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I stare blankly at the screen in front of me for several seconds as the video feed from the screen shows dad sitting in some sort of carriage with a couple of people sitting around him.

It isn’t until he continues speaking that I break out of my stupor.

“We’re currently heading over to meet up with the leaders of several Safe Zones to have a group call with all of the important Safe Zones around the area,” dad says in a tense tone of voice. “Fortunately, Tiamat came out and obliterated the scout ship for their faction, otherwise they probably would’ve already attacked some of the Safe Zones.”

“Tiamat?” I mutter with a frown before shaking my head and walking over to a sofa as I ask, “How many scout ships were there? And are you all okay?”

“From what we have heard,” I hear mom’s voice interject from somewhere off-screen in the call, “there were hundreds of scout ships sent throughout the world, but most of them retreated after Tiamat’s greeting.”

That’s… interesting.

I guess having one of the most powerful beings in the System – if not existence itself – staying on Aegis isn’t as bad as I had originally thought it was.

Suddenly, Aidan’s voice joins in, also from somewhere off-screen, “Don’t forget to mention how she obliterated the climate for several kilometers around the scout ship, creating some sort of apocalypse zone in the process.”

My eyes widen slightly at that before shaking my head.

I knew that she was in the five digits level-wise, but I didn’t think she would be that strong.

It might be a good idea to put in some more research on the strongest individuals in the system…

“Is there anything I can do to help?” I ask while sitting up on the sofa again.

Dad glances away from the screen for a second before looking back and answering, “No.”

I open my mouth to reply only to close it again as Aidan sticks his head in front of the screen and says, “You just worry about becoming an Administrator and bringing both yourself and Lexi back to us!”

A faint smile touches my lips at his words before I nod. Dad then proceeds to hang up the call.

Only a few seconds later, the smile disappears and is replaced with a slightly worried look, just for that to vanish as well.

If there’s nothing I can do, then there’s nothing I can do.

I can tell Diane, but I would be surprised if she didn’t already know about the Technalogia faction’s arrival.

With that thought in mind, I dispel the portable system store before diverting some of my attention back to keeping myself cool.

The frown comes back quickly as I begin sprinting through the caverns again in my neutral form.

Over the past weeks, I’ve gotten rather used to being in my hunter form with it’s increased physical capabilities. To the point that the fog in my mind doesn’t even bother me much anymore.

But this floor is way too damned hot to walk around in armor whilst covered in a coat of fur…

My thoughts are interrupted as I feel something entering the range of my life sense skill from beneath the ground.

With a grimace, I shift into my hunter form despite the heat before focusing on the ground right as a large flame-coated worm breaks out of the surface.

My eyebrows raise slightly once I identify it.

                                                      _-| Magmo – Uragar – Level 893 |-_

A mini boss? Did I wander into its area, or is it just roaming around?

Also, what’s with that name?

It doesn’t really seem-

My thoughts are interrupted as magma begins to flow out of the large worm’s skin. At the same time, it opens its lamprey-like mouth and screeches loud enough that I have to increase the soundproofing on my headphones.

I frown at the annoying monster before waving my hand and using ice flow, causing a large wave of icy water to spray out, almost instantly freezing anything it touches, including the monster whose level is over ten below my own.

Despite having a large portion of its body frozen to the ground, with the entrance to the tunnel it dug frozen shut with half of its body still underground, the creature still continues to spill out magma from its skin. It then jerks forwards toward me and tries spitting out a ball of magma at my face, only for the magma to splash into a wall of ice that I create in front of myself with an Ice Wall skill I had purchased back on the desert theme.

“These skills are really useful when there isn’t any ice element to manipulate…” I mutter to myself as I rush around the ice wall straight towards the large worm before jumping up towards the underside of its mouth and digging my claws through its fleshy skin.

This is disgusting.

My thoughts aside, I proceed to dig around through its body in search of its hearts. After I feel several lumps of warm flesh that feel like they are pulsing, I grab onto them and rip them all out of its body, causing the large worm to let out a loud screech in pain.

I then back up a few feet as the creature falls to the ground and vanishes, leaving a mini boss chest behind in its place.

A frown crosses my face as I feel the creature’s blood still coating my arm.

That creature was way too fleshy…

With that thought in mind, I focus on creating ice element and cleaning my arms of the creature’s blood before turning towards the chest.

Considering how weak it was, I doubt there’s anything important in here.

That aside, I still walk up to it and place my hand on top of it, causing the description of some trashy item to appear above it.

My frown deepens slightly before I shake my head and continue on through the tunnel I’m currently in.

The worm’s area should be somewhere near here.


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Magmo? Sounds like a Pokemon :)