ones showing that nothing happened that they weren’t already expecting.

Although, there are actually one or two that are frowning – aside from Jeremy.

Those two aside, it looks like most of the cadets don’t realize that the knife went straight through my heart.

I glance at the other members of my team before walking out of the BFS with them to the sound of the cadets chatter on the outside.

“That was a probably the best battle you cadets have had yet,” Leo begins with a frown on his face before he continues speaking, “But there are still several things you should work on. And that’s not just your spells.” He looks directly at one of the enemy team’s cadets when he says this.

This particular cadet – from what I could see from my sniping post at least – seemed to be focusing way too much on their spells and was avoiding using their weapon entirely.

Teacher then proceeds to go into a long lecture, touching on each and every one of us that participated in today’s mock battles whilst showing replays of the battles to go along with the lecture.

Although when he gets to me and Jeremy, he doesn’t show the last scene where he stabbed me in the heart, which I notice makes Jeremy’s frown grow even deeper as he glances at me.

I try to focus entirely on the instructor so as to not attract any more suspicion from the cadet.

This isn’t good.

Having the instructor’s healing spell as an excuse for everything has worked well up till now, but I doubt the guy will believe that the spell was good enough to heal me even when my heart was impaled. Especially not considering how a magician as weak as myself can ‘use it’.

I just hope he’s willing to believe that he just missed my heart.


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