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Alexander North

It ends up taking me several hours to get used to my new wings just to be able to walk with them. Then it takes a few more hours trying to figure out how to fly with them. Which is rather surprising, considering that it takes less time to learn to fly than to learn to walk with them.

Not that I’m complaining.

In the end I actually make it back to the capital just a little bit later than I had originally planned. Specifically due to taking advantage of my wings to fly over any terrain.

And when I make it back to the bunker, both Cynthia and Alexia stare rather blankly at my wings for several seconds.

I, on the other hand, just ask, “Do either of you know how to sew?”

They continue staring.

Seconds pass in silence.

“Um, hello?” I ask while crossing my arms. Snapping both of them out of it as Alexia shakes her head in denial and returns to her training.

Cynthia, on the other hand, nods her head and says, “I can do a little sewing.”

I stare at her.

She stares back.

“What?” she eventually asks while furrowing her brows. “Is it so weird that a princess can sew?”

I wordlessly nod my head.

“Then why’d you ask?” she exclaims with her arms crossed.

I keep my mouth shut.

Was mostly just asking in a ‘just in case’ sense. Didn’t actually expect either of them to answer positively.

After all, they’re both from really rich families. Even if Alexia’s situation was… special.

Eventually Cynthia just sighs, rubbing her temples before saying, “Well, fine. Go collect some shirts tomorrow from stores in the capital and bring them back. I’ll give them holes for your wings. But I can’t do anything about armor. You’ll have to check with a base for that.”

I nod my head with a faint smile and state, “Thank you.”

Wait, tomorrow?

I frown for a second, only for her to add, “We can go hunting on our own tomorrow, don’t worry.”

That has me pursing my lips, but after a few seconds, I just nod my head and mutter, “Alright. Thank you for the help.”

She nods her head and joins Alexia in their training. Meanwhile I head straight to bed while mentally deciding on where I should head tomorrow.

A lot of the capital has been left alone without all that many people looting it. Mostly because of the frozen ones roaming around it, not to mention the sleeping Frozen Lord that pretty much every knows about.

Most of the would-be looters are too afraid that the Frozen Lord will wake up the moment they enter the capital. So not many people actually enter the place. And while some still do, it’s nowhere near enough people to be able to steal even half of what’s in the massive city.

The most likely place to find some good quality clothing is the fourth district. Otherwise known as the shopping district of the capital. The place people would always go to for any form of shopping.

At least, before the Eternal Winter, that is.

After deciding on my target location, I quickly lie down in bed and fall asleep. And when I wake up the next morning, finding both Alexia and Cynthia gone on their own trips already, I head out further into the capital.

Nowadays there are more and more frozen ones gathering in the capital. But unlike with most people, they don’t attack me. In fact, they run for the hills – figuratively, considering the lack of hills in the capital – when they see me.

Which makes hunting while on this trip more trouble than it’s worth. So I don’t bother.

Unless they just get too close. Close enough I can handle them with a ranged ability.

Or if I accidentally corner them.

Not that most of them actually help me much with energy. Considering how weak they are.

I continue marching through the capital until I arrive at the shopping district. Which is a large chunk of the city spanning a good few city blocks.

But what used to be a busy place filled with cars driving through, enormous malls, large electronic billboards covered in ads, and people walking in entire waves down the large paths on either side of the street has now become nothing but a wasteland. One filled with large buildings, many of whom have crumbled a bit with rubble on the street mixed in with the damaged and sometimes destroyed vehicles. Frozen ones wandering about, ice coating everything, and not a single sound in sight.

Even the Eternal Winter is quiet right now, with the blizzard not currently covering the capital.

Meanwhile the frozen ones here run as far away from me as possible.

It’s just quiet. Eerily so.

All I hear are my own footsteps crunching the snow beneath me as I walk around searching for a mall that isn’t as rundown as the others. Along with the sounds of the fleeing frozen ones.

I pay them no mind, having grown used to them at this point. And after finding a less rundown mall, I go ahead and enter it. Soon finding those rather annoying suicide spiders inside of it.

My eyes narrow when they rush at me, only for me to use cold burst to wipe them all out before they can touch me. And after a brief hesitation, I decide to turn back around and find a different mall.

Mostly because I’d rather the clothes not get destroyed by a suicidal spider.

After finding another mall, I enter it and find it filled with some strange insect frozen ones. Making me wonder if the shopping district just had a bug infestation problem before the Eternal Winter or something. But I continue on this time since they aren’t suicidal bugs like the spiders.

They’re actually rather weak. And they’re surprisingly not afraid of me.

Which does get a tiny bit annoying, but they get me some nice energy with the massive numbers they bring with them.

So I go ahead and hunt while searching for clothes.


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