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No prologue for this story. I decided to just stop doing prologues and epilogues unless I feel it fits the story. Now it's just chapter 1.

Mostly because people are weird and skip prologues even if they are actually very important .-.

Also, don't forget to check out my other stories ;)


One week after defeating the Deepsea Kraken, on the eightieth floor of The Administrator Dungeon

A wide grin stretches across my face as I fall the rest of the way from the crystal-coated trees hanging above the forest straight into the boss’s head with one clawed hand stretched out towards it. Once I reach it, my claws dig straight through the cracked crystals that make up the enormous, crystal-coated spider’s head and into its brain.

The boss of the eighth floor theme – otherwise known as a Crystal Narcolye – immediately stops putting up any fight against Sapphire allowing her to push it to the side as I jump off of its body with its brain held in my clawed hand.

After tossing the brain onto the ground, I watch the boss’s corpse for a few seconds as it disappears before muttering, “Much easier than the leviathan boss on the last theme…”

Just seconds later, I grunt slightly as I feel Sapphire practically tackle me before climbing up to my shoulder as usual. At the same time, a large chest coated in crystals with the symbol of a spider’s head on the front of it appears in the place of the boss’s corpse.

I reach up to pet Sapphire as I walk over to the chest. Before reaching it though, I glance at the corner of my interface.

                                                                                 My Info:

                                                                               Level: 901

                                                                     EXP: 12832/90100

                                                                 System Points: 815.20

                                                            Viewing Room Profits: 2421

Although part of that is probably because I over leveled a bit for this floor boss.

Which, if I’m being honest, is what I would like to have done for the leviathan as well. But with the last theme being a hazardous floor and all, it made it practically impossible to do that.

Once I touch the boss chest, a frown replaces the grin on my face.


                                                  Item | Crystalline Silk Bow | Tier 6

This skill is not attainable outside of a boss chest from the boss: Arachnid Lord of the Crystal Forest.

The Crystalline Silk Bow increases the user’s arm strength by 100%, while also doubling the piercing power of whatever arrows are shot from the bow.

Any arrow shot from this bow will gain the texture and sharpness of a crystal from the body of a Crystal Narcolye.


“A bow?” I mutter to myself out loud before Crystal’s face comes to mind.

Hmm, she might want it. So, I’ll keep it, just in case I run into her in the future and she has something I want in return.

I grab the bow before furrowing my brows slightly and placing it into my inventory.

Although, it’s also quite likely that she has a better bow already and won’t have any use for it.

I frown for a second at the thought before shrugging and walking over towards the exit.

Doesn’t really matter right now.

My focus turns to Sapphire as I both hear and feel her begin purring on my shoulder whilst rubbing her ice-coated head against my neck.

Suddenly, a flash of memories returns from my battle with the kraken event boss, causing my face to turn grim slightly.

Please don’t let there be another event boss any time soon.

I didn’t even get much out of that battle, outside of that strange series of events and the level-up for my predator skill.

Sapphire stops purring once we arrive at the exit, which is standing in the middle of an open clearing, surrounded by enormous crystal trees, with light clouds hovering above them.

I look around the floor for a few seconds before faintly smiling.

It’ll be nice to get out of this place.

At that thought, a few rays of light escape through the clouds into the crystalline trees and leaves around me. The ray then reflects off of everything and eventually ends up finding its way into my eyes.

I squint whilst raising my arm to block the light.

This is one thing I certainly won’t miss when entering the next theme.

“Let’s just hope the next theme has less sunlight,” I mutter to Sapphire, to which she lets out a cute little screech mixed with a purr in response.

And with that, I reach out and touch the exit.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” I shout in a mixture of exasperation and irritation as I look around the eighty-first floor in complete discomfort due to the extremely high heat.

The area around me is actually underground for the first time since the first theme, but it both looks and feels like I’m in some sort of volcanic cavern.

All of the walls are practically glowing red, with several little lavafalls spouting out of them into pools of… is that magma or lava?

I’m actually not sure on the difference there, but either way, it’s not enjoyable.

The entire cavern I’m in is boiling hot, and I doubt I’ll be able to find even a hint of ice element anywhere nearby.

My attention turns towards a large tunnel on one of the far ends of the cavern.

Is this floor just going to be a bunch of connected caverns or something? Because this underground space isn’t doing much for the heat.

I think I actually preferred being blinded on the last theme to this…

Sapphire – apparently agreeing with my sentiment – lets out a short screech and climbs back down my shoulder before entering my shadow and releasing what sounds like a sigh.

My brows furrow slightly at that.

Did she just sigh?

Actually, scratch that.

Is it not as hot in my shadow?!

That’s just unfair!

I glare at the little spider in my shadow for a few seconds before closing my eyes and focusing on generating ice element and having it circulate around the outside of my body. After doing this, the cavern begins to feel a lot more tolerable for me.

At the same time, I allow the naturally generated ice element to begin leaving my body slightly, with some of it staying in to keep my insides cooled down as well.

I let out a sigh after finishing this, but before I can so much as open my eyes, I sense something big enter the range of my life sense. When I open my eyes to look at it, I find myself staring at a large… fish?

Why is there a large fish swimming in a pool of lava?

Oddly enough, the fish just stares at me for several seconds as I identify it.

                                          _-| Unnamed – Magma Spitter – Level 885 |-_

I furrow my brows at that name.

The fish seems to be a couple of meters long, with glowing red scales, and a large mouth.

A mouth that also happens to be opening at this very second.

I jump out of the way right as a large ball of magma spews out of the creature’s mouth and flies straight towards where I was standing.


I have a sneaking feeling that I’m going to despise this floor theme.

Although at least there isn’t any sunlight down here…


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I usually skip prologues because people very rarely use them to add anything of value to them.


For my prologues, it was always just the first chapter of the story. Pure and simple. So people kept straight up skipping the first chapter, which was incredibly important. Then they'd go and ask a bunch of questions about things that were very clearly answered in the prologue.