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There will not be a Dungeon from the Void chapter tomorrow after all.


                                               Near the coast of the Lost Mountains

Ark - a Goblin unknowingly named Buffoon by the Dungeon Core known as Fenrir - raises his small head and looks out over the water towards the coast from the small, makeshift raft he is floating on. At the same time, the raft itself is straining as parts of it continuously break off into the water from the shoddy craftsmanship of the raft.

The Goblin has green skin

This particular Goblin is the sole survivor of the Goblin extermination within the Lost Mountains.

Due to having just left the dungeon at the time of the attack, Ark was sent away from the battle by his brother instead of being locked into it. Thanks to this, he was able to reach the coast and build a small raft that he has been drifting on from coast to coast ever since.

All in search of his home land.

"I back!" the little Goblin exclaims as he begins paddling the raft in an attempt to get it closer towards the coast, only for the raft itself to finally fall apart completely, leaving Ark to fall into the water with a short screech of fright.

The Goblin proceeds to flail in the water for a little bit before a small wave moves towards him and sweeps him up towards the coast.

A large amount of water begins going down Ark's throat, only for him to cough most of it back up as he crashes onto the sandy beach of the Lost Mountains.

After finishing with his coughing fit, the little Goblin climbs up to his feet rather unsteadily before looking around for a few seconds.

"Now, Ark must find Ank!" Ark says out loud despite the lack of anyone besides himself in the area before he starts walking up the beach towards the mountain ending soon before it.

The little Goblin continues walking out of the beach and through the mountains until he finds a small group of Humans and Orcs and hides behind a tree, under a bush.

Ark stays under the bush for several minutes as the group gets closer and closer, eventually getting close enough for him to hear their conversation.

"Do you think the war will last for long?" an adult Human man asks as he adjusts the bow draped across his shoulder.

Ark leans forwards slightly as he hears them mentioning a war.

'Is war still happening?' he thinks before clenching his tiny fist with a fearful look on his face.

"I don't know," the gruff voice of one of the Orcs responds. "But The Drezar Kingdom has those Elves backing them up, so I doubt Lord Xurek will let the war span on for long."

The Goblin furrows his thin green brows at this statement, but before he can think on it, another Human adds with a shrug, "While that's true, I doubt Lord Frost will just let him back away without paying reparations."

"You have a point there," another Human - a female one this time - adds, "it's just not something I can see that Lord doing."

Ark leans even further forward in the bush as the group passes by.

'Who Xurek? And Froze?' he thinks in confusion, but before any of the group says anything else, he slips and falls forwards, out of the bush and into the open.

The group of four Humans and two Orcs immediately turn around at the noise whilst raising their weapons, only to pause in confusion as they see the Goblin sprawled out in front of them.

Ark stares at the group for a second as silence fills the clearing, but immediately gets up and begins sprinting away as one of the Humans mutters, "Is that a Goblin?"

It isn't until a few seconds pass after his words that the group comes to their senses and begins chasing after Ark, who jumps from tree to tree in the small clearing of trees around them. He then suddenly stops moving and throws a rock that he had picked up while running into a bush several meters away from the tree he stopped in.

This action draws the Humans' and Orcs' eyes to the bush, allowing him to carefully move around the tree before entering a small hole in the tree. One only barely large enough for him to fit with his small size.

The group turns back to the tree again after realizing that they were tricked by a rock, only to find the Goblin no longer there.

"Damn it," the first Human who had spoken earlier swears whilst glaring at the trees around them, "how did a stupid Goblin get away from us?!"

The group continues looking for several minutes around the area, without climbing the tree, causing them to miss the hole in the tree. They then eventually give up, walking back in the direction they originally came from as one of the Orcs grumbles, "And now I'm going to have to report this to the City Lord..."

"And I doubt he will be happy to know that one of the Goblins survived," a Human adds whilst sending a look full of pity towards the Orc, despite their racial difference and war.

The sounds of talking continues to get quieter and quieter for the little Goblin as the group moves further and further away from the tree until Ark is eventually left in silence.

However, even after this, the little Goblin does not leave the hole within the tree. Instead, tears begin to flow down the Goblin's face as he cries silently into the night.

'Does that mean...' he thinks to himself before sniffling, 'Ank... dead?'

The small Goblin continues crying for a few more minutes before suddenly stopping.

'Wait...' he thinks while wiping the tears from his eyes, 'I no give in. Ank may live like Ark.'

Ark finishes wiping the tears from his eyes before starting out of the hole within the tree and climbing down to the ground.

He then raises his head up to look at the moon with a determined look on his face as he says, "Ark will find Ank!"


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